
Unemployment & Insurance subsidies of employees

  • Ordinary Unemployed
      • General Information

        The Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy (RUS) is a subsidy provided to insured persons, able and available to work, with a dependent work relationship which has either ended or has been terminated by the employer, during which they paid contributions for the unemployment sector of the Public Employment Service. The duration of the subsidy varies from five (%) to twelve (12) months depending on the days of work beneficiaries carried out in specific (critical) periods before the termination or the end of their work relationship and the number of daily subsidies they collected in the last four years.

        If during the subsidy the beneficiaries lose the status of unemployed (e. g. because of employment, illness, enlistment etc.) the subsidy stops provisionally (suspended),while it is possible to continue again under some conditions.

        The subsidized unemployed persons have specific obligations,non-compliance of which may lead to permanent interruption of their subsidy..

      • Initial Subsidy Requirements

        Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy is provided to applicants – former salaries employees, if:

        • their Work Contract has been terminated or ended (not provided to those who voluntarily departed their work)
        • have the condition of the unemployed on the date the application for subsidy is submitted (not employed by another employer, not self-employed, capable and available in the labor market)
        • have carried out in specific (critical) periods a specific number of working days, for which contributions were paid in favor of the unemployment sector of the Public Employment Service, as follows:

        a) For insured persons subsidized for the first time

        1st case

        • at least one hundred twenty five (125) days of work or one hundred (100) days for building workers with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector within the 14 months prior to the end or termination of the work relationship, not counting the days of the last two months prior to its end or termination and
        • and eighty (80) days of dependent work in each year during the two previous years before the start of their subsidy

        2nd case (for insured persons not covering the condition of the 1st case)

        • at least two hundred (200) days of work or one hundred eighty (180) for construction workers with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector during the two previous years before the end or termination of the work relationship, not counting the days of the two last months before its end or termination, and
        •  eighty (80) days of dependent work in each year during the two previous years before the end or termination of the work relationship

        b) for ensured persons who have been subsidized in the past:

        • at least one hundred twenty five (125) days for construction workers with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector within the 14 months before the end or termination of the work relationship, not counting the days of the last two months before its end or termination.

        The insured persons of this category must not have collected within the previous four years from the start of the subsidy for which they apply more than four hundred (400) daily subsidies.

        If within the four years they have been subsidized but collected less than four hundred (400) daily subsidies, they are entitled to subsidy for the remaining number of daily subsidies until completion of the maximum of four hundred (400) daily subsidies.

        For subsidy in the sector of construction workers it is required that the minimum number of work days and the termination or end of the work relationship come from the construction sector.

      • Subsidy Continuation Requirements

        Continuation of the subsidy is granted to applicant insured persons if:

        • the previous subsidy has been suspended
        • the reason for the suspension no longer exists
        • the application is submitted within two (2) years from the date of approval of the inclusion in the initial subsidy
        • there can be no right for a new subsidy or the provision of the continuation is more to the subsidy of the insured person.

        The continuation of the subsidy is not granted:

        • if the subsidy was interrupted
        • in case of voluntary departure from work, if the reason for the suspension was assuming work
      • Deadline for submission of the application

        The deadline for submitting the application is:

        • for the initial subsidy: sixty (60) days from the day following the date of termination or end of the work relationship
        • for continuation of a subsidy that was suspended: two (2) years from the approval date of the initial subsidy
      • Where and how the application is submitted

        The application for the Ordinary unemployment subsidy is submitted after the Unemployment Card has been issued. EPC2 Service of the place of residence of the interested person. The choice of the EPC2 Service is important, because this Service will be responsible for all matters related to the subsidy of the insured person and it is where he/she must go to when required.

        The application may be submitted in two ways:

        a) electronically an only using of the Public Employment Service or the Digital Gateway of the State ( The interested person chooses “APPLICATION SUBMISSION” and then “APPLICATION FOR Ordinary UNEMPLOYMENT SUBSIDY”


        b) by visiting the EPC2 Service of the Public Employment Service in person.

        However, as long as the extraordinary covid measures are in force the application is submitted exclusively by using the Public Employment Service e-services.

        During the application submission the unemployed person:

        is informed about:

        • the conditions for the subsidy and the purpose of the personal data processing
        • his/her obligations during the subsidy, by submitting at the same time a Solemn Declaration of L. 1599/1986 that he/she has been informed of the above,

        he/she states:

        • whether there are dependent family members in his/her family, so that he can be granted an increase by 10%
        • bank account in which he/she is the first holder, where the subsidies will be credited
        • submits documents, only if required

        At the final application submission, the unemployed person receives a copy of the application with a record of specific time periods in which he/she must present himself at the Public Employment Service in person until the examination of his/her application. These periods are also recorded in the electronic services of the Public Employment Service.

      • Subsidy Transfer

        After submitting their application in either way, insured persons may submit an application for transfer to another EPC2 Service, if they change place of residence, with the required documents proving the new residence. By submitting the transfer application the new EPC2 Service is now responsible for the issues of insured persons subsidy (submitting documents, reception of the decision etc.).

      • Processing of application by the Service

        After submitting the application its processing starts by the Service where the insured person submitted it and the conditions and the inclusion in the subsidy are checked based on the data in the documents which are either requested automatically by the Services or are submitted at the same time.

      • Accompanying Documents

        1. Termination of the Employment Contract (Form E6) signed by the unemployed person or a Certificate about the End of a Fixed-Term Contract (Form E7).

        2. Indirect insurance clearance of the dependent members of the family, if they exist.

        3. Salaried work data (insurance days) and non-salaried employment (business activity).

        4. Bank account number. (IBAN) where the insured person is the first holder.

         The first three documents are requested automatically by the Services and only if that is not possible, they are submitted by the insured persons. The Deposit Account Number (IBAN) is provided only if it has not been declared in the past or if it has changed.


      • Pending Issues

        If during the examination of the application the Service does not identify the required details it requests automatically or finds out that more documents are needed, it contacts the insured persons for them to submit them within a deadline of twenty (20) days. If the insured persons do not respond, the Service issued a rejection decision after 3 months have passed from the information date, unless there is an objective inability to submit the documents for which the insured persons are not responsible.

      • Issuance of a decision

        After processing the application a decision is issued by the Service either approving or rejecting, which the insured person receives from the Service in the capacity of which he/she belongs (where he/she initially submitted it or transferred it), while the decision also appears in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

        The approving decision records:

        • new specific time periods during which the unemployed person is obliged to report his/her presence at the Public Employment Service
        • the duration of the subsidy
        • the amount of subsidy
      • Personal declaration of attendance

        Report of presence is the submission in person in Ordinary intervals of a solemn declaration by the unemployed person about fulfilling the conditions for subsidy, as had been stated and during the submission of his/her application. The report of presence:

        • it is submitted in the third month of each trimester (presence month):
          • until the decision on the application is issued the third month is calculated from the date the application was submitted
          • after the approving decision is issued the third month is counted from the start date of the subsidy
          • from the issuance of the approval decision, the months of attendance, as calculated during the application, cease to be valid
          • the months of attendance are reflected in the application, in the approval decision and in the online services of Public Employment Service. The months of presence reflected in the online services incorporate all changes that may occur with the issuance of an approval decision
        • is done by all insured persons whether their subsidy has been approved or is pending
        • linked to the orderly payment of unemployment benefits:
          •  if the presence is recorded, the right to collect the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence and the next two subsidies is ensured
          • if attendance is not declared, the allowance corresponding to the month of attendance is withheld and the next attendance declaration is expected for the payment of the next two monthly allowances
          • if attendance is not declared for two consecutive months of attendance, the subsidy is suspended
        • ensures the automatic renewal of the unemployment card
        • it ceases forming an obligation, when a rejection decision is issued on the application
        • the process is very simple. The insured persons come to the Public Employment Service offices, state the fulfillment of the conditions of the subsidy and sign the relevant Solemn Statement. The first recording of presence in person takes place at the Service in the responsibility of which the insured person belongs to (i. e. where the application was submitted or transferred), while the others in any EPC2 Service.

        However, as long as the extraordinary covid measures last the recording of presence is done using the e-services of the Public Employment Service with the verification of the text of the Solemn Statement. If the month of presence passes, the electronic statement is not possible.


      • Subsidy start date

        The subsidy starts:

        a) from the 7th day, when the application for inclusion in the Ordinary unemployment subsidy is submitted by the interested person during the first 7 days after the end or termination of his/her work relationship and in any case during the 60-day deadline, or

        b) from the date of submission of the application when it is submitted by the interested person after the 7 days from the end or termination of the work relationship pass and in any case within the 60-day deadline

        c) from the date of submission of the application in the case of the continuation of the previous subsidy that was suspended.

      • Subsidy Duration
        Duration of the subsidy
        The duration of the subsidy depends:
        • For already subsidized persons: a) on the number of days of work realized in the critical period of the 14 months after the end/termination of the work relationship, not counting the days of the two (2) last months before the dismissal, b) on the condition of not exceeding four hundred (400) daily unemployment subsidies in the last four years before the start of the subsidy.
        • For new subsidized persons: a) on the number of work days realized in the critical 14-month period before the termination/end of the work relationship, not counting the days of the two (2) last months before the dismissal or b) on the number of days of work during the critical two-year period before the termination or the end of the work relationship, not counting the days of the two (2) last months before its end or termination.

        The number of days of work based on which the duration of the subsidy is determined is different in the case of construction workers.

        In the following tables the duration of the subsidy for common unemployed persons and construction workers is recorded based on the number of days of work realized in the critical periods. 





        Required Days of Work during the 14-month period (before the end or termination of the work relationship, removing the last 2 months)



        5 months


        6 months


        8 months


        10 months

        250 and over

        12 months


        and completion of 49 years of age during the application submission

        12 months

        125 -249

        and 4050 days of work in total

        12 months



        *Required Days of Work during the two years (before the termination or end of the work relationship deducting the 2 last months)



        5 months


        6 months


        8 months


        and completion of 49 years of age during the application submission

        12 months


        and 4050 days of work in total


        12 months



        Required Days of Work in the construction sector during the 14 months (before the termination or the end of the work relationship) deducting the 2 last months)




        5 months


        6 months


        8 months


        10 months

        250 and over

        12 months


        and completion of 49th years of age

        12 months


        and 4050 days of work in total

        12 months




        Required Days of Work in the construction sector during the 14 months (before the termination or the end of the work relationship) deducting the 2 last months)



        5 months




        8 months


        and completion of 49th years of age 

        12 months


        and 4050 days of work in total

        12 months

      • Amount of subsidy

        The amount of the subsidy is calculated based on the average gross monthly income of the last 6 months before dismissal as follows:




        418,09€ AND OVER



        FROM 209,05€ TO 418,08€



        TO 209,04€



        • The aforementioned amounts are increased by 10% for each dependent member of the beneficiary’s family.
        • For every full month of subsidy twenty-five (25) daily subsidies are paid
      • Financial aid for Easter and Christmas (Gifts)

        During the subsidy Christmas and Easter allowances are paid

        The Christmas allowance is paid, if the insured person is subsidized for the period from 01.05 to 31.12. For every one full month of subsidy three (3) daily Christmas allowance subsidies are paid. For subsidy of the whole aforementioned period, twenty-five (25) daily subsidies are paid. If a full month of subsidy is not completed, no Christmas allowance is paid.

        The Easter allowance is paid if the insured person is subsidized in the period from 01.01 to 30.04. For every one full month of subsidy three (3) daily Easter Allowance subsidies are paid. For subsidy of the whole aforementioned period, twelve and a half (12,5) daily subsidies are paid. If a full month of subsidy is not completed, no Easter allowance is paid.


      • Subsidy Payment
        • monthly subsidies are paid “accrued”, i.e. from the day following their end.
        • every monthly subsidy is credited automatically into the bank account the beneficiary has stated, if he/she has realized recording of presence within the deadline.
        • the crediting of monthly subsidies takes place once a week and specifically on its last business day (Friday).
        • the insured person by his/her application ensures the payment of the two (2) first monthly subsidies with no further action.
      • Obligation of the unemployed to inform the Service - Suspension - Interruption - Continuation of Subsidy

        The subsidized person is obliged to inform the relevant Public Employment Service Office about the occurrence of any reason for losing the condition of the unemployed during his/her subsidy, so that it stops temporarily (suspended) or is permanently interrupted.

        The condition of the unemployed is lost and

        Α. the subsidy is suspended due to:

        • recruitment
        • employment illness or inability to work
        • enlistment
        • exercise of a free employment or business activity
        • departure for a foreign country for a period of more than twenty (20) consecutive or periodical days during the same year or continuous during two consecutive years
        • imprisonment or administrative detention
        • training practice
        • training (under conditions)
        • end of the residence and work permit (for subsidized foreigners) or
        • any other reason because of which he/she is no longer available for employment in the labor market

        Β. The subsidy is interrupted due to:

        1. retirement in own right
        2. death
        3. permanent incapacity to work
        4. failure to realize a record of presence for two consecutive months of presence
        5. simultaneous employment and subsidy

        The Service must be informed about the reason for suspension or interruption of the cases B. 1-3 of the subsidy:

        1. Within eight (8) business days from the day the reason for suspension or interruption of the subsidy occurs and in any case before the end of the subsidy month. The amount of the monetary difference that may arise from the last payment of the insured person until the date of suspension or interruption of cases B.1-3 of the subsidy is not lost, but paid into the insured person’s bank account.

        The timely information of the Service about the suspension/interruption of the subsidy and non-collection of subsidies in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted is extremely important, because:

        • in the case of parallel subsidy and employment (salaried or not), the subsidy is interrupted.
        • the amount collected in a period when it should have been suspended or interrupted must be repaid by the insured person to the Public Employment Service

        2. In any way by the insured person himself or by a representative (by email etc.). After that (or simultaneously) the relevant documents must be submitted, when they cannot be acquired automatically (e. g. health booklet, Military Service certificate, airplane ticket etc.).


      • Explanatory Files - Useful Links


        If a subsidized unemployed person is included in a training program (APTC or PTI) the subsidy is not suspended:

        1. For programs of professional education or training with a duration of up to six (6) months, without educational allowance if: 

        a. the unemployed person states during the first after the start of the training program records a personal presence or participation in the program

        b. 2 years have passed since the end of a previous training program.

        2. For programs of professional education or training lasting up to six (6) months with an educational allowance or lasting more than six (6) months, if: 

        a) he/she is registered in the Unemployed Register for at least 4 months cumulatively in the last 12 months before the start of the training program

        b) the participation in the program is stated by the unemployed person during the first personal presence after the start of the program

        c) 2 years have passed since the end of a previous training program.

        If, because of the participation in the specific educational or professional training program, a compensation is to be collected by the implementing body, it will continue being paid in parallel to the unemployment subsidy with no set-off being required. Finally, for as long as the subsidy is paid and at the same time there is participation in the education or training program the condition of the unemployed is maintained and the same obligations continue, for the implementation of which he/she is bound by his/her records of presence.

        Dependent members

        Dependent members for whom an increase of 10% can be granted to the subsidized person are:

        • the spouse,
        • children of up to 24 years of age, when they are unemployed or up to 26 years when they are unemployed and studying,
        • the parent,
        • orphan grandchildren and siblings up to 18 years of age and if they are single,

        when they are indirectly insured members of him/herself (or his/her spouse’s in the last 3 cases).

        Insurance capacity of the dependent members must be in force during the subsidy, otherwise the increase is only provided for as long as it is in force.

        If both spouses are subsidized, they cannot collect for the same period an increase for the same members.They choose in a Solemn Declaration which of the two will collect the increase or whether they will both collect it at a proportion of 50%. 

        Cases when the automatic search for documents is not possible

        1.a. When Form E6 or E7 was submitted late and it is not uploaded in ERGANI

        1.b. When Form E6 or E7 is not uploaded in ERGANI, because the employer had no such obligation

        1.c. When the termination of the work relationship is recognized by court decision

        1.d. When an extrajudicial statement or action has been filed for unilateral change of the terms of work and the application takes place pursuant to the provisions of art. 51 of L. 4488/2017

        2. When the insurance capacity has not been computerized in e-EFKA or when the details of the dependent members have not been stated correctly in the application.

      • Legal Framework

          The laws and decisions covering the provision of unemployment subsidy are the following, as in force:

          • L. D. 2961/1954 (articles 11-38)
          • L.1545/1985 (articles 3-8) 
          • L.1892/1990 (article 37)
          • L.4921/2022 
          • Decision by the BoD of the Public Employment Service 3701/55/22-11-11
          • Decision by the BoD of the Public Employment Service 1850/30/15.03.2020
          • Decision by the BoD of the Public Employment Service 5274/114/27.09.2022  
    • Seasonal Unemployed
        • General

          The Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy (RUS) is a subsidy provided to insured persons, able and available to work, with a dependent work relationship which has either ended or has been terminated by the employer, during which they paid contributions in favor of the unemployment sector of the Public Employment Service. For insured persons characterized as “seasonal” the Ordinary subsidy is provided on different terms than in common unemployed persons, either obligatorily or after selection, depending on the days of work they realized in specific (critical) periods before the termination or end of their work relationship. The duration of their subsidy is eighty (80) days, with no limitation regarding the daily subsidies they collected during the four years before the start of the subsidy in this case.

          If during the subsidy the beneficiaries lose the condition of the unemployed (e. g. because of employment, illness, enlistment etc.), the subsidy stops temporarily (suspended), while it is possible to continue again under conditions.

          The subsidized unemployed persons have specific obligations. non-compliance of which may lead to definitive interruption of their subsidy.

        • Which persons insured are subsidized as "seasonal"

          Insured persons who were employed in businesses operating seasonally for one or two seasons are subsidized as seasonal. For the insured persons to be included in this category both conditions must be concurrent, i. e. both the business operates seasonally and the employment provided during one or two seasons.

        • Which companies are considered to work "seasonally"

          Businesses operating seasonally are first of all tourist accommodations, restaurants, bars, recreation centers, confectionaries, cafes and thermal baths, but also any business which fulfills the following two conditions:

          a) because of the nature of its work (e. g. water inspectors), weather (e. g. ski center) or particular conditions (e. g. tourism) or the raw materials in use (e. g. oil press)

          b) it operates:

          • from two (2) to nine (9) in a year or
          • during the whole year, but with periods of depression, during which the staff employed does not exceed 25% of the staff it employs in peak seasons.

          The State is also considered a seasonal business, when it employs salaries employees with fixed-term contracts to cover specific needs in specific periods of the year (e. g. firefighters).

        • Define Season

          A season is a specific period of operation in the year, determined as follows:

          • for tourist accommodation, restaurants, bars, recreation centers ,confectioneries, cafes and thermal baths operation throughout the year, the season is the period from 01.04 to 31.10 (summer season) or from 01.11 to 31.03 (winter season)
          • for tourist accommodation, restaurants, bars, recreation centers ,confectioneries, cafes and thermal baths, but also all other businesses not operating in all the months, but from two (2) to nine (9) months in a year, a season is the specific period when they are in operation [e. g. for a hotel operating four (4) months in a year, the season lasts for these four (4) months]
          • for businesses operating throughout the year with reduced staff during depression periods, a season is the period of the peak months

          For an insured person to be considered as having worked for one season at a business operating seasonally, he/she must have realized during the aforementioned relevant periods that constitute a season on average thirteen (13) insurance days in a month.

        • Initial Subsidy Requirements

          The Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy is provided to applicants – former salaried employees who have worked in businesses operating seasonally for one or two seasons, if:

          • their Work Contract was terminated or ended (not provided to those who left their work voluntarily)
          • have the condition of the unemployed on the date they submit the application for subsidy (not employed by another employer, not self-employed, able and available in the labor market)
          • have realized in specific (critical) periods a specific number of days of work in businesses operating seasonally, for which contributions were paid in favor of the unemployment sector of the Public Employment Service, as follows:

          A. New Subsidized persons

          New Subsidized Persons who have been employed in businesses operating seasonally for one season:

          • at least one hundred (100) days of work in businesses operating seasonally with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector within the 14-month period before the end or termination of the work relationship, not counting the days of the two (2) last months before its end or termination and
          •  eighty (80) days of dependent work in each year during the two (2) previous years before the start of their subsidy.

          New subsidized persons who have been employed in businesses operating seasonally for two consecutive seasons:

          • at least one hundred (100) days of work in businesses operating seasonally with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector in the last 12-month period before the end or termination of the work contract and
          • eighty (80) days of dependent work in each year in the last two (2) years before the start of their subsidy

          B. Old subsidized persons

          Old subsidized persons who were employed in businesses working seasonally for one season:

          • at least one hundred (100) days of work in businesses operating seasonally with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector within the 14-month period before the termination or the end of the work relationship, not counting the days of the last two (2) months before the end or termination

          Old subsidized persons who have been employed in businesses operation for two consecutive seasons:

          • at least one hundred (100) days of work in businesses operating seasonally with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector in the last 12-month period before the end or termination of their work contract.
        • Subsidy Continuation Requirements

          Continuation of the subsidy in provided to insured applicants if:

          • the previous subsidy was suspended
          • the reason for the suspension no longer exists
          • the application is submitted within two (2) years from the date of approval of the initial subsidy
          • a right to new subsidy cannot be substantiated or the provision of the continuation subsidies the insured person more

          The continuation of the subsidy is not provided:

          • in the case of interruption of the subsidy
          • in the case of voluntary departure from work, if the reason for the suspension was the assumption of work
        • Deadline for submission of the application

          The deadline for submitting an application is: for an initial subsidy:

          • sixty (60) days from the day following the date the work relationship ended or was terminated.
          • for the continuation of a suspended subsidy: two (2) Years from the date of approval of the initial subsidy
        • Where and how the application is submitted

          The application for Ordinary unemployment subsidy is submitted, after an Unemployment Card has been issued,  at the EPC2 Service of the interested person’s place of residence. The choice of the EPC2 Service is important, because this Service will be responsible for all matters related to the insured person’s subsidy and it is the one he/she must go to when required.

          The application may be submitted in two ways:

          a) electronically and only through the e-services of the Public Employment Service or the Digital Gateway of the State ( The interested person chooses “APPLICATION SUBMISSION” and then “APPLICATION FOR Ordinary UNEMPLOYMENT SUBSIDY”


          b) with the personal visit to the EPC2 Service of the Public Employment Service.

          However, as long as the covid measures are in force, the application is submitted exclusively through electronic services of the Public Employment Service.

          During the submission of the application the unemployed person:

          • is informed about:
          • the conditions for the subsidy and the purpose of the processing of his/her personal data
          • about his/her obligations during his/her subsidy, at the same time submitting a Solemn Statement of L.1599/86 that he/she was informed about them
          • he/she stated
          • whether he/she has dependent family members, in order to be granted 10% increase
          • bank account where he/she is the first holder, where the subsidies will be paid
          • submits other documents  only when required

          With the definitive submission of the application the unemployed person receives a copy of it recording specific periods in which he/she is obliged to present himself in person at the Public Employment Service until his/her application is examined. These periods are also recorded in electronic services of the Organization.

        • Subsidy Transfer

          After submitting their application in either way, the insured persons may submit an application for transfer to another EPC2 Service if they change the place of residence, with the proof of the new residence as required documents. After the transfer application is submitted, the new EPC2 Service is responsible for the subsidy issues of the insured persons (delivery of documents, reception of the decision etc.).

        • Processing

          After submission of the application its processing starts by the Service where the insured person submitted it and the conditions and the inclusion are checked based on the details in the documents which are either sought automatically by the Services or submitted together.

          • Accompanying Documents

            1. Termination of the Work Contract (Form E6) signed by the unemployed person or a Certificate about the End of a Fixed-Term Contract (Form E7)

            2. Indirect insurance capability of dependent family members if they exist

            3. Details of salaried work (insurance days) and non-salaried employment (business activity)

            4. Deposit Account Number (IBAN), where the insured person is the first holder

            The first three documents are automatically sought by the Services and only when their automatic search is not possible, they are submitted by the insured persons. The Deposit Account Number (IBAN) is provided only if it has not been declared in the past or if it has changed.

            Additional documents the Service may seek, if considered necessary for the subsidy:

          • Pending issues

            If during the examination of the application the Service does not identify the required details it seeks automatically or finds out that no documents are needed, it contacts the insured person to submit them within a twenty-day (20) deadline. If the insured persons do not respond, the Service proceeds to issue a rejection decision after 3 months have passed from the information, unless there is an objective inability to submit the documents for which the insured persons are not responsible.

          • Issuance of a decision

            After the application is processed a decision is issued by the Service either approving or rejecting, which the insured person receives from the Service he/she belongs to (where he/she initially submitted it or transferred it), while the decision also appears in e-services of the Public Employment Service

            The approving decision records:

            • new specific periods during which the unemployed person must record his/her presence in the Public Employment Service
            • the duration of the subsidy
            • the amount of the subsidy
          • Personal declaration of attendance

            A record of presence is the personal submission in Ordinary intervals of a solemn declaration by the unemployed person about fulfillment of the subsidy conditions, as had been stated at the submission of his/her application. The record of presence:

            • is submitted at the third month of each trimester (month of presence):
              • until the decision on the application is issued the third month is calculated from the date the application is submitted
              • after the approval decision is issued the third month is calculated from the starting date of the subsidy
              • from the issue of the approval decision the months of presence no longer apply, as calculated at the application
              • the months of presence are recorded in the application, the approval decision and the electronic services of the Public Employment Service. The months of presence recorded in electronic services incorporate all changes which may arise at the issue of the approval decision.
            • is done by all insured persons whether their subsidy has been approved or remains pending
            • connected to the smooth payment of the unemployed person’s subsidies:
              • if the presence is recorded the right to collect the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence is ensured and also for the two monthly subsidies following
              • if the presence is not recorded, the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence is withdrawn and for the payment of the two next monthly subsidies the next record of presence is expected
              • if no presence is not recorded for two consecutive months of presence, the subsidy is interrupted
            • in ensures the automatic renewal of the unemployment card
            • it stops being an obligation when a rejection decision is issued on the application
            • as a process is extremely simple. The insured persons go to the Public Employment Service Offices, state the fulfillment of the conditions for the subsidy and sign the relevant Solemn Statement. The first in-person record of presence is done at the Service in the responsibility of which the insured person belongs (i. e. where the application was submitted or transferred), while the remaining ones at any EPC2 Service.

            However, as long as the covid measures last, the presence is recorded throughthe e-services of the Public Employment Servicewith verification that the text of the Solemn Statement has been read. If the month of presence passes, it is not possible to record it electronically.

          • Subsidy start date

            Start of the initial subsidy:

            a. from the 7th day:

            • when the application for inclusion in the Ordinary unemployment subsidy is submitted by the interested person in the first 7 days after the end or termination of his/her work relationship and in any case within the 60-day deadline
            • when the application is submitted at any time within the 60-day deadline and the applicant was employed in hotel, restaurant or tourist businesses

            b. from the date the application is submitted, when the interested person was not employed in hotel, restaurant or tourist businesses and the application is submitted after the 7-day period from the end or termination of the work relationship has passed and in any case within the 60-day deadline.

            Start of the subsidy continuation:

            a. from the date the application is submitted in the case of continuation of a previous subsidy which has been suspended:

            • if it is submitted within two (2) years form the approval of inclusion in the initial subsidy and the interested persons were not working in hotel, restaurant or tourist businesses
            • if the interested persons were working in hotel, restaurant or tourist businesses and the application is submitted after sixty (60) days from the dismissal (and within the two years since the approval of inclusion in the initial subsidy)
            • in any case of a seasonal employee where the reason for continuing the subsidy is not dismissal

            b. from the next day of the dismissal in the case of continuation, when the interested persons were employed in hotel, restaurant or tourist businesses and the application is submitted within sixty (60) days since the dismissal.

          • Subsidy Duration

            The subsidy in the category of seasonal employees lasts for eighty (80) days. A determining factor for the subsidy in this category regarding duration is the number of days of work realized in businesses operating seasonally in the critical periods of the 14 or 12 months: based on it insured persons are included either obligatorily in a subsidy lasting for eighty (80) days or at their own choice stated irrevocably in a solemn declaration.

            If they do not choose the 80-day subsidy (when there is the right to choose), the duration of the subsidy follows that of common unemployed persons and, in the case of old insured persons, it depends now on the number of daily subsidies collected in the previous four years before the start of the subsidy: this means that they must not have collected more than four hundred (400) daily subsidies, while if fewer than four hundred (400) daily subsidies have been collected, the duration of the subsidy may not exceed the number of daily subsidies remaining until completion of the maximum of four hundred (400).

            The above are recorded in detail in the following table:



            DAYS OF WORK (in the 14-month or 12-month period) IN BUSINESSES OPERATING SEASONALLY










            80 days

            (3 months and 5 days)









            80 days

            (3 months and 5 days)




            6 months



            8 months



            10 months



            and completion of 49ου έyears of age at the submission of the application

            12 months



            and 4050 days of work in total

            12 months


            231 and over

            231 to 249


            10 months


            250 and over

            12 months


            and completion of 49ου years of age at the submission of the application

            12 months

            231 -249

            and 4050 days of work in total

            12 months


          • Financial aid for Easter and Christmas (gifts)

            During the subsidy, Christmas and Easter allowances are paid.

            The Christmas allowance is paid, if the insured person is subsidized for the period from 01.05 to 31.12. For each full month of subsidy three (3) daily subsidies are paid as Christmas allowance. For subsidy during the whole aforementioned period twenty-five (25) daily subsidies are paid. If a full month of subsidy is not completed no Christmas allowance is paid.

            The Easter allowance is paid if the insured person is subsidized for the period from 01.01 to 30.04. For each full month of subsidy three (3) daily subsidies are paid as Easter allowance. For subsidy during the whole aforementioned period twelve and a half (12,5) daily subsidies are paid. If a full month of subsidy is not completed no Easter allowance is paid.

          • Subsidy Payment
            • Daily subsidies are paid “accrued”, i. e. from the day following their end
            • each monthly subsidy is automatically credited into the bank account stated by the beneficiary, if he has recorded his presence  in time
            • the crediting of the monthly subsidies takes place once a week and specifically on its last business day (Friday)
            • the insured person by his/her application ensures the payment of the two (2) first monthly subsidies with no further action
          • Obligation of the unemployed to inform the Service- Suspension- Interruption- Continuation of Subsidy

            The subsidized person is obliged to inform the responsible Public Employment Service Office if there is a reason for losing the condition of the unemployed during his/her subsidy, so that it either stops temporarily (suspended) or is permanently interrupted.

            The condition of the unemployed is lost and

            A. the subsidy is suspended due to:

            • employment,
            • illness or incapacity to work,
            • enlistment,
            • exercise of an independent profession or business activity,
            • departure for a foreign country for a period of more than twenty (20) continuous or sporadic days during the same year or continuous during two consecutive years,
            • imprisonment or administrative detention,
            • practice,
            • training,
            • end of residence and work permit (for subsidized foreigners) or
            • any other reason because of which he/she is no longer available for employment in the labor market.

            B. The subsidy is interrupted because of

            1.  retirement in own right
            2. death
            3. definitive inability to work
            4. failure to record a presence for two consecutive months
            5. simultaneous employment and subsidy

            Informing the Service about the existence of a reason for the suspension or interruption of the cases, B.1-3 of the subsidy:

            1. It must take place within eight (8) business days from the date the reason for the suspension or interruption of the subsidy occurs, and in any case before the end of the subsidy month. The amount of the monetary difference that may arise from the last payment of the insured person until the date of suspension or interruption of the cases  B.1-3 of the subsidy is not lost, but paid into the insured person’s bank account.

            Informing the Service on time about the suspension/interruption of the subsidy and avoidance to collect subsidies in a period in which the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted is extremely important, because:

            • in the case of simultaneous subsidy and employment (salaried or not), the subsidy is interrupted
            • the amount that was collected in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted must be returned by the insured person to the Public Employment Service.

            2. It is done in any way by the insured person him-/herself or by a representative (by email etc.). Then (or simultaneously) the relevant documents must be submitted, when they cannot be sought automatically (e. g. health booklet, Military Service certificate, airplane ticket etc.).


            • legal Framework

              The laws and decisions covering the provision of the unemployment subsidy are the following as in force:

              • L. D. 2961/1954 (articles 11-38)
              • L.1545/1985 (articles 3-8)
              • L.1892/1990 (article 37)
              • L. 4921/2022
              • L. 3302/2004 (article 3)
              • Decision by the BoD of the Public Employment Service 3701/55/22-11-11
              • Decision by the BoD of the Public Employment Service 1850/30/15.03.2020
              • Decision by the BoD of the Public Employment Service 5274/114/27.09.2022
        • Subsidy due to suspension/termination of work
            • Ordinary Unemployment subsidy due to exercise of the right to suspend work

              Those who have exercised the right to withhold labor of art. 325 of the Civil Code may receive Ordinary unemployment subsidy, depending on the category they belong to, i. e. either as common unemployed persons or as seasonal employees. The conditions and the process followed are the same as those of the Ordinary subsidy with the following differences:

              • no unemployment card is issued, because the work relationship has not stop existing, but has been suspended
              • it is required to submit the extrajudicial statement of the exercise of the right to withhold labor, which must have been delivered to the employer (it replaces the printed contract termination)

              Legal framework

              L. 1836/89

            • Ordinary Unemployment subsidy due to interruption of business operation

              Salaried employees who were employed in a business the operation of which was interrupted and they no longer have a work relationship, nor a written termination of their work contract, may receive Ordinary unemployment subsidy, if the interruption of the operation of the business is found out, following a check by the Service the business seat belongs to. The conditions and the process followed are the same with those of the Ordinary unemployment subsidy, with the difference that the form for the termination of the work relationship is not required.

              Legal framework

              L. 1835/89

        • Subsidy due to a unilateral harmful change
            • Ordinary Unemployment subsidy due to termination following a unilateral harmful change in working conditions - Legal framework

              In case of unilateral adverse alteration of the terms of work which the insured persons considered termination of their work contract, exercising the right of art. 7 of L. 2112/1920 as in force, by submitting an extrajudicial statement or/and action against their employer, their subsidy is possible in the unemployed category they are included in, with the following differences to the Ordinary process:

              • the extrajudicial statement or/and action against the employer must be submitted to the Service EPC2 (which must have been served). The date of dismissal is the date regarded by the insured person as the termination date of the contract pursuant to the content of the extrajudicial statement/action
              • action the application for inclusion in the Ordinary unemployment subsidy is submitted to the competent EPC2 Service within sixty (60) days from the date following the one the employer was served with the initial extrajudicial statement or the action against him.
              • the insured person, when submitting the application, states whether he/she wants to be subsidized immediately at the submission of the application or retroactively after the case becomes final
              • the insured person included in the subsidy by a simple extrajudicial statement is obliged to present within six (6) months from the submission of his/her application to the service either proof of payment of compensation which show that the employer recognized the fact of the termination of the work relationship, or an action against the employer. If the aforementioned documents are not submitted within said deadline the subsidy is recalled and the collected subsidies are considered debt for the insured person
              • in the case in which after the exercise of an action in the final court decision the unilateral adverse change of the insured person’s terms of work is not recognized as termination of his/her contract, the granted subsidy is recalled and the subsidies collected are considered debt to the insured person
              • in the case of an action, both the insured person and the employer must present the final court decision to the competent EPC2 Service within sixty (60) days from the day following its publication. Otherwise a 300,00€ fine is paid by the party who did not present the decision, regardless of it being submitted by the other party.

              Legal framework

              L. 1545/1985

        • Dockers
            • General

              Insured persons who were employed for a specific (critical) period as port and land dockers, may receive a special additional unemployment subsidy on special conditions settled by the M. D. 34097/29.12.98.

            • Requirements

              The Special Additional Unemployment subsidy is provided, if applicants:

              • have the capacity of permanent or assistant port or land docker or tallyman or customs bearer during the period of the subsidy
              • they are registered in the National Register of Dockers
              • they have carried out at least one hundred (100) exclusively notional insurance days in the sector with contributions in favor of the unemployment for the Public Employment Service in the calendar year preceding the one of the subsidy (critical period).

              Regarding the Special Additional subsidy it plays no role whether the salaried employee is employed during the subsidy and, consequently, the issue of an Unemployment Card is not required.

            • Deadline for submission of the application

              Applications are submitted in the period from 1 March up to and including 31 May of each year to the EPC2 Service of the Public Employment Service of the interested party’s place of residence.

            • Submission process

              At the submission of the application the insured person

              • is informed about the conditions for the subsidy and about the purpose of the processing of personal data
              • he/she states:
              • whether there are dependent family members, so he/she can receive additional 10%
              • bank account in which he/she is the first holder, where subsidies will be credited
              • he/she submits specific documents at the same time.

              At the final application submission the insured person receives a copy thereof.

            • Subsidy Transfer

              At the submission of their application the insured persons may submit an application for transfer to another EPC2 service, if they change their place of residence, with proof of the new residence as documents. At the submission of the transfer application the new EPC2 Service is now responsible for the subsidy issues of the insured persons (presentation of documents, receipt of decision etc.).

            • Processing of application by the Service - Accompanying documents

              At the submission of the application its processing by the Service starts and the inclusion in the special subsidy based on the following data:


              1. Health booklet (Insurance Identity and Contribution Card) of the previous year

              2. Certificate of registration in the National Dockers’ Register

              3. IBAN of an account with the insured person as the first holder

              4. Details of non-salaried employment (business activity)

              5. Indirect insurance capacity of the dependent family members if they exist

              The two latter documents are requested automatically by the Services and only when their automatic search is not possible are they submitted by the insured persons.

              The IBAN is only submitted if it was not stated in the past or if it has changed.

            • Pending Issues

              If during the examination of the application the Service does not locate the required details it seeks automatically or finds out that more documents are needed, it contacts the insured persons, so they can submit them within the 20-day deadline. If the insured persons do not respond, the Service proceeds to issue a rejecting decision after 3 months have passed since the information, unless there is an objective inability to submit the documents for which the insured persons are not responsible.

            • Issuance of a decision

              After processing the application, a decision is issued by the Service, either approving or rejecting, which the insured person receives from the Service in the competence of which he/she is subjected (where he/she initially submitted it or transferred it), while the decision also appears in the e-services of the Public Employment Service.

            • Subsidy Amount

              The subsidy is paid once.

              Its amount is produced with the following formula:

              Amount of subsidy =(300-days of insurance of the previous year) Χ daily unemployment subsidy

              with maximum payment 80 daily subsidies


              • the basic daily unemployment subsidy is 19,16€
              • the above-mentioned amounts are increased by 10% for eachdependent family memberof the beneficiary
              • no monetary support is paid (allowances) for Christmas and Easter
        • Slaughtermen
            • General

              The insured persons who have worked during a specific (critical) period as slaughterhouse workers (scrape- shredders, edge-shredders, , skilled workers for intestines etc. throughout the country), may receive either a special subsidy or Ordinary unemployment subsidy due to removal – interruption of operations under special terms specified by MD 33339/23.03.99

            • A. Special Subsidy due to Skinners' Unemployment - Requirements

              The Special Unemployment Subsidy is provided, if applicants:

              • have the capacity of “slaughter worker” for skinning animals and birds and other preparatory work of the meat for consumption of animals slaughtered in slaughter-houses in the whole country during the time of subsidy,
              • have realized from one hundred (100) to two hundred forty (240) real insurance days as slaughterhouse workers with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector of the Public Employment Service during the calendar year preceding the subsidy (critical period).

              For the special subsidy it is not taken into account whether the salaried employee is working at the time of the provision and, consequently, the issue of an Unemployment Card is not necessary.

            • Deadline for submission of the application

              The deadline for submitting the application is:

              • for the initial subsidy: sixty (60) days from the date following the end date or termination date of the work relationship.
              • for the continuation of a suspended subsidy: two (2) years from the date of approval of the initial subsidy.
            • Submission Process

              During the submission of the application the insured person: is informed about the conditions for the subsidy and about the purpose of processing of his/her personal data, he/she states:

              • ενημερώνεται για τις προϋποθέσεις της επιδότησης  και για τον σκοπό της επεξεργασίας των προσωπικών δεδομένων του
              • δηλώνει:
              • whether there are dependent family members, so he can be granted a 10% increase
              • bank account where he/she is the first holder, where the subsidies will be credited
              • he/she submits specific documents simultaneously

              At the final submission of the application the insured person receives a copy of it.

            • Subsidy Transfer

              After submitting their application insured persons may submit an application for transfer to another EPC2 Service, if they change place of residence, with the required documents proving the new residence. By submitting the transfer application the new EPC2 Service is now responsible for the issues of insured persons subsidy (submitting documents, reception of the decision etc.).

            • Processing of application by the Service - Accompanying documents

              After the application is submitted its processing starts by the Service where the insured person submitted it (either in his/her place of residence or his/her last employment) and the conditions and the inclusion in the subsidy is checked based on the following details:


              1. Relevant certificate by the respective union mediating for the insurance from which the identity of the slaughterhouse worker is shown

              2. Insurance booklet (Insurance Identity & Contributions Card) of the previous year

              3. Decision by the BoD of the Union showing the removal due to reduction in operations or

              Decision by the competent authority recalling the license of operation of the slaughterhouse. As the date of interruption of the operation of the slaughterhouse, in this case will be considered the date the decision is issued.

              The date of removal / interruption of operation of the slaughterhouse substitutes the date or termination of the work relationship.

              4. Bank Account Number (IBAN) where the insured person is the first holder

              5. Details of non-salaried employment (business activity)

              6. Indirect insurance capacity of dependent family members as the case may be

              The two last documents are automatically sought by the Services and only when it is not possible to seek them automatically are submitted together by the insured persons see here cases where automatic search is not possible

              Bank Account Number (IBAN) is only submitted if it was not stated in the past or if it has changed.

            • Pending Issues

              If during the examination of the application the Service does not identify the required details it seeks automatically or finds out that more documents are needed, it contacts the insured persons for them to present them within a 20-day deadline. If the insured persons do not respond, the Service proceeds to issue a rejection decision after 3 months have passed from the notification unless there is an objective inability to present the documents for which insured persons are not responsible.

            • Issuance of a decision

              After processing the application a decision is issued by the Service, either approving or rejecting which the insured person receives from the Service in the competence of which he/she belongs (where he/she initially submitted or transferred it), while the decision is also posted in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

              The approval decision records:

              • new specific periods in which the unemployed is obliged to record presence at the Public Employment Service
              • the duration of the subsidy
              • the amount of the subsidy
            • Subsidy Amount

              The subsidy is paid as a lump sum as follows:



              DAYS OF INSURANCE IN THE SECTOR (during the year preceding the subsidy)

              AMOUNT OF SUBSIDY

              a’ case


              50 times the basic daily unemployment allowance valid at the time of the provision



              30 times the basic daily unemployment allowance valid at the time of the provision

              c’ case

              241 days and over


              • the basic daily unemployment allowance amounts to 19,16€
              • the above amounts are increased by 10% for each dependent family member of the beneficiary
              • within the framework of the Special Subsidy for Slaughterhouse Workers no financial support (allowance) is provided for Christmas and Easter
            • B. Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy for skinners due to removal - termination of works - Conditions for Initial Subsidy and Continuation of Subsidy

              Subsidy Provision

              The Ordinary Subsidy due to Unemployment for Slaughterhouse workers is provided if:

              • the applicants were removed from the corresponding Union by a decision made by the BoD of the Union due to decrease in its operations


              • the slaughterhouse has interrupted (definitively or temporarily) its function

              and they have the condition of the unemployed at the date the application for subsidy is submitted (they are not employed by another employer, they are not self-employed, they are able and available in the labor market)

              • the applicant have realized at least one hundred (100) real days of insurance in the sector during the calendar year preceding the subsidy (critical period)

              Continuation of the Subsidy

              If during the subsidy the beneficiaries lose the condition of the unemployed (e. g. due to employment, illness, enlistment etc.), the subsidy stops temporarily (suspended), while it is possible for it to continue under conditions.

              The continuation of the subsidy is provided to applicants insured persons, if:

              • the previous subsidy was suspended
              • the reason for the suspension no longer exists
              • the application is submitted within two years from the date of the approval of inclusion in the initial subsidy
              • no right for new subsidy is substantiated or the continuation subsidies the insured person more

              The continuation of the subsidy is not provided:

              • in case the subsidy is interrupted 
              • in case of voluntary departure from work, if the reason for the suspension was the assumption of work
            • Where and how the application is submitted

              The application for Ordinary unemployment subsidy is submitted after an Unemployment Card is issued, either at the EPC2 Service of the interested party’s place of residence or at the EPC2 of his/her last employment. The choice of the EPC2 Service is important, because this Service will be responsible for all matters related with the insured person’s subsidy and he/she must go to it when asked to do so.

              At the submission of the application the unemployed:

              • is informed about:
              • the conditions for the subsidy and the purpose of processing his/her personal data
              • his/her obligations during his/her subsidy, by submitting a Solemn Statement of L.1599/86 that he/she was so informed
              • he/she states
              • whether there are dependent members in his/her family, so that he/she is provided a 10% increase
              • in the bank account where he/she is the first holder, where his/her subsidies will be credited
              • he/she submits documents at the same time

              At the definitive application submission the unemployed receives a copy thereof recording specific periods in which he/she is obliged to record his/her presence at the Public Employment Service until examination of his/her application. These periods are also recorded in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

            • Personal declaration of attendance

              A record of presence is the in-person submission of a solemn statement by the unemployed about fulfilling the conditions of the subsidy, as stated during the submission of the application. The record of presence:

              1. Is submitted in the third month of each trimester (month of presence):

              • until the decision is issued for the application the third month is calculated from the date the application was submitted
              • after an approval decision is issued the third month is calculated from the starting date of the subsidy
              • as of the issue of an approval decision the months of presence cease to apply as calculated at the application
              • the months of presence are recorded in the application, the approval decision and e-services of the Public Employment Service The months of presence recorded in e-services of the Public Employment Service incorporate all changes that may arise at the issue of an approval decision

              2. It is done by all insured persons regardless of whether their subsidy has been approved or remains pending.

              3. It is connected to the smooth payment of subsidies of the unemployed:

                • if presence is recorded the right to collect the allowance corresponding to the month of presence and the two next allowances is secured
                • if no presence is recorded, the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence is withheld and for the payment of the next two monthly subsidies the next record of presence is waited for
                • if no presence is recorded for two consecutive months of presence, the subsidy is interrupted.


              • it ensures automatic renewal of the unemployment card
              • it is no longer an obligation when a rejection decision is issued on the application
              • As a process it is extremely simple. The insured persons come to the Services of the Public Employment Service, state the fulfillment of the conditions for subsidy and sign the relevant Solemn Statement (S.S.). The first in-person record of presence is done at the Service in the responsibility of which the insured person belongs (i. e. where the application was submitted or transferred) while the following ones at any EPC2 Service.

              However, as long as the extraordinary measures for the covid pandemic last, the record of presence takes place using the electronic services of the Public Employment Service with the confirmation that the text of the S.S. was read. If the month of presence passes, it is not possible to record it electronically.

            • Subsidy start date

              The subsidy starts:

              a) from the 7th day when the application for inclusion in the Ordinary unemployment subsidy is submitted by the beneficiary during the first 7 days after the removal/interruption of operations of the slaughterhouse and in any case within the 60-day deadline, or

              b) from the date the application was submitted, when it is submitted by the beneficiary after 7 days have passed since the removal/interruption of operations of the slaughterhouse and in any case within the 60-day deadline

              c) from the date the application was submitted in the case of continuation of a previous subsidy which was suspended

            • Duration/ Amount of Subsidy
              The duration of the subsidy depends on:
              the number of days of work realized during the critical period of the previous year
              on the number of daily subsidies the insured person has collected during the previous four years from the start of the subsidy for which he/she submits the application, which must not exceed four hundred (400).
              Based on the above the duration of the subsidy varies from two (2) to four (4) months, when there is no subsidy within the four years. If during the four years the slaughterhouse workers have been subsidized but have received fewer than four hundred (400) daily subsidies, they are entitled to subsidy for the remaining number of daily subsidies until completion of the maximum limit of four hundred (400) daily subsidies.
              The subsidy is paid as follows:





              DAYS OF INSURANCE IN THE SECTOR (in the year preceding the removal or interruption). 


              AMOUNT OF SUBSIDY (cases a’ and b’)

              a’ case


              5 months

              25 times the basic daily unemployment subsidy valid at the date of removal or recall of the license for operation of the slaughterhouse

              b’ case


              6 months

              • the basic daily unemployment allowance is 19,16€
              • for each full month of subsidy twenty five (25) daily subsidies are paid
              • The above-mentioned amounts are increased by 10% for each dependent family member of the beneficiary
            • Financial aid for Easter and Christmas (gifts)

              During the subsidy Christmas and Easter allowances are paid.

              The Christmas allowance is paid, if the insured person is subsidized for the period from 01.05 to 31.12. For every one full month of subsidy three (3) daily Christmas allowance subsidies are paid. If a full month of subsidy is not completed, no Christmas allowance is paid.

              The Easter allowance is paid if the insured person is subsidized in the period from 01.01 to 30.04. For every one full month of subsidy three (3) daily Easter Allowance subsidies are paid. For subsidy of the whole aforementioned period, twelve and a half (12,5) daily subsidies are paid. If a full month of subsidy is not completed, no Easter allowance is paid.

            • Subsidy Payment
              • monthly subsidies are paid “accrued”, i.e. from the day following their end
              • every monthly subsidy is credited automatically into the bank account the beneficiary has stated, if he/she has realized recording of presence within the deadline
              • the crediting of monthly subsidies takes place once a week and specifically on its last business day (Friday)
              • the insured person by his/her application ensures the payment of the two (2) first monthly subsidies with no further action
            • Obligation of the unemployed to inform the Service - Suspension - Interruption - Continuation of Subsidy

              The subsidized person is obliged to inform the relevant Public Employment Service Office about the occurrence of any reason for losing the condition of the unemployed during his/her subsidy, so that it stops temporarily (suspended) or is permanently interrupted.

              Α. the subsidy is suspended due to:

              • employment, ,
              • illness or inability to work
              • enlistment
              • exercise of a free employment or business activity
              • departure for a foreign country for a period of more than twenty (20) consecutive or periodical days during the same year or continuous during two consecutive years of imprisonment or administrative detention
              • practice
              • training (under conditions)
              • end of the residence and work permit (for subsidized foreigners) or 
              • any other reason because of which he/she is no longer available for employment in the labor market


              Β. The subsidy isinterrupted due to:

              1. retirement in own right
              2. death
              3. permanent incapacity to work
              4. failure to realize a record of presence for two consecutive months of presence
              5. simultaneous employment and subsidy

              The Service must be informed about the reason for suspension or interruption of the cases B. 1-3 of the subsidy must be done.

              1. Within eight (8) business days from the day the reason for suspension or interruption of the subsidy occurs and in any case before the end of the subsidy month. The amount of the monetary difference that may arise from the last payment of the insured person until the date of suspension or interruption of cases B.1-3 of the subsidy is not lost, but paid into the insured person’s bank account.

              The timely information of the Service about the suspension/interruption of the subsidy and non-collection of subsidies in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted is extremely important, because:

              • in the case of parallel subsidy and employment (salaried or not), the subsidy is interrupted.
              • The amount collected in a period when it should have been suspended or interrupted must be repaid by the insured person to the Public Employment Service

              2. In any way by the insured person himself or by a representative (by email etc.). After that (or simultaneously) the relevant documents must be submitted, when they cannot be acquired automatically (e. g. health booklet, Military Service certificate, airplane ticket etc.).


            • Grant of a special subsidy, followed by removal or cessation of operations of the abbatoir

              Within the same calendar year it is not possible to pay to the same person both the one-off special subsidy and the Ordinary subsidy due to removal or interruption of the slaughterhouse. If the beneficiary of the sector collects as a lump sum the special subsidy and then he/she presents within the same year a decision by the BoD of the relevant union about his/her removal due to reduction of work, based on which he/she may receive Ordinary unemployment subsidy, it will be granted on condition that it is off-set against the one-off subsidy he/she has collected.

            • Skinners' Subsidy in the Category of Ordinary Unemployed

              If during the critical period of the year preceding the subsidy the insured person has realized work days both as a slaughterhouse worker and in another employment, when the work days of the other employment are more than those in the slaughterhouse category, he/she is subsidized in the common unemployed category (by adding also the days of work corresponding to the slaughterhouse worker’s employment), if the provisions regarding ordinary unemployment subsidy  are fulfilled, with the only difference that in this case the subsidy may not exceed five (5) months.

        • Private Nurses
            • General

              Insured persons who have worked for a specific (critical) period as exclusive Nurses may receive Ordinary unemployment subsidy under particular conditions specified in the M. D. 33816/24.08.99.

            • Requirements

              The Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy for the special category of Exclusive Nurses is granted if the applicants:

              • have the status of exclusive nurse during the time of the subsidy
              • they had a dependent work relationship which ended with no need to submit a document of termination of the work relationship, as the employer is the patient at each time, from whom it is not possible to get a dismissal
              • they have realized at least one hundred (100) real insurance days as exclusive nurses with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector of the Public Employment Service during the calendar year preceding the subsidy (critical period)
              • they have the status of unemployed on the submission date of the application for subsidy (they do not work for another employer, are not self-employed, they are able and available at the labor market), with no obligation to submit a document terminating/ending the work relationship.

            • Deadline for submission of the application

               Applications are submitted after an Unemployment Card has been issued, in the period from 1st May to 30 September of each year at the EPC2 Service of the Public Employment Service of the beneficiaries’ place of residence.  The start date of the subsidy depends on the date the application is submitted.

            • Submission Process

              At the submission of the application the insured person:

              • is informed about:
              • the conditions for the subsidy and about the purpose of the processing of personal data
              • their obligations during the subsidy, submitting a Solemn Statement of L.1599/86 that he/she was informed about them
              • he/she states:
              • whether there are dependent family members, so he/she can receive additional 10%
              • bank account in which he/she is the first holder, where subsidies will be credited
              • he/she submits specific documents at the same time.

              At the final application submission the insured person receives a copy of it including a specific period during which he/she is obliged to record presence in person at the Public Employment Service. This period is also recorded in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

            • Subsidy Transfer

              After submitting their application, insured persons may submit an application for transfer to another EPC2 Service, if they change place of residence, with the required documents proving the new residence. By submitting the transfer application the new EPC2 Service is now responsible for the issues of insured persons subsidy (submitting documents, reception of the decision etc.).

            • Processing of application by the Service - Accompanying documents

              At the submission of the application its processing by the Service starts and the inclusion in the special subsidy based on the following data:


              1. Data of the salaried work (insurance days) and non-salaried employment (business activity)

              2. Indirect insurance capacity of the dependent family members , if they exist

              3. Deposit Account IBAN where the insured person is the first holder.

              4. Work-health booklet, renewed.

              5. Block of the insured person’s collection receipts given to the employed persons of the sector by the competent e-EFKA service.

              The two first documents are requested automatically by the Services and only when their automatic search is not possible are they submitted by the insured persons.

              The IBAN is only submitted if it was not stated in the past or if it has changed.

            • Pending Issues

              If during the examination of the application the Service does not identify the required details it requests automatically or finds out that more documents are needed, it contacts the insured persons for them to submit them within a deadline of twenty (20) days. If the insured persons do not respond, the Service issues a rejection decision after 3 months have passed from the information date, unless there is an objective inability to submit the documents for which the insured persons are not responsible.

            • Issuance of a decision

              After processing the application a decision is issued by the Service either approving or rejecting, which the insured person receives from the Service in the capacity of which he/she belongs (where he/she initially submitted it or transferred it), while the decision also appears in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

              The approving decision records:

              • the specific time period during which the unemployed person is obliged to report his/her presence at the Public Employment Service
              • the duration of the subsidy
              • the amount of subsidy
            • Personal declaration of attendance

              Report of presence is the submission in person of a solemn declaration by the unemployed person about fulfilling the conditions for subsidy, as had been stated and during the submission of his/her application. The report of presence:

              • it is submitted in the third month from the date the application was submitted (presence month)
              • the month of presence is recorded in the application, the approving decision and in the electronic services of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA),
              • it is done by all insured persons, whether their subsidy has been approved or remains pending
              • it is connected with the smooth payment of the unemployed person’s subsidies
                • if the presence is recorded, the right to collect the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence and the immediately next subsidy, if it exists, is ensured
                • if the presence is not recorded, there is withdrawal of the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence
              • it ensures the automatic renewal of the unemployment card
              • it ceases forming an obligation, when a rejection decision is issued on the application
              • the process is very simple. The insured persons come to the Public Employment Service offices, state the fulfillment of the conditions of the subsidy and sign the relevant Solemn Statement.

              However, as long as the extraordinary covid measures last the recording of presence is done using the e-services of the Public Employment Service with the confirmation that the text of the SS was read. If the month of presence passes, the electronic statement is not possible.

            • Subsidy start date

              If the application is submitted in the period from 01.05 to 30.06, the subsidy has starting date on 01.06.

              If the application is submitted from 01.07 to 30.09, the subsidy has as starting date the date the application is submitted.

              The duration of the subsidy varies from two (2) to four (4) months, depending on the number of days of work in the calendar year preceding that of the subsidy.

              The end date of the subsidy may not be later than 30 September.

            • Duration - Amount of Subsidy
               The duration of the subsidy of the exclusive nurse depends on:
              - the number of days of work carried out in the critical period
              -on the number of daily subsidies he/she has collected in the previous four years from the start of the subsidy for which he/she is applying, which may not exceed four hundred (400).
              Based on the above, the duration of the subsidy varies from two (2) to four (4) months when there is no subsidy within the four-year period. If during the four-year period exclusive nurses have been subsidized, but have collected fewer than four hundred (400) daily subsidies, they are entitled to subsidy for the remaining number of daily subsidies until completion of the maximum limit of four hundred (400) daily subsidies.
              The subsidy is paid from June to September (01/06 to 30/09) of each year as follows: 



              DAYS OF INSURANCE IN THE SECTOR (in the year preceding the subsidy)


              AMOUNT OF SUBSIDY (for all cases)

              a’ case


              2 months

              25times the basic daily unemployment subsidy valid on 1st June

              b’ case


              3 months

              c’ case

              201 and more days of insurance 4 months

              4 months

              • the basic daily unemployment subsidy, it amounts to 19,16€
              • the aforementioned amounts are increased by 10%,for each dependent family member of the beneficiary
              • for every full month of subsidy twenty five (25) daily subsidies are paid. If during the month up to ten (10) days of work have taken place (see suspension), from the paid daily subsidies an equal number of subsidies is deducted with the days of work
              • the subsidized persons in the Special Category of Exclusive Nurses are not entitled to financial support (Christmas and Easter allowances)
            • Subsidy Payment
              • monthly subsidies are paid “accrued”, i.e. from the day following their end
              • each monthly subsidy is automatically credited into the bank account the beneficiary has stated, if he/she has recorded the presence within the deadline
              • credit of monthly subsidies is done once a week and specifically on its last business day (Friday)
              • the insured person with his/her application ensures payment of the two (2) first monthly subsidies with no further action
            • Obligation of the unemployed to inform the Service - Suspension - Interruption - Continuation of Subsidy

              The subsidized person is obliged to inform the relevant Public Employment Service Office about the occurrence of any reason for losing the condition of the unemployed during his/her subsidy, so that it stops temporarily (suspended) or is permanently interrupted.

              Α. the subsidy is suspended due to:

              • employment for a period exceeding ten (10) days in total in the same month
              • illness or inability to work
              • enlistment
              • exercise of a free employment or business activity
              • departure for a foreign country for a period of more than twenty (20) consecutive or periodical days during the same year or continuous during two consecutive years
              • imprisonment or administrative detention
              • training practice
              • training practice (under conditions)
              • end of the residence and work permit (for subsidized foreigners) or
              • any other reason because of which he/she is no longer available for employment in the labor market.

              Β. The subsidy is interrupted due to:

              1. retirement in own right
              2. death
              3. permanent incapacity to work 
              4. simultaneous work (for over 10 days within the same month) and subsidy.

              The Service must be informed about the reason for suspension or interruption of the cases B. 1-3 of the subsidy:

              1.Within eight (8) business days from the day the reason for suspension or interruption of the subsidy occurs and in any case before the end of the subsidy month. The amount of the monetary difference that may arise from the last payment of the insured person until the date of suspension or interruption of cases B.1-3 of the subsidy is not lost, but paid into the insured person’s bank account.

              The timely information of the Service about the suspension/interruption of the subsidy and non-collection of subsidies in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted is extremely important, because:

              • in the case of parallel subsidy and employment (salaried or not), the subsidy is interrupted
              • the amount collected in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted must be repaid by the insured person to the Public Employment Service 

              2.It is sone any way by the insured person himself or by a representative (by email etc.). After that (or simultaneously) the relevant documents must be submitted, when they cannot be acquired automatically (e. g. health booklet, Military Service certificate, airplane ticket etc.).

            • Subsidy Continuation

              If the subsidy of the exclusive nurse has been suspended for any reason, it is possible for it to continue if the reason for the suspension ceases to exist, if the relevant application is submitted until the 30.09 of the year of subsidy, with an ending date which may not exceed the 30.09 of the subsidy year. In case of interruption the subsidy does not continue.

            • Private Nurses' Subsidy in the Category of Ordinary Unemployed'

              If during the critical period of the year preceding the year of the subsidy the insured person has realized days of work both as an exclusive nurse and in another employment, when the days of work of the other employment are more than those in the category of exclusive nurse, he/she is subsidized in the common unemployed category (by counting also the days of work corresponding to the employment of the exclusive nurse), if the provisions regarding ordinary unemployment subsidy with the sole difference that in this case the subsidy may not exceed five (5) months.

        • Forest Workers - Resin Collectors
            • General

              Insured persons who have been employed in a specific (critical) period as forest workers – resin collectors either for relevant Cooperatives or for the State or as free forest workers, paid at a flat rate and insured in a notional way at e-EFKA, may receive a Ordinary unemployment subsidy on specific conditions set by the M. D. 31924/19.06.91.

            • Requirements

              The Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy of the special category of Forest Workers – Resin Collectors, is subsidized if applicants:

              • have the status of forest worker – resin collector in the calendar year preceding that of the start of the subsidy or have realized in the period before the 1st November
              • have at least one hundred (100) notional insurance days as forest workers or resin collectors with contributions in favor of the unemployment sector of the Public Employment Service during the calendar year preceding that of the subsidy (critical period)
              • have the status of the unemployed on the date the application for subsidy is submitted (not working for another employer, not self-employed, able and available in the labor market), with no obligation to present a form of end/termination of the previous work relationship.
            • Deadline for submission of the application

              Applications are submitted, as an Unemployment Card has been issued, in the period between 1st October to 28 (29) February of each year at the EPC2 Service of the Public Employment Service of the beneficiary’s place of residence. The starting date of the subsidy, depends on the date the application is submitted.

            • Submission Process

              At the submission of the application the unemployed person:

              • is informed:
              • about the conditions for the subsidy and the purpose of he processing of his/her personal data
              • about his/her obligations during the subsidy, submitting at the same time a Solemn Declaration of L.1599/86 that he/she was informed about them
              • he/she states:
              •  whether he/she has dependent family members, so he/she can be granted an increase by 10%
              •  a bank account where he/she is the first holder, where the subsidies will be credited
              •  he/she also submits specific documents

              At the definitive submission of the application the unemployed person receives a copy thereof where a specific period is recorded within which he/she is obliged to record his/her presence in person at the Public Employment Service. This period is also recorded in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

            • Subsidy Transfer

              After submitting their application insured persons may submit an application for transfer to another EPC2 Service, if they change place of residence, with the documents proving their new residence as required documents. At the submission of the application for transfer the new EPC2 Service is responsible for the issued of the insured persons’ subsidy (presentation of documents, receipt of decision etc.).

            • Processing of application by the Service - Accompanying documents

              After submission of the application its processing by the Service starts and the inclusion in the subsidy based on the following data: 


              1. Certificate by the relevant cooperative to prove the condition of the member of a forest cooperative or resin collectors’ cooperative.

              2. Insurance booklet (Insurance Identification and Contribution Card) of the previous year

              3. Deposit Account Number (IBAN) where the insured person is the first holder

              4. Indirect insurance capacity of the dependent family members if they exist

              5. Data of non-salaried employment (business activity).

              The two latter documents are automatically sought by the Services and only if it is impossible to seek them automatically are they submitted by the insured persons.

              The Deposit Account Number (IBAN) is only submitted if it was not stated in the past or if it has changed.

            • Pending Issues

              If during the examination of the application the Service does not identify the required details it requests automatically or finds out that more documents are needed, it contacts the insured persons for them to submit them within a deadline of twenty (20) days. If the insured persons do not respond, the Service issued a rejection decision after 3 months have passed from the information date, unless there is an objective inability to submit the documents for which the insured persons are not responsible.

            • Issuance of a decision

              After processing the application a decision is issued by the Service either approving or rejecting, which the insured person receives from the Service in the capacity of which he/she belongs (where he/she initially submitted it or transferred it), while the decision also appears in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

              The approving decision records:

              • the specific time period during which the unemployed person is obliged to report his/her presence at the Public Employment Service
              • the duration of the subsidy
              • the amount of subsidy
            • Subsidy start date

              If the application is submitted in the period between 01.10 and 30.11, the subsidy has the starting date the 01.11.

              If the application is submitted between 01.12 and 28 (29).02, the subsidy has as the starting date the date the application is submitted.

              The duration of the subsidy varies between two (2) and four (4) months, depending on the days of work of the calendar year preceding the subsidy.

              The ending date of the subsidy may not be later than 28 (29) February.

            • Personal declaration of attendance

              A record of presence is the in-person submission of a solemn declaration by the unemployed person about fulfillment of the subsidy conditions, as had been stated at the submission of his/her application. The record of presence:

              • is submitted at the third month from the date the application is submitted (month of presence)
              • the month of presence is recorded in the application, in the approving decision and in e-services of the Public Employment Service
              • it is done by all insured persons whether their subsidy has been approved or remains pending
              • connected to the smooth payment of the unemployed person’s subsidies:
                • if the presence is recorded the right to collect the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence is ensured and also for the next monthly subsidy,
                • if it exists if the presence is not recorded, the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence is withdrawn
              • it ensures the automatic renewal of the unemployment card
              • it stops being an obligation when a rejection decision is issued on the application
              • as a process is extremely simple. The insured persons go to the Public Employment Service Offices, state the fulfillment of the conditions for the subsidy and sign the relevant Solemn Statement.

              However, as long as the covid measures last, the presence is recorded through the electronic services of the Public Employment Service with verification that the text of the Solemn Statement has been read. If the month of presence passes, it is not possible to record it electronically.

            • Duration / Amount of Subsidy
              The duration of the subsidy for forest workers / resin collectors depends on:
              - the number of days of work realized in the critical period
              - the number of daily subsidies they have collected in the previous four years from the start of the subsidy for which they apply, which may not be over four hundred (400).
              Based on the above, the duration of the subsidy varies between two (2) and four (4) months, when there is no subsidy within the four-year period. If within the four-year period the forest workers / resin collectors have been subsidized, but have collected fewer than four hundred (400) daily subsidies, they are entitled to subsidy for the remaining number of daily subsidies until completion of the maximum limit of four hundred (400) daily subsidies.
              The subsidy is paid from November until February [01.11 to 28 (29).02] of each year as follows:







              AMOUNT OF SUBSIDY

              a’ case


              2 months

              25 times the basic daily unemployment subsidy valid on 1st November of the year of submission

              b’ case


              3 months

              c’ case

              251 and more days

              4 months

              •  the basic daily unemployment subsidy amounts to 19,16€
              •  the above amounts are increased by 10% for each dependent family member of the beneficiary
              •  for each full month of subsidy twenty five (25) daily subsidies are paid
              •  subsidized persons in the Special Category of Forest Workers / Resin Collectors are not entitled to financial support (Christmas and Easter allowances)

            • Subsidy Payment
              •  monthly subsidies are paid “accrued”, i.e. from the day following their end.
              •  every monthly subsidy is credited automatically into the bank account the beneficiary has stated, if he/she has realized recording of presence within the deadline
              •  the crediting of monthly subsidies takes place once a week and specifically on its last business day (Friday)
              •  the insured person by his/her application ensures the payment of the two (2) first monthly subsidies with no further action
            • Obligation of the unemployed to inform the Service- Suspension - Interruption - Continuation of Subsidy

              The subsidized person is obliged to inform the relevant Public Employment Service Office about the occurrence of any reason for losing the condition of the unemployed during his/her subsidy, so that it stops temporarily (suspended) or is permanently interrupted.

              A. The subsidy is suspended due to:

              • employment
              • illness or inability to work,
              • enlistment,
              • exercise of a free employment or business activity
              • departure for a foreign country for a period of more than twenty (20) consecutive or periodical days during the same year or continuous during two consecutive years
              • imprisonment or administrative detention
              • training practice
              • training (under conditions)
              • end of the residence and work permit (for subsidized foreigners) or
              • any other reason because of which he/she is no longer available for employment in the labor market.

              B. The subsidy is interrupted due to:

              1. retirement in own right
              2. death
              3. permanent incapacity to work
              4. simultaneous employment and subsidy

              The Service must be informed about the reason for suspension or interruption of the cases B. 1-3 of the subsidy

              1. Within eight (8) business days from the day the reason for suspension or interruption of the subsidy occurs and in any case before the end of the subsidy month. The amount of the monetary difference that may arise from the last payment of the insured person until the date of suspension or interruption of cases B.1-3 of the subsidy is not lost, but paid into the insured person’s bank account.

              The timely information of the Service about the suspension/interruption of the subsidy and non-collection of subsidies in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted is extremely important, because:

              • In the case of parallel subsidy and employment (salaried or not), the subsidy is interrupted.
              • The amount collected in a period when it should have been suspended or interrupted must be repaid by the insured person to the Public Employment Service

              2. It is done any way by the insured person himself or by a representative (by email etc.). After that (or simultaneously) the relevant documents must be submitted, when they cannot be acquired automatically (e. g. health booklet, Military Service certificate, airplane ticket etc.).

            • Subsidy Continuation

              If the subsidy of the forest worker / resin collector has been suspended for any reason, it is possible for it to continue if the reason for the suspension ceases to exist, if the relevant application is submitted until the 28(29).02 of the year of subsidy, with an ending date which may not exceed the 28(29).02 of the subsidy year. In case of interruption the subsidy does not continue.

            • Subsidy for forest workers/resin collectors in the Category of Ordinary Unemployed

              If during the critical period of the year preceding the subsidy the insured person has realized work days both as a forest worker /resin collector and in another employment, when the work days of the other employment are more than those in the forest worker /resin collector profession, he/she is subsidized in the common unemployed category (by adding also the days of work corresponding to the forest worker /resin collector employment), if they are at least one hundred (100) in the calendar year preceding the subsidy and the interested person continues to have the status of forest worker /resin collector, if the provisions regarding Ordinary unemployment subsidy are fulfilled, with the only difference that in this case the subsidy may not exceed five (5) months.

            • Ordinary Subsidy for Forest Workers and Special Season subsidy

              Since the starting date for the submission of applications for Ordinary unemployment subsidy for forest workers-resin collectors falls within the period of payment of the special seasonal allowance, the latter must not be paid, when the application for Ordinary unemployment subsidy has preceded that for the payment of the special seasonal allowance. In the opposite case, i. e. when the application for the provision of the special seasonal allowance has been submitted first, then it will be offset against the Ordinary subsidy and in fact with the first two (2) months of subsidy.

        • Guides
            • General

              Insured persons who have worked in a specific (critical) period as tour guides, may receive Ordinary unemployment subsidy on special terms determined by the M. D. 34061/12.11.99.

            • Requirements

              The Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy of the special category of Tour Guides is provided if applicants:

              • have the status of the tour guide at the time of the subsidy (i. e. they have an ID card for professional tour guides)
              • they have realized at least one hundred (100) notional insurance days in the sector during the calendar year preceding that of the subsidy (critical period)
              • their annual income (not family income) from salaried services during the fiscal year preceding the subsidy does not exceed a specific amount, which is increased every year by 293,47€. For the tax year 2022 the income limit amounts to 18.782,10€
              • they have the status of the unemployed on the date of submission of the subsidy application (they do not work for another employer, are not self-employed, are able and available in the labor market), with no need to present a form of end/termination of the work relationship, because Hellenic Tourism Organization has before e-EFKA the obligations of an employer to them and insures them in a notional way
            • Deadline for submission of the application

              Applications are submitted, after an Unemployment Card has been issued, in the period between 1st November to 28 (29) February of each year at the EPC2 Service of the Public Employment Service of the beneficiary’s place of residence.  The starting date of the subsidy depends on the date the application is submitted.

            • Submission Process

              At the submission of the application the unemployed person:

              • is informed:
              • about the conditions for the subsidy and the purpose of the processing of his/her personal data
              • about his/her obligations during the subsidy, submitting at the same time a Solemn Declaration of L.1599/86 that he/she was informed about them
              • he/she states:
              • a bank account where he/she is the first holder, where the subsidies will be credited
              • he/she also submits specific documents

              At the definitive submission of the application the unemployed person receives a copy thereof where a specific period is recorded within which he/she is obliged to record his/her presence in person at the Public Employment Service. This period is also recorded in e-services of the Public Employment Service.


            • Subsidy Transfer

              After submitting their application insured persons may submit an application for transfer to another EPC2 Service, if they change place of residence, with the documents proving their new residence as required documents. At the submission of the application for transfer the new EPC2 Service is responsible for the issues of the insured persons’ subsidy (presentation of documents, receipt of decision etc.).

            • Processing of application by the Service - Accompanying documents

              After submission of the application its processing by the Service starts and the inclusion in the subsidy based on the following data: Documents

              1. ID card for professional tour guides.

              2. Insurance booklet (Insurance Identification and Contribution Card) of the previous year.

              3. Deposit Account Number (IBAN) where the insured person is the first holder.

              4. Tax return form by a competent Tax Office for the year preceding the application

              5. Data of non-salaried employment income (business activity).

              The Deposit Account Number (IBAN) is only submitted if it was not stated in the past or if it has changed.

            • Pending Issues

              If during the examination of the application the Service does not identify the required details it requests automatically or finds out that more documents are needed, it contacts the insured persons for them to submit them within a deadline of twenty (20) days. If the insured persons do not respond, the Service issues a rejection decision after 3 months have passed from the information date, unless there is an objective inability to submit the documents for which the insured persons are not responsible.

            • Issuance of a decision

              After processing the application a decision is issued by the Service either approving or rejecting, which the insured person receives from the Service in the capacity of which he/she belongs (where he/she initially submitted it or transferred it), while the decision also appears in e-services of the Public Employment Service.

              The approving decision records:

              • the specific time period during which the unemployed person is obliged to report his/her presence at the Public Employment Service
              • the duration of the subsidy
              • the amount of subsidy
            • Personal declaration of attendance

              A record of presence is the in-person submission of a solemn declaration by the unemployed person about fulfillment of the subsidy conditions, as had been stated at the submission of his/her application. The record of presence:

              • is submitted at the third month from the date the application is submitted (month of presence)
              • the month of presence is recorded in the application, in the approving decision and in e-services of the Public Employment Service
              • it is done by all insured citizens whether their subsidy has been approved or remains pending
              • it is connected to the smooth payment of the unemployed person’s subsidies, as if no presence is recorded, the subsidy corresponding to the month of presence is withdrawn
              • it ensures the automatic renewal of the unemployment card
              • it stops being an obligation when a rejection decision is issued on the application
              • as a process is extremely simple. The insured persons go to the Public Employment Service Offices, state the fulfillment of the conditions for the subsidy and sign the relevant Solemn Statement.

              However, as long as the covid measures last, the presence is recorded through the electronic services of the Public Employment Service with verification that the text of the Solemn Statement has been read. If the month of presence passes, it is not possible to record it online.


            • Subsidy start date

              If the application is submitted in the period between 01.11 and 30.12, the subsidy has the starting date 01.12.

              If the application is submitted between 01.01 and 28 (29).02, the subsidy has as the starting date the date the application is submitted.

              The duration of the subsidy varies between two (2) and three (3) months, depending on the days of work of the calendar year preceding the subsidy.

              The ending date of the subsidy may not be later than 28 (29) February.

            • Duration - Amount of Subsidy

              The duration of the subsidy for tour guides depends:

              • the number of days of work realized in the critical period

              • the number of daily subsidies they have collected in the previous four years from the start of the subsidy for which they apply, which may not be over four hundred (400).

              Based on the above, the duration of the subsidy varies between two (2) and three (3) months, when there is no subsidy within the four-year period. If within the four-year period the tour guides have been subsidized, but have collected fewer than four hundred (400) daily subsidies, they are entitled to subsidy for the remaining number of daily subsidies until completion of the maximum limit of four hundred (400) daily subsidies.

              The subsidy is paid from December until February [01.12 to 28 (29).02] of each year as follows:



              DAYS OF INSURANCE IN THE SECTOR (in the year preceding the subsidy)


              AMOUNT OF SUBSIDY (cases a’ and b’) 

              a’ case


              2 months

              25 times the basic daily unemployment subsidy valid on 1st December of the year of submission

              b’ case

              201 and more

              3 months

              • the basic daily unemployment subsidy amounts to 19,16€
              • for each full month of subsidy twenty five (25) daily subsidies are paid

              • no increases for dependent family members are paid

              • the subsidized persons in the Special Category of Tour Guides are not entitled to financial support (Christmas and Easter allowances)

            • Subsidy Payment
              • monthly subsidies are paid “accrued”, i.e. from the day following their end
              • every monthly subsidy is credited automatically into the bank account the beneficiary has stated, if he/she has realized recording of presence within the deadline
              • the crediting of monthly subsidies takes place once a week and specifically on its last business day (Friday)
              • the insured person by his/her application ensures the payment of the two (2) first monthly subsidies with no further action
            • Obligation of the unemployed to inform the Service - Suspension - Interruption - Continuation of Subsidy

              The subsidized person is obliged to inform the relevant Public Employment Service Office about the occurrence of any reason for losing the condition of the unemployed during his/her subsidy, so that it stops temporarily (suspended) or is permanently interrupted.

              A. the subsidy is suspended due to:

              •  employment
              • illness or inability to work
              • enlistment
              • exercise of a free employment or business activity
              • departure for a foreign country for a period of more than twenty (20) consecutive or periodical days during the same year or continuous during two consecutive years
              • imprisonment or administrative detention
              • training practice
              • training (under conditions)
              • end of the residence and work permit (for subsidized foreigners) or
              • any other reason because of which he/she is no longer available for employment in the labor market

              B. The subsidy is interrupted due to:

              1. retirement in own right
              2. death
              3. permanent incapacity to work
              4. simultaneous employment and subsidy

              The Service must be informed about the reason for suspension or interruption of the cases B. 1-3 of the subsidy:

              1. Within eight (8) business days from the day the reason for suspension or interruption of the subsidy occurs and in any case before the end of the subsidy month. The amount of the monetary difference that may arise from the last payment of the insured person until the date of suspension or interruption of cases B.1-3 of the subsidy is not lost, but paid into the insured person’s bank account.

              The timely information of the Service about the suspension/interruption of the subsidy and non-collection of subsidies in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted is extremely important, because:

              • In the case of parallel subsidy and employment (salaried or not), the subsidy is interrupted.
              • The amount collected in a period when the subsidy should have been suspended or interrupted must be repaid by the insured person to the Public Employment Service.

              2. It is done in any way by the insured person himself or by a representative (by email etc.). After that (or simultaneously) the relevant documents must be submitted, when they cannot be acquired automatically (e. g. health booklet, Military Service certificate, airplane ticket etc.).

            • Subsidy Continuation

              If the subsidy of the tour guide has been suspended for any reason, it is possible for it to continue if the reason for the suspension ceases to exist, if the relevant application is submitted until the 28(29).02of the year of subsidy, with an ending date which may not exceed the 28 (29).02 of the subsidy year. In case of interruption the subsidy does not continue.

            • Subsidy for Guides in the Category of Ordinary Unemployed

              If during the critical period of the year preceding the subsidy the insured person has realized work days both as a tour guide and in another employment, when the work days of the other employment are more than those in the tour guide profession, he/she is subsidized in the common unemployed category (by adding also the notional days of work corresponding to the tour guide employment), if the provisions regarding ordinary unemployment subsidy are fulfilled, with the only difference that in this case the subsidy may not exceed five (5) months. 

        • Regular unemployment subsidy for unemployed migrants within the EU. (use PDU1 or SED U002)
            • Ordinary Unemployment Subsidy for migrant unemployed persons within the EU. The migrant unemployed person within the EU pursuant to Regulation (EC) 883/2004 and Implementing Regulation (EC) 987/2009, as in force:

              • has the right to apply for subsidy in the State of the last employment,
              • has the right to apply for subsidy in the Member State of permanent residence

              If after his/her last employment he/she moves to another EU Member State to find work, with the exception of the above case, the above-mentioned employment may in the future be used for aggregation, after new employment times are realized in the EU Member State where he/she has gone and after the end of the work relationship an application is submitted for subsidy in the Member State in question.

              The organization of the country in which the unemployed person requests unemployment subsidy is obliged to take into account the periods of insurance and employment completed in another EU Member State.

              The periods of insurance and employment completed in another EU Member State may be looked for by the EU member state receiving the migrant unemployed person’s application for unemployment subsidy in the European Electronic Social Security Information System (EESSI) – RINA Portal. and be certified by issuing the electronic document SED U002.

              The periods of insurance and employment may also be certified using the Portable Document U1 – PD U1. It is a certificate provided about the periods of insurance and employment used for the provision of unemployment subsidies in another EU Member State.

              People moving within the EU self-employed and independently employed insured in the former O.A.E.E. in the former E.T.A.A. and in the former ETAP-MME:

              Regarding the insured in the former O.A.E.E. (Self-Employed Insurance Organization) and the Self-Employed insured in the former ETAA. (Unified Self-Employed Fund) and in the former ETAP-MME (Unified Insurance Fund for Media Personnel), it is pointed out that in Greece, they are insured, but do not pay regular unemployment contributions and therefore do not have the right to be subsidized with Regular Unemployment Allowance in the country us. Therefore, it is not possible to issue PD U1 or SED U002 on their behalf.



              1. Immediately after the termination of the employment relationship in Greece, the mobile unemployed person who moves to another EU Member State, may request from the competent body of the Member State to which he moves, to request from DYPA, the issuance of the Electronic Document ( SED U002) through the EESSI System (System for Electronic Exchange of Information in the fields of Social Security and in this case in the field of unemployment) which operates between EU countries (as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and the United Kingdom). In such a case, he will have to give the competent Employment Service of the Member State he moved to, information about his last employment in Greece, as well as the TIN (Tax Registration Number) and the AMA (Insurance Registration Number).

              2. Alternatively, it may:

              a) request from the Service of the D.YPA.A. (K.P.A. 2 – Employment Promotion Centers) in whose competence falls his last employment, the issuance of the portable form PD U1, before his departure from Greece.

              The receipt of the PD U1 is done by the unemployed person himself in consultation with the K.P.A. 2, which will inform him about the date of receipt. The applicant receives in his hands the original PD U1.

              b) mail the application for the issuance of the PDU1 portable form.

              In such a case:

              ι)he/she sends the application by post to K.P.A.2 under the jurisdiction of which his/her last employment in Greece falls

              ιι)the application should bear the applicant's original signature

              ιιι)in case he/she wants to send his application electronically (via email), it should be accompanied by a digital Responsible Declaration issued electronically through the Single Digital Portal The response to the above Application will be sent by K.P.A.2 by post, to the address of the applicant in the Member State to which he/she went to look for work, as it is reflected in the relevant field of the Application.

              The PD U1 may file:

              • In the Member State of Permanent Residence in which he will apply to be subsidized
              • In the event that he does not apply for an allowance in the Member State of Permanent Residence, but moves to another Member State to look for work, the aforementioned Community Form may be submitted after his new employment in the aforementioned other Member State in order, if after the expiry of the employment relationship applied for unemployment benefit for the new employment, this to be used for Calculation of years of employment.


              1. Application for issuance of PD U1 with original signature.
              2. In case it is not possible to search independently, a photocopy of the last employment contract or a certificate with as much information as possible about the applicant's employment (name of company / employer, business address, period of employment, type of work, reason for termination of employment and the relevant document etc.).
              3. Forms on which the A.M.A. (Insurance Registration Number) and the A.F.M. (Tax Identification Number). It is not necessary to provide them only in case the applicant is already registered in the DYPA Information System, in which case only the corresponding fields in the application are filled in
              4. Full mailing address of the applicant.



              1. Immediately after the termination of the employment relationship in another EU Member State, the migrant unemployed person who comes to Greece, may request from the DYPA - Public Employment Service in Greece, to request from the Competent Body of the Member State in which his employment took place, the issuance of the Electronic Document (SED U002) through the EESSI System (System for Electronic Exchange of Information in the Social Security sectors and in this case in the unemployment sector) that operates between EU countries (as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and United Kingdom). In such a case, he should provide DYPA with information about his last employment in the other Member State, such as details of the employer or the Employment Contract, information about the Competent Service of the other Member State (name, address) as well as the his Personal Identification Numbers in it.
              2. Alternatively, the mobile unemployed person who is going to move from another EU Member State in Greece, requests from the competent unemployment agency of the other Member State the issuance of the portable form PD U1, before his departure from this Member State. The unemployed should consult the above competent body and follow their instructions.

              The PD U1 is received by the unemployed person himself, who receives the original PD U1 in his hands.

              This exact PD U1 can be submitted to DYPA-Public Employment Service in Greece. The unemployed person in question can be entitled to an unemployment benefit from Greece only if Greece is the Member State of his Permanent Residence and as long as the conditions for a subsidy under Greek Legislation are also met.

              Competent office providing the information:

              Public Employment Service


              Head Office Directorate of Insurance and Social Policies (A3)

              Department of EU Regulations and Contracts

              Ethnikis Antistaseos 8

              P. C. 17456

              Alimos – Greece

              Phone numbers of EPC2 throughout Greece:


              Emails of the EPC2 throughout Greece:


              LEGAL FRAMEWORK

              • Regulation (EC) 883/2004 as in force:


              • Implementing Regulation (EC) 987/2009 as in force:


        • Transfer of ordinary unemployment subsidy to another EU member state for 3 months in another EU member state (use PDU2 or SED U008)

            • It is possible on the basis of Regulation (EC) No. 883/2004 and Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 987/2009, as applicable, the Transfer / Export of Regular Unemployment Allowance for a period of three months to another State – Member of the E.U. in order to give the opportunity to the unemployed of an EU Member State. to look for work in another EU Member State, if they wish.



              The subsidized person who receives unemployment benefits in Greece (from DYPA-Public Employment Service), when he decides that he wishes to move to look for work in another country
              - A member of the EU, submits to the K.P.A.2, which subsidizes him, the relevant Application for the issuance of the portable form PD U2, with his original signature, after at least four weeks have passed after the start of the subsidy.
              The PD U2 is received by him in consultation with the K.P.A. 2, which will inform him about the date of receipt. The subsidized person receives the original PD U2 (Portable Document U2) before leaving Greece (which in this case is the Member State that subsidizes him) and must submit it to the Employment Agency of the Member State at who will go to look for work, within 7 days from the date he ceases to be available to the Unemployment Services of the Member State that subsidizes him, in this case the Public Employment Service-DYPA of Greece (date of departure from Greece).

              In case of overdue registration, the subsidy will be withdrawn for a period of time, which starts from the date of commencement of the Export / Transfer of the Regular Unemployment Allowance (date from which the subsidized person ceases to be at the disposal of the DYPA-Public Employment Service of Greece which subsidizes him , date of departure from Greece) until the day before the date of his registration in the Member State to which he moves to look for work.


              In the event that the insured does not request the issuance of the portable form PD U2 before his departure from Greece and after having previously informed the competent KPA2 subsidizing him of the date of his imminent departure, he may request the competent Employment Service of the Member State in which he will go, to request from DYPA, the issuance of the corresponding Electronic Document (SED U008) through the EESSI System (System for Electronic Exchange of Information in the Social Security sectors and in this case in the unemployment sector) which operates between EU countries ( as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and the United Kingdom). In such a case, he will have to give the competent Employment Service of the Member State to which he moves, information such as his VAT number and AMA (personal identification numbers in Greece).

              A necessary condition is still the presence of the unemployed person at the Employment Agency of the State - Member to which he will go to look for work, within 7 days from the date he ceases to be at the disposal of the Unemployment Services (DYPA) of Greece - date of departure from Hellas. (In the case of late registration, the above-mentioned provisions regarding the Deprivation of a period of time of the subsidy apply).

              The employment services of the Member State to which the unemployed person will go to look for employment inform the unemployed person about his obligations.

              If the insured is registered with the Employment Agency of the country he moved to, the aforementioned Agency must inform about said registration, with the SED UOO9 (Structured Electronic Document U009, H.D.E. U009 - Electronically Structured Document U009), the subsidizing country, in this case Greece.

              After registering as unemployed with the Unemployment Services of the EU Member State. to which he transfers, the insured must make monthly attendances. The Employment Agency of the Member State in which semi-annual attendances are carried out, must inform about them with SED U013 the Employment Agency of the Member State that subsidizes (in this case the DYPA), in order for the latter to be informed that the unemployed person still remains unemployed at the disposal of the unemployment services in the other country to which he went to look for work. (It should be noted that Greece, as a subsidizing Member State, when issuing the PD U2 or SED U008, requires the Member State to which the unemployed migrant will go in search of work to send the SEDs U013).

              During the Transfer / Export of the Subsidy, the unemployment benefit money from Greece continues to be deposited directly into the beneficiary's bank account, after the required sending of the above-mentioned SEDs from the Member State to which the unemployed person will initially move the SED UOO9 and per month the SED U013.

              If one of the following occurs, exactly as listed in SED U010:

              •   The unemployed accepts a job or becomes self-employed.
              •   The unemployed receives income from an activity other than the above.
              •   The unemployed person refuses a job offer or refuses to go to the employment services for an interview.
              •   The unemployed refuses to participate in a professional reintegration program.
              •   The unemployed person is unable to work.
              •   The unemployed person is not subject to the control procedures.
              •   The unemployed person is not placed at the disposal of the employment services.

              then the insured informs the Employment Agency of the EU Member State. who is registered as unemployed and the latter informs the Member State that subsidizes him, in this case Greece, with the SED U010, in order for Greece to suspend or stop the subsidy on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with what the Greek Legislation stipulates .

               The insured - unemployed person may:

              •    Until the end of the quarter to return to the country that subsidizes him (in this case Greece) in order to continue the remaining subsidy or

              •    After the end of the quarter, to remain in the country to which he moved and to be subject to its unemployment legislation, in which case his benefit from Greece will be stopped.




              The subsidized person who receives unemployment benefit in another EU Member State, when he decides that he wishes to move to Greece to look for work, submits to the competent Service of the Member State that subsidizes him, the relevant Application for the issuance of the portable PD form U2, after at least four weeks have passed after the start of its subsidy.

              PD U2 is received by him. The subsidized person receives the original PD U2 portable form before leaving the Member State that subsidizes him and must submit it to the DYPA-Public Employment Service of Greece, within 7 days from the date it ceases to be available to the Unemployment Services of the subsidizing Member State (date of departure from that Member State).


              In the event that the insured does not request the issuance of the portable PD U2 form before his departure from the Member State that subsidizes him and after having previously informed the competent body that subsidizes him of the date of his imminent departure, he may request the DYPA to request from the above competent institution of the Member State that subsidizes him, the issuance of the corresponding Electronic Document (SED U008) through the EESSI System (System for Electronic Exchange of Information in the Social Security sectors and in this case in the unemployment sector) which operates between the countries of EU (as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and the United Kingdom).

              A necessary condition is still the presence of the unemployed person at the Employment Agency of the Member State to which he will go to look for work, in this case the DYPA-Public Employment Service of Greece, within 7 days from the date he ceases to be available to the Services Unemployment of the Member State that subsidizes him (date of departure from said Member State).
              In case of late registration (beyond the aforementioned seven days), the unemployed person should be informed of the relevant effects on his subsidy by the competent institution of the Member State that subsidizes him.

              Regarding the registration of the insured person with the Public Employment Service of Greece, DYPA informs the competent body of the Member State that subsidizes him for said registration through the EESSI system with the electronic document SED UOO9.
              The DYPA-Public Employment Service of Greece, to which the unemployed person went to look for employment, informs the unemployed person about his obligations.

              • During the Transfer / Export of the Subsidy, the unemployment benefit money continues to be deposited directly into the beneficiary's bank account by the competent institution of the Member State that subsidizes it.


              If one of the following occurs, exactly as listed in SED U010:

              • The unemployed accepts a job or becomes self-employed.
              • The unemployed receives income from an activity other than the above.
              • The unemployed person refuses a job offer or refuses to go to employment services for an interview.
              • The unemployed person refuses to participate in a vocational reintegration program.
              • The unemployed person is unable to work.
              • The unemployed person is not subject to the control procedures.
              • The unemployed person is not placed at the disposal of the employment services.

              then the insured person informs the DYPA which informs the competent institution of the Member State that subsidizes him, with the SED U010.

              The insured - unemployed can:

              •  Until the end of the quarter to return to the country that subsidizes him in order to continue the remaining subsidy or
              •  After the end of the quarter, to remain in the country to which he went (in this case Greece) and to be subject to its unemployment legislation, in which case the benefit will be stopped by the country that had issued the PD U2 or the SED U008 .
              • It is possible to extend the transfer/export period of his subsidy for an additional 3 months, i.e. a total of up to six months if this is approved by the Member State that subsidizes him. In such a case, the above two aforementioned are adjusted to the end date of the extension.
              • The subsidized beneficiary of another EU Member State who is looking for work in Greece and wishes to extend the basic period of Transfer / Export of three months and to continue looking for work in Greece, must himself address a request to the Unemployment Service that subsidizes him in the other Member State, before the initial three months of Transport / Export. In case of approval, the Subsidizing Service will send the SED U015 to DYPA through EESSI, with which it will inform about the approval of the extension and its exact period.


              Responsible unit providing the information:

              Public Employment Service
              Head Office Directorate of Insurance and Social Policies (A3) .
              Department of EU Regulations and Contracts
              Ethnikis Antistaseos 8
              P. C. 17456
              Alimos Greece


              Phone numbers of EPC2 throughout Greece:



              Emails of the EPC2 throughout Greece:



              LEGAL FRAMEWORK

              • Regulation (EC) 883/2004 as in force:


              • Implementing Regulation (EC) 987/2009 as in force: 


        • Special Seasonal Subsidy
            • General

              Beneficiaries of the special seasonal allowance are persons providing work in Greece, if they are included in the obligatory insurance of e-EFKA and exercise one of the following professions:

                         construction worker, quarrier, lime worker, brick maker, potter, forest worker, resin collector, tobacco worker, musician member of the corresponding professional union, shoemaker, employee of a ship repair zone, excavator operator, hoisting engine operator, road construction machinery operator, drilling machines, actors, cinema and television technician, cinema operator and operator assistant, cinema and theater controller, cinema and theater cashier, salaried employee of the tourist and catering sector and emery extractors.

              Also beneficiaries are the salaried employees of the ship repair zone, if they are included in the compulsory insurance of e-EFKA, when they provide their work to companies with seat in Greece and activities in one or more EU member states (art. 14 par. 1 L. 3762/09, Gov. Gaz. 75A’/15-05-2009).

              Pensioners on 10/09 who in the previous year had one of the aforementioned professions and fulfill the conditions for the allowance, are entitled to the seasonal allowance, if the pension they collect (main and auxiliary) is smaller than the minimum pension provided by e-EFKA to its insured persons in the year of payment of the allowance.

            • Requirements - Constructors
              • Have realized in the calendar year preceding the year of payment of the allowance exclusively in construction work between ninety five (95) and two hundred ten (210) days of work. In the aforementioned days is included the increase by 20% and the corresponding days of leave. In essence, therefore, the insured persons who realizes between seventy three (73) and one hundred sixty three (163) real days of work is entitled to the allowance. In addition, it is necessary that they are not contractors or sub-contractors for construction work employing more than three (3) salaried persons
              • to operate exclusively in the sector


              The beneficiaries who participate in educational training programs by the Public Employment Service and collect an educational allowance (art. 37 par. 5A of L. 1836/89) are deprived of the special seasonal allowance of the year which includes the biggest part of their education.

            • Requirements - Other Categories (excluding constructors)
              • to have realized in the calendar year previous to the year of payment of the allowance between fifty (50) and two hundred ten (210) days of insurance in their sector
              • for emery extractors of Naxos between fifty (50) and two hundred forty (240) days of insurance in their sector are necessary
              • salaried employees in the tourist and catering professions must have realized in the calendar year preceding the payment of the allowance at least seventy five (75) daily wages and not more than fifty (50) daily wages in the period from 1st October to 31st December of the calendar year preceding the payment
              • for operators of excavating, hoisting, road construction etc. machines between seventy (70) and two hundred ten (210) days of insurance in their sector are required
              • the daily wages they may have realized in other sectors in the calendar year preceding the payment must not be more than those they realized in the professional sector as members of which they request the allowance,
              • the total of daily wages they have realized in the calendar year preceding the payment must not exceed two hundred forty (240) daily wages
              • they must have the status of salaried employee of the relevant sector in the period of payment of the allowance (10/09-30/11).

              Those who fulfill the conditions for Ordinary subsidy during the period of payment of the allowance are not beneficiaries. If the Ordinary unemployment subsidy falls in the period of payment of the allowance (10/09-30/11), then the seasonal allowance is offset to the corresponding amount of Ordinary unemployment.

              Moreover, beneficiaries who participate in professional training programs by the Public Employment Service and collect an educational allowance (art. 37 par. 5A of L. 1836/89) are also deprived of the special allowance of the year in which the larger part of their education is included.

            • Process for submission of application - Deilvery of decision

              The application is submitted in two ways:


              • through the Citizens’ Service Center

              The receipt of the decision is done either through the e-services of the Public Employment Service  or through the competent Service EPC2 of the Public Employment Service.

            • Accompanying Documents

              I. Builders

              1) Online Application – Solemn Statement in which to declare PER CASE


              a) they exclusively practice the profession of builder

              b) they do not participate in a training program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the longest period of which is included in the year of payment of the allowance

              c) they do not employed more than three employees as contractors or subcontractors in the year 2021

              d) do not receive a pension (main and auxiliary) equal to or greater than the amount of 495.75 €

              2) For citizens of third countries, in addition to the above, a valid residence permit is required, or a certificate of filing a request for renewal of the residence permit.

              II. Other categories (excluding builders)

              Online Application - Solemn Statement, in which to declare PER CASE if:

              1) a) in the year 2022 they practice the profession of the specific sector

              b) they do not participate in a training program of the Greek Public Employment Service, the greatest period of which is included in the year of payment of the allowance

              c) do not receive a pension (main and auxiliary) equal to or greater than the amount of 495.75 €

              2) a) Musicians, dancers and technicians employed in live audiovisual events: certificate from the relevant professional association

              b) Elevator operators & excavators, etc. machinery: professional license

              c) Mineworkers of Naxos: certificate from the relevant authority for proof of residence in accordance with No. 30659/31-3-89 Y.A

              3) For citizens of third countries in addition to the above, a residence permit is required in force, or confirmation of filing a request for the renewal of the residence permit.

              To ensure the subsidy, the beneficiary must carefully record the VAT number, the AMA and the ΙΒΑΝ, in which he must appear as the first beneficiary. The payment of the aid to the beneficiary is made by crediting the account he has declared in the Online Application - Solemn Statement.

            • Legal Framework

              Art. 22 and 37 of Law 1836/89 (Official Gazette 79/A'/14-03-1989)

              Law. 2081/92 (Official Gazette 154/A'/10-09-1992)

              Law. 2224/94 (Official Gazette 112/A'/06-07-1994)

              Law. 2434/96 (Government Gazette 188/A'/20-08-96)

              Law. 2556/97 (Government Gazette 270/A'/24-12-1997)

              YA 30659/31-03-1989 (Government Gazette 239/B'/05-04-1989)

              YA 30962/27-04-1989 (Government Gazette 315/B '/27-04-1989)

              YA 31535/07-06-1989 (Government Gazette 448/B'/09-06-1989)

              YA 32021/06-10-1989 (Government Gazette 773/B'/09-10-1989)

              YA 33142/19-02-1998 (Government Gazette 237/B'/1998)

              DIADP/A/12604/04-07-2003 (Government Gazette 927/B')

              KYA 65646/1026/02-10-2008 (Government Gazette 2034/B '/02-10-2008)

              Art. 14 of Law 3762/09 (Government Gazette 75/A'/15-05-2009)

              DIADIPYD/Φ15/20/26524/12-08-2015 (Government Gazette 1845/B'/27-08-2015)

              See here the circular for the 2022 Special Seasonal Aid

        • Special Assistance for Vulnerable Groups
            • General Information - Beneficiaries

              Beneficiaries of the Special Allowance are insured persons belonging to one of the following categories:

              1. Persons who have served their custodial sentence (former convicts) provided that a) their sentence was two (2) months or longer, b) it was not interrupted due to the payment of monetary guarantee and c) that they also have the relevant positive recommendation of the prison's social worker or Director in case there is no Social Service in the Prison.
              2. Victims of violence/ trafficking (under par. 8, Art. 2, Law 4430/2016)
              3. Former drug addicts
              4. Women, victims of gender-based or domestic violence
              5. Single parents within the meaning of par. 3, Art. 9, Law 3812/2009 (Α΄ 234), as applicable, namely parents who the time of the application for the Special Allowance "exercise the parental responsibility of one or more minor children de facto and exclusively or after a relevant assignment. This right is exercised by the parent even after the children reach majority and up to the age 25".
            • Eligibility criteria

              Applicants have to meet cumulatively the following criteria to receive the allowance:

              1. be registered in the Special Digital Register of Unemployed Persons kept by the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) under one of the five above-mentioned categories.
              2. must maintain the capacity under which they have registered in the Special Digital Register and have a valid unemployment card at the date of application.
              3. are insured by e-EFKA and pay contributions against the risk of unemployment. The number of insurance days in the afore-said period should not exceed 75 at any given time within a twenty-four (24) months period before applying. Especially for those who have served their custodial sentence the seventy-five (75) insurance days maximum must be completed during the period of the twenty-four (24) months prior to the start of their custodial sentence.
              4. should meet the income criteria under Art. 19, Law 4921/2022 (Α΄ 75), as applicable, regardless of their status as long termed unemployed
              •  The total annual family income of the previous fiscal year regardless of its source, real and assumed, should not exceed the thresholds shown in the table below:

              Family status

              Annual Family Income

              (Real and Imputed)

              up to

              Increased by

              Single persons and widowers without dependants

              16.000 €


              Divorced and separated persons

              16.000 €

              5.000 €

              for each child

              Married persons and civil partnership parties

              24.000 €

              Single parents

              (Single persons, widowers, divorced persons who exclusively exercise parental responsibility)

              29.000 €

              5.000 €

              for each child after the first one

              • The total amount of the gross income from business activities that concerns all family members (i.e. spouse and dependents) should not exceed 80.000 €, regardless of whether the application is submitted by a family member not exercising the business activity.
              1. Should not receive, at the same time, any type of unemployment benefit (Regular or for special categories such as: private nurses, tourist guides, forest workers, dockers, skinners), or Benefit for the Long-Term Unemployed, or Unemployment Allowance to the Self-Employed Persons and Liberal Professionals insured by f. OAEE, f. ETAP – MME./ f. ΕΤΑΑ or the Special Seasonal Allowance.
              2. They should not have received any category of the Special Allowance (Special allowance after the receipt of unemployment benefit or after a three month waiting period in the DYPA’s Digital Registry or for those released from prison or due to suspension of work or due to interruption of the employer's business or under the same capacity or any other of the 5 abovementioned) within the period of two (2) calendar years prior to their application.

            • Application procedure

              Applications are submitted for one of the above capacities via DYPA's e-services at the local KPA2 of the place of residence provided that the applicant has been already registered with the DYPA Special Digital Register of Unemployed Persons

              Especially for former convicts the application is submitted within a two (2) months period starting from the end date of their custodial sentence.

            • Supporting documents

              The necessary supporting documents are the following:

              Α. Τhe provisions mentioned in the electronic section

              Especially for single parents the following supporting documents are necessary:

              1. In the event of the death or legal disappearance of the other parent:
                • Certificate of family status issued by the competent Municipality or the competent authority, from which it can be concluded that the child has only one parent due to the other parent's death or declaration of legal disappearance. If the death of one parent is not inferred by that certificate, then a death certificate should be submitted. In the case of the legal disappearance of a parent, the certificate must be complemented by a copy of the court decision in combination with the finality of judgement certificate.
              2. In the event of the parents’ divorce or marriage annulment or civil partnership dissolution or separation:
                • Certificate of family status issued by the competent Municipality or the competent authority.
                • Copy of the court decision awarding the exclusive parental responsibility or copy of the Minutes of the parents’ joint agreement, duly notarised by the competent court awarding the parental responsibility to the applicant parent, in accordance with article 1513CC or in the case of separation according to article 1514CC in combination with article 1513CC.
              3. In case the other parent is not capable to exercise parent responsibility for good reason or has limited or no legal capacity:
                • Certificate of family status issued by the competent Municipality or the competent authority.
                • Copy of the court decision stating the reason the other parent is unable to exercise parental responsibility (i.e. the person is under legal guardianship due to mental or intellectual disorder or physical disability). If there is no such court decision, then the applicant must submit any supporting document issued by a legally competent public authority from which derives that (s)he is the actual reason for not exercising the parental responsibility (e.g. certificate stating the parent's incarceration and the duration of the sentence).
              4. In case at least one parent has lost parental responsibility or is deprived thereof due to bad exercise of this right:
                • Certificate of family status issued by the competent Municipality or the competent authority.
                • Copy of the court decision accompanied by a finality of judgement certificate clearly stating that at least one parent has lost parental responsibility or is deprived thereof due to bad exercise of this right.
              5. In the case of a child born out of wedlock or civil partnership:
                • Certificate of family status issued by the competent Municipality or the competent authority. In case the child is recognised by its father, then it is required a solemn declaration that for a specific period of time until the child reaches majority, the mother exercised the parental responsibility de facto and exclusively without the parents' agreement under 1515CC in combination with article 1513CC for the joint exercise of the parental responsibility.
              6. In case the child is adopted by one parent:
                • Copy of the court decision clearly stating the child's adoption until the child reaches majority, accompanied by a finality of judgement certificate or Certificate of family status issued by the competent Municipality or the competent authority, from which results that the adoption until the child reaches majority.

              B. For beneficiaries who during the critical 24-months period have also insurance days that are not recorded into eEFKA's computerised database because they are subject to special provisions (Mount Athos workers, resin workers, dock workers, skinners, emery miners, forest workers belonging to unions): copies of the Individual Contributions Forms for the critical 24-months period

              C. For beneficiaries who during the critical 24-months period have also completed insurance days with earnings type code 16: monthly analysis of the critical 24-months period provided by e-EFKA.


            • Amount

              The Special Allowance is granted in a lump sum and equals to 37,5 daily unemployment benefits, as applicable at the application date (currently: 718,50 €). It is increased by 10% for each dependant member of the applicant.

            • Legal Framework
        • Subsidy for long-term unemployed
            • General

              The long-term unemployed subsidy is a subsidy granted to long-term unemployed Greek citizens and citizens of European Union member states, aged 20 to 66, who are insured against unemployment and are in a permanent state of unemployment for a period longer than 12 months, as long as they no longer have the right to a 12-month Ordinary unemployment subsidy.

            • Requirements

              1. Exhaustion of the Ordinary 12-month unemployment subsidy.

              Beneficiaries are those who have exhausted the 12-month unemployment subsidy, even if they received it in parts (i.e. with suspensions and continuations) and submit their application within an amortization period of two (2) months from the end of the 12-month period Ordinary subsidy. Ordinaryly subsidized citizens due to continuation based on article 20 of the N.D. 2961/54, who, at the end of the remainder of the 12-month subsidy, have not completed a 12-month continuous stay in the Organization's unemployment registers, may submit the application related to the subsidy within a depreciation period of two (2) months from the completion of the continuous 12 month stay.

              ATTENTION: subsidized citizens whose approval decision to grant a Ordinary unemployment subsidy is less than twelve (12) months old are not eligible.

              2. To have completed, on the date of submission of the relevant application, a period of uninterrupted unemployment for 12 months and to remain registered in the unemployment registers of the Greek Public Employment Service.

              3. Age between 20 and 66.

              As the starting date for completing the 20th and 66th year, we consider the beneficiary's date of birth. The critical time for meeting the age limit condition is the time of submitting the application.

              4. Their annual family income should not exceed €10,000.

              This income is increased by €586.08 for each minor child (i.e. under the age of 18). So for example for the trader with two (2) minor children, his/her annual family income must not exceed the amount of €11,172.16 (10,000 + 586.08 + 586.08 = €11,172.16)

              Note: the annual family income is considered to be the total annual taxable, actual, exempt or taxed in a special way, income from all sources – with the exception of severance subsidies – of the tax year preceding the exercise of the right of the trader , his/her spouse and minor children. For example, for applications submitted in the year 2022, citizens will provide a statement of account for the tax year 2020. Unemployment, sickness, maternity and long-term unemployed subsidies (if granted in the following calendar year) are not counted in the annual family income. For adult unmarried beneficiaries, the family income is considered to be the individual income.

            • Application submission process

              The application for the long-term unemployed allowance with the necessary supporting documents must be submitted within two (2) months from the end of the 12-month Ordinary subsidy in two ways:

              a) through the Greek Public Employment Services' online services 


              b) through a Citizens' Support Centre

              With the final submission of the application the unemployed receives a copy of it in which specific periods of time are recorded during which he has the obligation to declare his presence in person at the Greek Public Employment Service until the examination of his application. These intervals are also reflected in the Greek Public Employment Services' online services.


            • Subsidy Transfer

              After submitting the application, the insured may submit a transfer request to another KPA2 Service of the Greek Public Employment Service, as long as they change their place of residence, with the necessary supporting documents, proof of the new residence. Upon submission of the transfer application, the new KPA2 Service of the Greek Public Employment Service is now responsible for the issues related to the subsidy of the person insured (presentation of supporting documents, receipt of decision, etc.).

            • Processing of application by the Service

              Upon submission of the application, it is processed by the Service to which the person insured submitted it and the conditions and inclusion in the subsidy are checked based on the information obtained from the relevant supporting documents.

            • Accompanying Documents
              • Copy of the income tax clearance note" of the tax year preceding the exercise of the right, which will be issued through the TAXISNET system (This document will be submitted until the completion of the interoperability process with IAPR).
              • Recent family status certificate for those who have minor children.
              • An IBAN number, in which the citizen appears as the first beneficiary.
            • Pending Issues

              In case that during the examination of the application the Service finds that additional supporting documents are needed, it must contact the person insured and provide them within a period of twenty (20) days. If the person insured does not respond, the Service issues a rejection decision after 3 months from notification, unless there is an objective inability to provide supporting documents, for which the person insured are not responsible.

            • Issuance of a decision

              After processing the application, a decision is issued by the competent Greek Public Employment Service, either approving or rejecting, for which the insured is informed either through the  DYPA e-services or the DYPA KPA2 Service.

              The approval decision records:

              • new specific time intervals during which the unemployed person has the obligation to declare his presence at the Greek Public Employment Service
              • the duration of the subsidy
              • the amount of the subsidy


            • Duration / Amount of Subsidy

              The subsidy amount is fixed at the amount of €200.00 per month and is granted personally to the beneficiary himself for as long as he remains registered in the unemployment registers of the Greek Public Employment Service and in no case beyond twelve (12) months.

              This subsidy is not subject to increases , is personal and non-transferable.

            • Personal declaration of attendance

              The declaration of attendance is the personal submission at Ordinary intervals of a solemn statement by the unemployed person to fulfill the subsidy conditions, as was stated when submitting his application. The declaration of attendance : 

              • is submitted on the third month of each quarter (month of presence):
                • until the issuance of the decision on the application the third month is calculated from the date of submission of the application
                • after the approval decision is issued the third month is calculated from the start date of the subsidy
                • from the issuance of the approval decision the months of attendance cease to be valid, as they were calculated during the application
                • the months of attendance are reflected in the application, in the approval decision and in the online services of DYPA. The months of presence reflected in the online services incorporate all changes that may occur with the issuance of an approval decision
              • it is done by all the insured whether their subsidy has been approved or is pending
              • linked to the orderly payment of unemployment benefits:
                • if attendance is declared, the right to collect the allowance corresponding to the month of attendance and the two following monthly allowances is reserved;
                • if attendance is not declared, the allowance corresponding to the month of presence and for the payment of the next two monthly subsidies, the next declaration of attendance is expected
                • if presence is not declared for two consecutive months of presence, the subsidy is stopped
              • ensures the automatic renewal of the unemployment certificate
              • the subsidy is interrupted ensures the automatic renewal of the unemployment card ceases to be an obligation, when a rejection decision is issued on the application
              • as process is extremely simple. Insured persons come to the Greek Public Employment Services, declare that they have met the subsidy conditions and sign the relevant ID. The first in-person declaration of attendance is made at the Service under whose jurisdiction the insured falls (i.e. where the application was submitted or where the application was transferred), while the rest at any KPA2 Service.

              However, as long as the extraordinary restrictive measures of the coronavirus last, the declaration of attendance is made through of the Greek Public Employment Services' e-services.. If the month of attendance has passed, its electronic declaration is not possible.


            • Subsidy Payment
              • The monthly allowances are paid unearned, i.e. from the day after they expire
              • each monthly allowance is automatically credited to the bank account declared by the beneficiary, as long as he has made timely declarations of presence
              • the monthly allowances are credited once a week, specifically on the last working day (Friday)
              • upon his application, the person insured guarantees the payment of his first two (2) monthly subsidies without any further action
            • Suspension

              The subsidy is suspended:

              • for as long as the beneficiary is sick, as long as the illness is proven by a relevant certificate from the relevant insurance institution
              • if the beneficiary is employed for up to 70 days during his subsidy
              • during vocational training (subject to conditions)

              The person insured has the obligation to inform himself or his representative in the competent Greek Public Employment Service of the existence of a reason for suspension within eight (8) working days from the day the reason for suspension of the subsidy arises and in any case before the end of the subsidy month. The amount of monetary difference that may result from the last payment of the insured until the date of suspension of the subsidy is not lost, but is paid into the bank account of the person insured. The amount received, during the period when the subsidy should have been suspended must be returned by the insured to the Greek Pubic Employment Service.

              The suspended subsidy may continue if conditions allow it.

            • Continuation

              The continuation of the subsidy is only allowed:

              • if, within two (2) months from the removal of the reason for suspension, the beneficiary submits a relevant application to the competent KPA2 Service of the Greek Public Employment Service.
            • Interruption

              The subsidy is permanently interrupted, i.e. it cannot be continued if the unemployed person:

              1. undertakes salaried or non-salaried activity
              2. does not accept a job offered by the Greek Public Employment Service related to his standard qualifications and skills
              3. does not make a personal declaration of attendance at the competent Greek Public Employment Service KPA2
              4. reaches the age of 67 in two consecutive quarters.

              The information is provided by the person insured or his representative within eight (8) working days from the day the reason for interruption of the subsidy arises and in any case before the end of the subsidy month and then to the relevant documents are presented, since they cannot be sought ex officio. The amount of the monetary difference that may result from the insured's last payment up to the date of cessation of the subsidy is not lost, but is paid into the insured's bank account. The amount collected, during the period when the subsidy should have been interrupted, it must be returned by the insured to the Greek Public Employment Service.


            • Legal Framework
              • Art. 1 par. IA', subpar. IA' 1 Law 4093/2012
              • Joint Ministerial Decree 44137/613/18-12-2013 (Government Gazette B' 3253)
        • Employer's Insolvency Subsidy
            • General - Concept of employer's solvency

              The purpose of the "employee insolvency protection account" is the payment of unpaid, due to the employer's insolvency wages of up to three (3) months, derived from a contract or dependent labor relationship and falling within the period of six (6) months before submission of the application or declaration for declaring bankruptcy, if a decision is issued declaring the employer bankrupt or from the publication of the ministerial decision on insurance liquidation provided for by the private insurance legislation or from the publication of the decision, by which the employer is in liquidation or it is established that the business has been permanently closed and that due to insufficient assets the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings is not justified.

              An employer is considered to be in a state of bankruptcy when:
              a) bankruptcy by decision of the competent court, or it is established that the business has been definitively closed and that due to insufficient assets there is no reason to initiate bankruptcy proceedings. The date of insolvency is considered to be the date of submission of the application for the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings 

              b) is a company (problematic) subject to special liquidation in accordance with articles 9 of Law 1386/1983 (Government Gazette 107/A'), 46 of Law 1892 /1990 (Government Gazette 101/A') and 14 of Law 2000/1991 (Government Gazette 206/A'), as in force

              c) is an insurance company whose operating license was revoked by decision of the competent minister due to a violation of provisions of the insurance legislation and is placed in insurance liquidation (compulsory) in accordance with article 12a of the L.D. 400/1970 (Government Gazette 10/A'), as applicable,

              d) the company was put into liquidation following a procedure prescribed by the law in order to satisfy the demands of his creditors and as a result of the termination of the employment relations with his employees.

            • Amount and concept of subsidies due to employer's solvency

              The amount of these subsidies should not under any circumstances exceed three (3) months' wages, as provided by the respective collective labor agreements. The concept of "remuneration", which can be covered by the Insolvency fund, includes, in addition to the (legal) salary of the employee, any unpaid holiday, Easter or Christmas gifts and leave or leave allowance, as long as these fall within the critical period defined by the law. The compensation due to dismissal is not paid, since it is not considered to be wages. The Greek Public Employment Service replaces the employer in the corresponding rights of the employees, while for these wages it pays the corresponding social security contributions. Any unpaid wages paid to the beneficiaries must fall within the time period of the last six (6) months. This half-year (if it is about the company that went bankrupt) starts on the date of submission of the application or declaration for declaring the company bankrupt, while for the other cases it starts on the date of publication of the Ministerial Decree on revocation (if it is about the liquidation of a company ).

            • Requirements

              Beneficiaries of subsidies due to the insolvency of the employer are the employees of: a) a business that was declared bankrupt following a court decision or that it was established that the business was permanently closed and that due to insufficient assets there is no reason to initiate bankruptcy proceedings, or b) a business which was placed in liquidation or c) a company (insurance), whose operating license is revoked due to a violation of the provisions of the private insurance legislation.

            • Process for submission of application - Deilvery of decision

              The right to pay unpaid wages to the employee from the "Employee Protection Account against the Insolvency of the Employer" is exercised in the following ways:

              a) by written request of the employee to the competent Greek Public Employment Service.

              It should be noted that until completion of the application submission process through the Greek Public Employment Service's e-services,

              the application is currently submitted through the dispach of an application/ Solemn Statement issued through the Digital Portal of the State (,

              to the e-mail of the competent Service of DYPAH

              An application shall be submitted no later than one six months a) from the publication of the decision to declare the employer in bankruptcy or b) from the date the company was placed in liquidation or c) from the date the operating license was revoked (insurance) company due to violation of the provisions of private insurance legislation


              b) through a Citizens' Service Centre

              Upon expiration of the six-month period, the right to these subsidies is extinguished.

              The decision is received by the competent KPA2 Service of the Greek Public Employment Service.

            • Accompanying Documents

              The necessary supporting documents for the subsidy are the following:

              • Certificate of the bankruptcy trustee or the Secretary of the bankruptcy court in the event that the company was declared bankrupt or certificate of the relevant liquidator for the other cases, from which the amount of unpaid wages announced for verification can be derived or satisfaction, as well as the time to which they refer, &
              • Solemn statement of Law 1599/86 on the amount of unpaid wages and the period to which they refer.
            • Legal Framework
              • Art. 16 of Law 1836/89
              • P.D. 1/1990
              • Art. 44 of Law 2648/1998
        • Employer's Suspension Subsidy
            • General

              When the employer makes the employees available, the Greek Public Employment Service pays those who are still unemployed during the availability 10% of the average of the Ordinary wages of the last two (2) months under full-time status.

              These subsidies are not paid for a period longer than three (3) months each year.

              The right of the employee to be subsidized due to availability can be exercised within sixty (60) days from the date of suspension.

            • Subsidy Amount

              The amount of subsidy equals to ten percent (10%) of the average of the Ordinary wages of the last two (2) months under full-time status.


            • Process for submission of application - Deilvery of decision

              The suspension subsidy is paid by decision of the Director of the competent Greek Public Employment Services for subsidies following an application by the party concerned, which is submitted within sixty (60) days from the date the employee was placed in suspension by his/her employer in the following ways:

              a) by a written request of the employee to the competent Greek Public Employment Service 


              It is noted that until the completion of the application submission process through the DYPA e-services,

              through the dispatch of an Application/Solemn Statement issued through the Public Digital Portal (,

              to the e-mail of the competent Greek Public Employment Service


              b) through a Citizens' Service Centre

              The delivery of the decision is made by the competent Greek Public Employment Service's KPA2.

            • Accompanying Documents

              The necessary supporting documents for the subsidy:

              • Document from the employer, with which the employee was placed in suspension.
            • Legal Framework
              • Article 20 of Law 1836/89
        • One-off financial subsidy of 300 Euros for long-term unemployed (over 5 years)
            • General

              For persons who are long-term registered unemployment in the Digital Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 5 years and subsequently draw up a Digital Individual Action Plan,, a one-off monetary subsidy of €300 is granted, as long as they do not receive any allowance or financial support from the Greek Public Employment Service.

            • Requirements - Beneficiaries

              The necessary conditions for the payment of the subsidy are the following:

              1. The completion of continuous registered unemployment in the Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than five years,
              2. The preparation of a Digital Individual Action Plan (DIAP) upon completion of more than five years of long-term unemployment,
              3. The fulfillment of the following income criteria of Art. 19 of Law 4921/2022: the annual total family income regardless of its source of origin, real and assumed, should not exceed the following limits:

              FAMILY STATUS

              INCOME UP TO


              Single – Widowed without dependents

              16.000,00 €


              Divorced / separated

              16.000,00 €

              5.000,00 € FOR EACH CHILD

              Married – Parties to a cohabitation agreement


              Single parents (Unmarried, Widowed, Divorced who exercise exclusive parental care)


              5.000,00€ FOR EACH CHILD AFTER THE FIRST

              Reference year for the above income criteria is the previous tax year. In case the relevant tax return has not yet been submitted in accordance with the deadlines provided by IAPR the income of the immediately preceding tax year will be taken into account based on the relevant tax return".

              4. Not receiving any other allowance or financial aid from the Greek Public Employment Service.

            • Process for submission of application

              As long as you have completed more than five years of long-term unemployment, after drawing up the Digital Individual Action Plan, you are given access to a special declaration form in the online services of the Greek Public Employment Service, which serves as a solemn statement pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/1986 (Government Gazette A / 75), in which you fill in the following information:

              • marital status information,
              • the number of your individual or joint bank account in which you are the first beneficiary and the international bank account number (IBAN), to which the allowance will be credited , under your own responsibility as to its correctness,
              • your consent to the use of your personal data for the purposes of granting the monetary subsidy.
            • Subsidy Payment

              The amount will be credited through an automated process after checking all the required information.

            • Institutional Framework
              • Par. 4 of Art. 17 Chapter B of Law 4921/2022 (A' 75/18.04.2022)
              • No. 125676/2022 (B' 6867/29.12.2022) of the Verification Deed with
              • No. 62870/ 19.01.2023 General Document of the Directorate of Insurance & Social Policies"

        • Employment Subsidy
            • General

              The employment allowance is a subsidy granted to those who receive unemployment allowance or unemployment subsidy as individually and independently employed and during their allowance they are employed in a full-time salaried position by an employer where that had not employed them during the last two (2) years before the commencement of their subsidy.

              As part of this subsidy, the beneficiaries continue to receive the allowance reduced by half until the end of the allowance period. If during the employment allowance, the person is placed in suspension, interruption or termination of the employment relationship, then the allowance is interrupted without the possibility of continuation.

              The allowance may not be granted more than once within the same three-year period.

              The days of insurance confirmed by the employers during granting of the employment allowance are not counted when calculating the critical intervals for establishing a new right to unemployment allowance .

              The allowance is granted for recruitment as of 29.12.2022.

            • Subsidy Requirements

              The allowance is granted to persons insured who:

              1. Receive:
              • ordinary unemployment allowance or
              • ordinary unemployment allowance of special categories, i.e. tour guides, exclusive nurses, forest workers, skinners due to removal-interruption of work, or
              • unemployment subsidies for individually and independently employed by e-EFKA (- formerly O.A.E.E., ETAP/SME- ETAA)

              2. They undertake full-time salaried positions, during the period of their subsidy and before its temination to an employer where they were not employed during the last two years before the beginning of unemployment subsidies or subsidies. See the meaning of "same employer" here

              1. During the last three years before the date of employment, they have not received any daily work allowance.

              The person insured cannot be subject to the work allowance when:

              1. They are beneficiaries of the Labor Market Reintegration Check Program of Law 3845/2010, as in force
              2. The employer who hires the person insured is a business of a spouse or a relative of the first or second degree by blood or by marriage
              3. They have been employed in the State, as permanent employees or with a private law employment relationship of indefinite duration.


            • Process

              In order to be included in the work allowance, it is necessary to submit a Declaration through the Greek Public Employment Service's e-services. Without this submission, it is not possible to subsidy from the allowance.

              See here instructions for the submission of a Declaration for Employment Allowance

            • Deadline for submission of the application

              The deadline for submission of the declaration for inclusion in the employment allowance must not be later than the end of the initial allowance or unemployment subsidy. The suspension of the unemployment subsidy / allowance must have been preceded by the relevant notification of the Service within eight (8) days of recruitment.

            • Processing of the statement's data- accompanying documents

              Upon submission of the application for granting the employment allowance, the competent KPA2 Service must verify whether the conditions have been fulfilled and, accordingly, the application is rejected or the admission in the employment allowance is performed. The requirements are initially checked automatically. In cases where this is not possible or because the collected data is not sufficient, the control shall be carried out by the competent KPA2 Service of the Greek Public Employment Service, based on the supporting documents that the person insured must provide to verify the fulfillment of the conditions for granting the subsidy.

            • Statements of Attendance

              The payment of the employment allowance does not require declarations of presence.

            • Subsidy start date

              The start date of the employment allowance is the date of employment of the person insured.

            • Subsidy Duration

              The duration of the employment allowance is equal to the remaining duration of the unemployment subsidy or (assistance) to which it is linked from the date of suspension until its expiration.

            • Subsidy Amount

              The amount of the daily work allowance is equal to half of the approved daily allowance/unemployment subsidy, without, however, paying the sickness insurance contributions in kind, because there is insurance coverage from the employer.

              The above amount is increased by 10% for each protected member of the beneficiary's family.

            • Financial aid for Easter and Christmas (gifts)

              During the granting of the employment allowance linked to a Ordinary unemployment allowance, only Christmas and Easter Gifts are paid.

              Three (3) daily Christmas Gift allowances are paid for each full month of subsidy. Twenty-five (25) daily allowances are paid for subsidy throughout the aforementioned period. If a full month of subsidy is not completed, no Christmas Gift is paid. The Easter Gift is paid, as long as the person insured is subsidized during the period from 01.01 to 30.04. T

              hree (3) daily Easter Gift allowances are paid for each full month of subsidy. Twelve and a half (12.5) daily allowances are paid for subsidy throughout the aforementioned period. If a full subsidy month is not completed, no Easter Gift is paid.

            • Subsidy Payment
              • Monthly allowances are paid unearned i.e. from the day after their expiry
              • each monthly allowance is automatically credited to the bank account declared by the beneficiary, as long as the subsidy has not expired and has not been interrupted
              • the monthly allowances are credited once a week and specifically on its last working day (Friday)
            • Obligation of the unemployed to inform the Service- Suspension - Interruption - Continuation of suspended subsidy/ unemployment subsidy

              The employment allowance is interrupted without possibility of continuation if the employment relationship is suspended, interrupted or terminated in any way during the employment allowance (whether it is a contract termination or a voluntary departure).

              The person insured must inform the KPA2 Service

              1. within eight (8) working days from the day the reason for interruption arises and in any case before the end of the subsidy month, according to the statement submitted.

              The timely notification of the Service about the interruption of the subsidy and the non-collection of subsidies during that the employment allowance should have been suspended is extremely important, because the amount received, during the period when the subsidy should have been suspended, must be returned by the person insured to the Greek Public Employment Service.

              As long as there is an interruption of the work allowance which occurred due to

              • termination of employment contract
              • termination of the employment relationship by termination of employment contract and

              Upon termination of an employment contract and the maximum duration of the allowance or unemployment subsidy to which the employment allowance is linked has not expired, the person insured has the right to continue the suspended subsidy or unemployment subsidy for the remaining period minus the daily labor allowances, provided that

              • the application must be submitted within two (2) years from the date of approval of inclusion in the initial subsidy
              • are met and the conditions for its granting in accordance with the provisions herein
              • have not terminated the employment relationship by voluntary resignation.