Baggage Handler in Munich, Germany

Baggage handler


Description: Sorting and scanning of luggage, loading and unloading baggage cars, transport of the luggage

Required languages: German

Country: Germany

Region: Munich, Bavaria


Minimum salary: 9,61 Euro/hour (Brutto) plus bonuses and surcharges + Vacation payments, Christmas bonus, further allowances. We are member of the collective agreement of BZA/DGB

Salary currency: Euro

Salary period: monthly, around the 15.

Hours per week: min. 35, up to 60

ca. 40 Stunden pro Woche

Contract type: permanent contract of employment


Accomodation provided: 2 or 1 person rooms, cost from 260 Euros to 480 Euros per month

Meals included: discount for the workers at the airport canteen

Relocation covered: no

Travel expenses: 2 hometrips per month, 0,13 Euros per kilometer from the hometown to the location in Germany

Education skills: -\-

Professional qualifications required: good German skills, Driving licence, flexible and motivated

Experience required: No. But you have to be physically fit

Also it is important to know that we need for this work a certificate of good conduct, an Apostille and a driving licence type B


Name: Unique Personalservice GmbH


Address: Landsberger Straße 370a, 80687 München

Phone: 0049 89 56837 196



How to apply: send you CV at mentioning in the subject of the email the code: Buggage


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