Beautician in Rzeszów, Poland


Job title:  Work in a beauty salon as a Beautician

Job description:  Basic cosmetic treatments such as manicure, pedicure, henna, face and body wax, etc. Keeping the workplace clean

Number of posts:  1

Employment place – Country:  Poland


Detais of job vacacy


Beauty salon Ludmiła

Rzeszów ul. Starzyńskiego 2, 35-508 Rzeszów


Tel.: +48 603 59 33 39


Salary:  Ιn accordance with the collective agreements

Salary period:  Monthly

Bonuses:  Yes

Job Status:  Full time


Send your CV at:    +48 17 852 39 10 w. 34

+48 512 150 366


We kindly inform, that we will contact selected candidates only.


The contract with the foreign employer will be concluded under the law of the country of employment. This means that all claims as regard the conditions included in the work contract, may be enforced only in the appropriate court of the country of employment. The Voluntary Labour Corps (EURES) are not able to mediate nor represent an employee at the court of the country of employment in case of a dispute with an employer.

The Voluntary Labour Corps (EURES) is doing its best to ensure that job vacancies registered in Regional Headquarters of The Voluntary Labour Corps are reliable and credible. It should be made clear that the job vacancy has been notified by a third party and EURES is not responsible for possible discrepancies between working conditions presented in this job vacancy and the conditions proposed by the potential employer.

The Voluntary Labour Corps (EURES) notify that all the personal data provided by the job seeker will be gathered, processed and presented by EURES to potential employers with respect to personal data protection.

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