150 businesses with over 4,000 job openings at DYPA’s "Career Days" event in Peristeri on October 18 and 19 2024

150 businesses with over 4,000 job openings at DYPA’s "Career Days" event in Peristeri on October 18 and 19, 2024

The Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) is organizing a "Career Days" event at the Peristeri Exhibition Center on Friday and Saturday, October 18-19, 2024, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, featuring the participation of 150 businesses offering more than 4,000 job openings.

This is the 33rd event of its kind organized by DYPA and is aimed at providing as many job-seeking citizens as possible the opportunity to speak directly with business representatives from various sectors that seek personnel, without a pre-scheduled appointment.

Admission to the event is free for all. Express your interest in participating in the event at this link:


During the two-day event, staff from DYPA’s Service Unit for Medium and Large Enterprises (MEMME) will provide information on job openings, as well as details on DYPA's initiatives and programmes in a designated area (Info Corner). Finally, specialized DYPA employment counsellors will provide information and guidance on effective job interviews and CVs (CV Corner).

Further information can be found at:



Click here for the Press Release


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