Ζητείται Quality Engineer - NPI (m/f) στη Σλοβενία

Quality Engineer - NPI (m/f) in Slovenia


Company name: Odelo Slovenija d.o.o.

Address: Tovarniška c. 12, Si-3312 Prebold

Contact person: Jana Puhar

Email: jana.puhar@odelo.si

Telephone number: +386 51 605 256

Website: www.odelo.si

Number of positions: 1

Place of work: Prebold, Slovenia

Type of employment: full time

Ref. number.: OG46271


Job description:

  • planning and defining quality requirements for new projects,

  • preparation of EMPB / PPAP customers,

  • communication with customers,

  • preparation of control plans,

  • release of tools and products,

  • sampling,

  • carrying out audits of new products and processes,

  • keeping records and compiling statistics and reports,

  • introduction of appropriate preventive and corrective measures,

  • transfer of knowledge to a wider team,

  • other work as instructed by the superior.


Experiences required: 2-5 years

Language skills: English (fluent), German (good), Slovenian (basic)

Additional information about accommodation, meals, travel expenses and other benefits: Remark - Supplement for travel expenses from and to work are obligatory paid by employer in Slovenia.

CVs and cover letter are to be sent in English by email to: zaposlitev@odelo.si

Deadline: 22.12.2021