SWEDISH WEEK - Nurses to Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Nurses to Sahlgrenska University Hospital


Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Göteborgsvägen 31, Hus U1

Göteborgsvägen 31,HR-avd.

431 80 MÖLNDAL

Tel 031-3421000


We are seeking to employ registered nurses - educated within EU/EES and in possess of a European citizenship with some experience and interest for working in one of following departments at our university hospital:

Emergency Psychiatry Medicine Surgery


Experience or special traning within these areas are an advantage.


Our offer:

Work in a highly specialized university hospital, one of northern Europe´s largest hospital`s with about 17000 employees In lovely Gothenburg, the second city of Sweden, situated at the southern west coast, with about 600 000 inhabitants Newly graduated salary: 2400 Euro/month/ fulltime (+ extra for nights/weekend shifts, approx. 240 Euro/month) Permanent positions Payday every 25th of the month Minimum 25 days of paid holiday Annual salary raise Individual competence plan (how do you want to develop?) Free primary care Wellness benefits, 1500 SEK/year for buying a gym card, yoga, massage Old age pension savings Possibilities for sub specialisation, research/development projects, leader positions Internal education and peer-to-peer learning Free Swedish language training Help with finding accommodation for first 12 months Establishment Support from HR-department, Welcome Services Invitations to social events over the year to build up network and get to know new friends in your new hometown


For more information/application - Send your CV + a motivational letter to Mia Myrgren: health@arbetsformedlingen.se