Coach in Rhythmic Gymnastics in Norway

Coach in Rhythmic Gymnastics



Employer’s name

Malvik Gymnastics and Rhythmic Gymnastics Club

(Norwegian name: Malvik turn og RG)


Postboks 101, 7566 Vikhammer

Telephone number

 +47 975 16 958



Contact person

Vibeke Trøa




Description of the company

Malvik Gymnastics and Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) club has 200 members. The club offers Rhythmic Gymnastics and Team Gymnastics, both on a competitive and recreational level. 

The club is looking for an experienced coach in Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG), who can develop the RG part of the club further.

Number of employees: 17


Job title

Coach in Rhythmic Gymnastics

Number of posts


Job description


As a coach you will have the main responsibility for the RG trainings. This includes: 

• Making detailed periodic plans and plans for each training session 

• Organizing varied, motivating trainings that aim to develop all gymnasts, irrespective of level and training background 

• Working with gymnasts at different levels and within different age groups 

• Contributing to the development of assistant coaches 

• Working towards a good social environment 

• Attending relevant courses and seminars

The working hours are mainly in the evenings, and some work on weekends is expected. There will also be some administrative work. As a coach in Malvik turn og RG, it’s expected that you follow the general rules for Norwegian athletics, and the guidelines of Malvik turn og RG.


See attached advertisement for more detailed information.


Education, work experience, language, certificate etc.

The applicant should be familiar with the international code of points, and have experience from competitions and/or judging in the field of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Ballet experience is desirable.

Other skills, such as willingness and ability to adapt to Norwegian conditions, and good communication skills with children is an advantage.



We are looking for a coach who are willing to cooperate with the existing team, in order to bring the RG group in Malvik to a higher level.

As a coach in Malvik turn og RG, it’s expected that you follow the general rules for Norwegian athletics, and the guidelines of Malvik turn og RG.

The candidate should speak either Norwegian or English.


Working hours and place of work

The working hours are mainly in the evenings, and some work on weekends is expected. The club is located in the miniciplatity of Malvik, just outside the city of Trondheim, Norway.

Start date (and, if necessary, end date)

August or September 2019


300 000 NOK annualy for 100%.

Other information (accomodation support,  relocation package, bonuses…)

The club can assist you in finding a place to stay, but the rent is not included in the salary.



Last date of application

The position will be open until the position has been filled.

How to apply?

By email to

Contact person/ telephone number

Vibeke Trøa, +47 +47 975 16 958


Other information

If you have any questions please contact: Vibeke Trøa, executive director in Malvik turn og RG; or Marte Stalsberg, head coach RG;