Pre-work program for unemployed young people, aged 18-30

Κλειστό πρόγραμμα

Pre-work program for unemployed young people, aged 18-30



To enhance access to the labor market and address the loss of workforce by providing work experience to young  unemploed people.


Private and social sector companies that have not reduced their workforce during the 3 months prior to submitting the application. Employers are categorized based on the number of employees they have, as follows:

Number of EmployeesMaximum Number of Beneficiaries
Up to 3 employees1
4-9 employees2
10-19 employees3
20-30 employees5
31-50 employees8
More than 50 employees20% of the employed staff, up to 20


Unemployed individuals aged 18-30, at least graduates of compulsory education.

Duration and Subsidy

The program lasts for 7 months. The Public Employment Service (DYPA) will provide a monthly allowance equal to the legal minimum wage (with full social security contributions) and a pro-rata holiday bonus and holiday allowance to the beneficiaries.

07-12-2022 Click here for the Programme's Information Factsheet

07-12-2022 See the program announcement here (start of application submission)


Ανακοινώσεις - Δελτία Τύπου
Νομικό Πλαίσιο - Υποστηρικτικό Υλικό
07 Δεκεμβρίου2022
07 Δεκεμβρίου2022