1,000 additional new jobs in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace with a subsidy of €17,160

1,000 additional new jobs in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace with a subsidy of €17,160

Following significant interest expressed by businesses in DYPA’s employment programme in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, the available new jobs of the programme were recently increased by 1,000, totalling 2,000.

The aim of the programme is to create full-time jobs for unemployed individuals in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The subsidy covers up to 70% of the salary and social insurance contributions for 12 months, which can be further extended for a period of 12 months.

The programme is addressed to private businesses operating in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Interested businesses may submit an application through the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration (gov.gr).

After the application has been submitted, DYPA will confirm whether the respective business meets the relevant conditions, and DYPA's employment counsellors will suggest candidates with the skills and qualifications specified by the employer.

The employer will finally select and hire the most suitable beneficiary. After the recent increase in the jobs offered, the total budget of the programme amounts to €28,600,000 and will be covered through DYPA's own resources.

For the Public Call and more information, you may visit DYPA’s website: https://www.dypa.gov.gr

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