- Reasons for registration in the digital registry of DYPA
- Questions for registration in the DYPA registers record
- What are the obligations arising from my registration in the digital register and what are the consequences of not complying with them?
According to Decision No. 5274/114/27.09.2022 of the DYPA Board of Directors (Government Gazette 5078/Β΄/28.09.2022) the obligations of the unemployed registered in the DYPA digital register are specified.
See here the obligations and the consequences arising from their non-observance.
- What are the obligations arising from my registration in the digital register and what are the consequences of not complying with them?
- Questions about the Renewal of Unemployment Card/DYPA Digital Card
- Questions about Deletion of Unemployment Card/DYPA Digital Card
- Certificates of Unemployment/Registration in the DYPA digital register
- Certificates of Unemployment
- Issuance of Passkey
- What are the consequences faced by the subsidized unemployed if they do not fulfill their obligations towards DYPA?
According to Decision No. 5274/114/27.09.2022 of the Board of Directors of DYPA (Government Gazette 5078/Β΄/28.09.2022) as valid, the mutual obligations of both DYPA and the unemployed subsidized and non-subsidized are specified. See here the sanctions for the subsidized unemployed.
- Questions about the Penalties of the subsidized unemployed
- What are the consequences faced by the subsidized unemployed if they do not fulfill their obligations towards DYPA?
According to Decision No. 5274/114/27.09.2022 of the Board of Directors of DYPA (Government Gazette 5078/Β΄/28.09.2022) as valid, the mutual obligations of both DYPA and the unemployed subsidized and non-subsidized are specified. See here the sanctions for the subsidized unemployed.
- What are the consequences faced by the subsidized unemployed if they do not fulfill their obligations towards DYPA?
- Questions about Parental Leave Subsidy
- Who are the beneficiaries of the subsidy?
Beneficiaries of the parental leave allowance are all employed parents (natural, adoptive, foster parents, presumed mothers of article 1464 of the Civil Code) or persons exercising parental care of children up to eight (8) years of age, who are employed:
a) in the private sector, with any dependent work relationship or form of employment, including part-time and fixed-term contracts, temporary employment contracts or contracts of article 115 of Law 4052/2012 (A' 41), & with a salaried mandate,
b) in the public sector, the N.P.D.D., the O.T.A. and the wider public sector, as defined in article 14 of Law 4270/2014 (A' 143), with a private law employment contract (IDAX & IDOX) or salaried mandate as long as they are not subject to the provisions of Articles 53 of Law 3528/2007 "Status Code of Public Political Administrative Employees and N.P.D.D. Employees" and art. 60 of Law 3584/2007 "Municipal and Community Employees Status Code", as applicable, &
c) at the US Naval Support Activity Souda through recruitment by the Air Force;
to whom parental leave is granted by the employer. This leave lasts for each child up to four (4) months & can be taken either continuously for the entire 4 months or flexibly (i.e. part of the 4 months or in another flexible way, e.g. in the form of reduced daily hours for some hours within the working day or individual days off within the working days per week/month).
The allowance is paid for the first two (2) months of leave for each child.
- What are the conditions for the granting of the Parental Leave Allowance?
The Parental Leave allowance is paid by DYPA for the first two (2) months of the 4-month parental leave, which is granted in accordance with Article 28 of Law 4808/2021, on the condition that Form E.14 - Employer's Certificate for the granting of this - to the P.S. ERGANI & the child has not completed eight (8) years of age.
- Is one or both parents entitled to the benefit?
Both parents are entitled to the benefit for the same child, as long as it is proven that they have received parental leave by posting Form E.14.
- What are the conditions for the granting of Parental Leave by the employer?
For parental leave to be granted, the working parent must have completed one (1) year of work (continuous or with successive fixed-term contracts) for the same employer, unless it is more favorably defined by a special provision or agreement (written or verbal) between employer and employee. Also, if there are more children, the parent is entitled to parental leave for each of them, as long as there has been one (1) year of actual employment with the same employer since the end of the leave granted for the previous child, unless there is a more favorable arrangement or agreement (written or oral) between employer-employee. Parents of twins/multiple children are entitled by law to receive parental leave for each child separately, intermittently or continuously, if they request it.
- How much is the parental leave allowance & when are payments made?
The monthly amount paid (gross) is equal to the statutory minimum wage, regardless of the form of employment (full-time, part-time, rotating). A proportion of holiday gifts and leave allowance is also paid, based on the aforementioned amount.
Payments are paid per calendar month after the relevant decision is issued.
- How is the benefit received when parental leave is taken flexibly (partial/single days/reduced daily hours)?
In all cases, upon completion of each calendar month, the amount corresponding to the days/hours of parental leave taken within that month is calculated, according to Form E.14 in PS ERGANI, & the entitled amount is paid after the issuance of the relevant decision during the next month.
- What is the duration of the subsidy?
- Each parent is entitled to 2 months of subsidized parental leave for each child.
- Parents of twins, triplets or more multiple children are entitled to receive a subsidy for two (2) additional months at once, that is, regardless of the number of children born together. It should be noted that these months should correspond to a period of parental leave (e.g. a parent of twins who receives 4 months of parental leave for each child, i.e. a total of 8 months, will be subsidized by 2 months for each child & for 2 additional months once, i.e. for a total of 6 months).
- Single parents who exercise parental care exclusively, due to the death of the other parent or due to total removal of parental care or non-recognition of the child by the other parent or in any legally prescribed manner, are entitled to double the period of parental leave & subsidy (e.g. .eg a single parent who receives 8 (4*2) months of parental leave for one child, will be subsidized for 4 (2*2) months).
- How to apply for Parental Leave Allowance?
The application is submitted through e-services DYPA.
- Is there a deadline for submitting the application for Parental Leave Allowance?
The application for the granting of the subsidy can be submitted at any time after the granting of the parental leave & the posting by the employer in the P.S. INSTRUMENT of Form E.14, & before the completion of eight (8) years of age of the child.
- Are beneficiaries insured during parental leave/benefit?
Yes, the time of the part of the leave during which the employee receives a subsidy from the Ministry of Health, is counted as insurance time in the main pension and sickness branches of the relevant insurance body, as well as in the relevant auxiliary insurance bodies, and the prescribed contributions are calculated on the case-by-case mentioned above amount, from which the D.Y.P.A. withholds the prescribed insured contribution and pays it to the relevant insurance company, together with the prescribed employer contribution borne by the D.Y.P.A.
For the non-subsidized period of parental leave, which is taken into account both for the establishment of the insurance right and for the calculation of the amount of the pension, the parent may obtain full insurance coverage from his insurance institution after recognition of his time of absence, according to with article 40 of Law 2084/1992 (A' 165), since it has not been agreed that the employer will pay him wages.
More generally, the time of absence of employees from their work due to parental leave is counted as time of actual service for the calculation of their salaries, the granting of annual normal leave and the leave allowance, professional development, as well as for the calculation of compensation in case of their dismissal.
- In which cases is the subsidy interrupted & then can it be continued?
The subsidy is interrupted either at the request of the beneficiary or if the parental leave is interrupted for any reason (e.g. Termination of the employment relationship, granting of leaves that are compulsorily granted to the employee, such as sick leave, etc.).
In the event of termination of the employment relationship and renewal or extension of a fixed-term employment contract or the conclusion of an employment contract with a new employer, the subsidy may continue as long as the parental leave continues, after posting a new E.14 for the grant of the remaining period of leave.
More generally, the remainder of the leave & subsidy is transferred to another time period (continuation) provided the child has not reached the age of 8.
- Who are the beneficiaries of the subsidy?
- Questions about Unemployment Benefit
- Questions about the Online Application for the Regular Unemployment Benefit
- Questions about Maternity Benefits
- Special provision of Maternity Protection
- Supplementary Maternity Benefits
- To which KPA2 service is the application submitted?
The application for this benefit is submitted to the DYPA service of the place of residence of the applicant mother.
- To which KPA2 service is the application submitted?
- Special provision of Maternity Protection
- Questions about Special Aids
- Questions about Unemployment Benefit for the Self-Employed and Independently Employed
- Unemployment Benefit for Self-Employed-Insured and Independently Employed in the e-E.F.K.A.-t. O.A.E.E. or t. E.T.A.P.-M.M.E.
- Unemployment Benefit for Self-Employed and Independently Insured Persons in the e-EFKA - t. ETAA (t. TSMEDE Department, T. TSAU Department, T. Legal Insurance Department)
- Questions about the Self-Employed and Independently Employed Unemployment Benefit concerning all three (3) categories of Insured Persons in the e-E.F.K.A. (formerly O.A.E.E. or ex-ET.A.P.-M.M.E. or ex-ET.A.A.)
- Unemployment Benefit for Self-Employed-Insured and Independently Employed in the e-E.F.K.A.-t. O.A.E.E. or t. E.T.A.P.-M.M.E.
- Questions about Other Benefits
- Questions about the Long-Term Unemployment Allowance
- Questions about deposit account number (IBAN)
- I am subsidized unemployed. I want to change my bank account. How is this going to be done;
You must provide a photocopy of the new deposit account number (IVAN) to the KPA2 Service to which you belong.
- I am subsidized unemployed. I want to change my bank account. How is this going to be done;
- Questions about online declaration of attendance
- Questions about supplementary measures to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus
- What are the supporting documents for the issuance of unemployment cards/certificates?
The Person with a Disability (PWD) must provide: a) an opinion from the competent KEPA Health Committee (Disability Certification Center) which will state the person's disability rate (50% or more is required). The certificate must not state unfit for work. b) clearance note from the Tax Office or, if the disabled person does not submit a tax return, a certificate from the competent D.O.Y that he is not required to submit a tax return. c) needs to show his police ID or other official document identifying his details.
- What conditions does a disabled person need to meet in order to be entitled to receive unemployment benefits?
For the unemployment fund, the conditions are the same as for the unemployed.
Here are the categories of eligible unemployed persons and the corresponding working days that must be completed for unemployment benefits to be approved.
A1 Common Unemployed 125 at 14 months A2 Public sector contract workers who are subsidised as jointly unemployed 125 at 14 months A3 Teachers 125 at 14 months A4 Builders 100 at 14 months A5 Seasonal staff of the Tourism - Catering Sector 100 at 12 months A6 Seasonal staff in the Tourism - Catering Sector for one season 100 at 14 months A7 Seasonal workers of other seasonally operating enterprises 100 at 14 months A8 Seasonal workers of other enterprises operating seasonally for one season 100 at 14 months A9 Joint unemployed persons receiving benefits due to retrenchment 125 at 14 months A10 Common unemployed subsidised due to business closure 125 at 14 months A11 Unemployed persons receiving benefits due to redundancy from transferring or merging enterprises 180 at 14 months
- The requirements that a Person with Disabilities (PWD) needs to meet in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits are?
For the unemployment fund, the conditions are the same as for the unemployed.
Here are the categories of eligible unemployed persons and the corresponding working days that must be completed for unemployment benefits to be approved.
A1 Common Unemployed 125 at 14 months A2 Public sector contract workers who are subsidised as jointly unemployed 125 at 14 months A3 Teachers 125 at 14 months A4 Builders A5 Seasonal staff of the Tourism - Catering Sector 100 at 12 months A6 Seasonal staff in the Tourism - Catering Sector for one season 100 at 14 months A7 Seasonal workers of other seasonally operating enterprises 100 at 14 months A8 Seasonal workers of other enterprises operating seasonally for one season 100 at 14 months A9 Joint unemployed persons receiving benefits due to retrenchment 125 at 14 months A10 Common unemployed subsidised due to business closure 125 at 14 months A11 Unemployed persons receiving benefits due to redundancy from transferring or merging enterprises 180 at 14 months
- What are the consulting actions implemented by DYPA?
The Counseling actions carried out by the D.Y.P.A. is:
- e-Workshops for Activation - Mobilisation of the unemployed
- Vocational Guidance Counselling
- Job Search Techniques Counselling
- Counselling on Entrepreneurial Initiatives
More information on the content of each consultation can be obtained by going to the dedicated section on the Service's website.
- How can I find out about advisory service actions?
To be informed about the counselling actions implemented by the D.Y.A.A. you can contact:
- a Labour Counsellor at the office where you were issued your unemployment card
- from the website of the Service www.dypa.gov.gr
- from the Service's Facebook and LinkedIn pages
- How can I join a Job Search Techniques Consulting group?
To join a Job Search Techniques Consultancy group you must:
- you must be a registered jobseeker and your card must be active
- have completed the process of personalised approach and the preparation of the Digital Individual Action Plan in cooperation with the employment adviser of the service where you are registered.
The procedure is as follows:
The Employment Counsellor will refer you to a Job Search Techniques counselling group, in case there is a vacancy available, to an already scheduled group or otherwise will inform you about the available e-workshops for activation - mobilization of unemployed people.
- How can I participate in an Entrepreneurship Advisory Group?
To participate in an Enterprise Initiative Advisory Group (EAG):
- you must be a registered jobseeker and your card must be active
- have completed the process of personalised approach and the preparation of the Digital Individual Action Plan
- declare in person, to a Labour Counsellor in the department where you have been issued an unemployment card, your interest in participating in a SAEP group
- the job counsellor will electronically record your request in the Digital Individual Action Plan and refer you, if a place is available, to an already scheduled group or otherwise inform you about the available e-Lab for Activation - Mobilisation of Unemployed Persons
- please note that the participation of interested parties in a SAEP group is on a first come, first served basis
- How can I participate in a Career Guidance Counselling group?
To participate in a Career Guidance Counselling (GC) group you must:
- you must be a registered jobseeker and your card must be active
- have completed the process of personalised approach and the preparation of the Digital Individual Action Plan in cooperation with the employment adviser of the service where you are registered.
The procedure is as follows:
The Employment Counsellor will refer you to a Vocational Guidance counselling group, in case there is a vacancy available, to an already scheduled group or otherwise will inform you about the available e-Workshops for Activation - Mobilization of unemployed people.
- When I participate in counselling groups is my unemployment card cancelled?
Your participation in counselling activities does not cancel your unemployment card.
- Am I entitled to a certificate of attendance from my participation in counselling activities and how can I receive it?
After completing your participation in counselling groups you can receive a certificate of attendance.
In particular, you can receive the following certificates:
- Certificate of participation in Career Guidance - Reorientation Counselling
- Certificate of participation in Job Search Techniques Counselling
- Certificate of participation in Entrepreneurship Counselling.
The above-mentioned certificates can be obtained via:
- of the KPA2 of the D.Y.A.
- the website of the D. Y. P. A. _Electronic services
- of the KEPs
- Who can attend Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS)?
EPAS Apprenticeships are aimed at young people aged 15-29 years old, who are at least high school graduates.
- What is Apprenticeship?
Apprenticeship is the educational system that combines theoretical and laboratory training in the classroom with practical training in private and public sector enterprises. In this way, the student gains professional experience in real working conditions to facilitate his/her subsequent integration into the labour market.
- How long does it take to attend the EPAS?
The program lasts for 2 school years (4 semesters), during which students attend theoretical and laboratory courses (1 morning and 4 afternoon courses) and also carry out practical training in tasks related to their specialization (4 or 5 days per week).
- What is the fee for student interns?
The remuneration of the trainees is 75% of the minimum wage of the National General Collective Labour Agreement for all four semesters of the traineeship and amounts to 23.89 euros per day.
- What is the subsidy for companies to participate in the Internship?
The traineeship is subsidised at €16.54 per student per day. The grant is paid directly to the student. The employer's contribution to the apprentice's daily allowance is €7.35 (€23.89 - €16.54) plus the statutory insurance contributions. The Apprenticeship/Internship operation of the OAED has been included in the EPANAD & EDBM under the NSRF 2014-20 and is co-financed by EKT (European Social Fund) and national resources.
- Where can I contact?
For more information you can call 210-99.89.711, 210-99.89.919, 210-9989527 and 210-9989421.
- Who has the right to register in IEK?
The right to enroll in the first semester of the I.E.K. have the graduates of non-compulsory secondary education, i.e. the G.E.L. and Epa.L., as well as the holders of equivalent titles, regardless of the age limit.
- What is the age limit for enrolling a candidate in the DYPA IEK?
There is no age limit. Registration is open to anyone regardless of age.
- Is an unemployed candidate entitled to register? Can a trainee renew his/her unemployment card/digital card?
Yes, a person already registered in the unemployment register of the DYPA can register for training at the IEK. If he/she meets the three requirements of Law 4554/2018, no.34, he/she remains registered in the registers of the DYPA and his/her training or vocational training time is counted as a period of unemployment and he/she is obliged to renew his/her card during the duration of the programme. The three conditions (Law 4554/2018, no. 34) are as follows:
(a) to be registered in the unemployment registers for at least four (4) months cumulatively during the last twelve months before the start of the programme,
b) to register the details of this program with the DYPA no later than within ten (10) days after the first renewal of the unemployment card since the start of the program or at the first post-program in-person visit to the relevant KPA2 office and
(c) at least two (2) calendar years have elapsed since the end of any previous participation in an education or vocational training programme.
Unemployed persons who do not meet the above-mentioned conditions are deleted for the duration of the programme and are entitled to be re-registered in the unemployment register at the end of the programme.
However, during the period of training, the unemployed person may not be entered on the unemployment register unless he/she is entitled to a regular unemployment allowance and remains on the unemployment register for the duration of his/her allowance. He may be re-registered after the end of his training at the IEK.
- When are the registrations for IEKs, what documents are required for registration and how is a candidate selected for training in the IEKs of DYPA?
Registrations, renewals of registrations, and student placements in Vocational Training Institutes (IEKs) are carried out from September 1st to September 30th each year. The requested specialties, the necessary documents, and the method of selecting candidates are described in a relevant circular issued by the Directorate of Vocational Training of DΥPA and are posted on the organization's website.
- How long does it take to complete the course at the IEKs of DYPA?
Attendance at the IEK is five (5) semesters in total, divided into four (4) semesters of theoretical and laboratory training of a total duration of up to 1,200 teaching hours of specialisation according to the approved curricula and one semester of Practical Training or Apprenticeship, of a total duration of 960 hours.
- Who teaches in the IEK of DYPA?
In DYPA's Vocational Training Institutes (IEKs), graduates of universities (AEI), technological educational institutions (TEI), as well as graduates of Technical and Vocational High Schools and Schools, are eligible to teach.
- Educators at DYPA's Vocational Training Institutes (IEKs) teach under a contract of employment.
The educational staff of IEKs works as hourly-wage employees under a fixed-term dependent employment contract (Article 3, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Law 2336/95 and Article 16 of Law 2643/98).
- How does a business register in the LAEK Information System?
Businesses interested in registering in PS LAEK, the portal of LAEK ( http://laek.oaed.gr ) and select Application to register in the system from the menu on the left. Alternatively, they can enter the website of OAED (http://www.oaed.gr) and go to select Employers / Businesses after Continuing training and finally Single Account Training Programs for the Implementation of Social Policies (LAEK). The options are filled in: Username (The business – user chooses a username) The official name of the business is declared (as declared in the tax office) VAT number of the business. E-mail (where the business code will be sent in a few minutes after the registration request). Upon completion of the code sending process and the company chooses from the left to enter the system and in the center of the screen a window appears asking for a username and password. The business fills in the username and password and connects.
- How does an Employers' Representative Body register with the LAEK 1-25 PS?
With exactly the same procedure, except that the Entity will choose the option Application for registration of FEE.
- How does a business code change?
By entering the username and password and going to the menu option Change Password, a screen appears asking for the old password, the new password and confirmation of the new password. You can use between 8 and 14 digits (letters and numbers).
- How do I deposit a program?
When the business registers for the first time and enters its username and password, it must fill in its details. (address, legal representative, financial details of the business, etc. a) upon completion of filling in these details, the business - user can choose "Submit New Program". Businesses that are registered do not need to fill in their details. However, they can make any changes to their tab. (Address Legal representative etc.).
- How do I register absences in a deposited program?
- For the Laek 0.45% program, absences (if any) are made up 20 minutes before each training period up to 20 minutes after its start.
- For the Laek 1-25 program, absences (if any) are registered 20 minutes before the start of the first training period until 20 minutes after (i.e. the first hour of each day). Absences are registered again in the break of the second to third hour (if there is a break in the planning of the program) or in the first 15 minutes of the start of the third hour. From the menu he selects Register absences.
- Why don't my programs display on my online repayment application?
In "business data management" - "financial tab" and at the top right by choosing the year you are interested in, you will have to fill in all the financial data. It is also possible that your program(s) have received a negative review and will not appear for reimbursement.
- I have not made a repayment for the previous year. What can I do;
You can make the repayment now, and send the physical file to DYPA Financial Services. However, your repayment will be considered overdue.
- Communication for the implementation of LAEK programs
We would like to inform you that the new contact and public service telephone number for LAEK programs is 11320. In case of particularly specialized matters, you can send an e-mail message to the e-mail addresses:
FOR LAEK 0.24%
Businesses (general program implementation issues): dnikolaou@oaed.gr
Technical Problems (program implementation) and presenters: nstefanis@oaed.gr
Auditors - Objections: jtsoukalas@oaed.gr
Repayments: apop.laek@oaed.grFOR LAEK 1-25
FEE (submission of proposals, implementation): dnikolaou@oaed.gr
Technical Problems (submission - implementation): nstefanis@oaed.gr
Auditors - Objections: jtsoukalas@oaed.gr
Repayments: apop.laek@oaed.gr
- The PS LAEK page does not appear and does not work properly. There is no save option, no save program option. It doesn't save my data or my changes to an already deposited program. It won't open the option of absences in a program and won't let me take absences.
Laek's website works correctly only with Internet Explorer 6.0 and above.
- Issue Passkey
- Access to Online Services
- I am an employer and I want to access online services. What actions should I take?
The process of registering businesses in the online services of DYPA is carried out using taxisnet codes, through the option "Connect to the System through certification by AADE".
This procedure isn't for individual businesses by natural persons who were already registered with DYPA as natural persons or unemployed, as well as the cases of branch registration by an already registered business. In these cases, registration is carried out by sending an email with the request to the Service to which the business belongs and attaching the following supporting documents:
For sole proprietorship:
- Certificate of business start-up
- A copy of his police ID
For other businesses, the legally appointed representative must provide:
- Certificate of business start-up of the business and the branch
- Government decision for incorporation of the company - Government decision for designation of the legal representative
- A copy of his police ID
It is clarified that in the case of sending an email, to ensure the validity of the submitted supporting documents or requests, the business partners should also send a certified Responsible Declaration or Responsible Declaration that they will issue from the relevant website. The responsible statement will state that the specific request and/or the specific supporting documents are being forwarded.
Clicking here you can find the Service that the business belongs to according to its headquarters or branch and here, the emails of the KPA2 DYPA Services.
- I am an employer and I want to access online services. What actions should I take?
- Employee Hiring Announcement
- How many days do I have to submit the employment advertisement? If I delay, will I be penalized? Under which law?
The form E3-Uniform Recruitment Notice Form (E3 Recruitment Notice and E4 Supplementary Staff Table of New Recruitment), is submitted electronically to the ERGANI system no later than on the same day of recruitment and in any case before the employee takes up service. New employers, who hire for the first time, as well as those employers who create branches with new employee hires, can electronically submit the E3 Uniform Recruitment Announcement Form within three (3) working days of the census to the competent department of the EFKA.
In case of elapse of the prescribed deadline for submission of the E3 form, the submission of the recruitment announcement is done only electronically and once, by submitting the corresponding relevant form provided for on time and corresponding application of the sanctions provided for by the current legislation on the late submission of the relevant form, as it applies and for which the system informs the competent agency of its actions.
If an online recruitment announcement is not made no later than on the same day of recruitment and in any case before the employee starts work, then the prescribed administrative sanction/fine is imposed for each employee (N.D. 2656/1956, art. 5, par. 4 and N.D.763/1970, art.1) up to 10 days' wages of an unskilled worker.
- How many days do I have to submit the employment advertisement? If I delay, will I be penalized? Under which law?
- Notice of Voluntary Termination of Tenant
- When an employee leaves the company on his own (resignation), do I have to notify DYPA in time? If I delay, will I be penalized? Under what legislation?
The employer is required to online submit the voluntary employee form to the ERGANI information system within four (4) working days from the day of the employee's departure. According to Law 4488/13.09.2017, the employee's signature must be present on the voluntary resignation form. The announcement of voluntary resignation is made by electronic submission to the ERGANI system, by filling in the electronic form of the E5 form and attaching the electronically scanned form with the signatures of the employee and the employer. If the employee does not sign the E5 form, it must be served by the employer with a bailiff no later than four (4) working days after his voluntary departure and the electronically scanned report of the bailiff's service must be attached the day after service of the out-of-court declaration to the employee and in any case within the deadline of four (4) working days. If the employee's voluntary resignation form or accompanying documents are not submitted electronically within four (4) business days, the employment contract is deemed to have been terminated by improper termination of the employer.
In the event of the expiry of the prescribed deadline for submission of the E5 form, the submission of the notice of voluntary withdrawal is only done electronically and once, by submitting the corresponding relevant form provided for on time submission. In the case of the late submission of the notice of voluntary departure, no administrative or other DYPA sanctions are foreseen, in accordance with the existing legislation of the Public Employment Service on late submission, but they may be foreseen by another body with competence in the employment data of employees.
- When an employee leaves the company on his own (resignation), do I have to notify DYPA in time? If I delay, will I be penalized? Under what legislation?
- Announcement of Termination of Tenant's Employment Contract
- How many days do I have to submit the termination of an employee contract (fixed-term or indefinite-term)? If I delay, will I be penalized? Under which law?
The employer is required to submit online the form E6 for the termination of an open-ended contract or E7 for the termination of a fixed-term contract in the ERGANI system within four (4) working days from the day of the termination of the open-ended contract or termination of a fixed-term contract. In particular, the termination form for an open-ended contract (E6) should have the signature of the dismissed employee and the date of receipt by him.
In the event of the expiry of the prescribed deadline for submission of forms E6 or E7, the submission of the advertisement is only done electronically and once, by submitting the corresponding relevant form provided for in the deadline and corresponding application of the sanctions provided for by the current legislation on the late submission of the relevant form , as it applies and for which the system informs the competent agency of its actions.
- If the employee does not sign the "termination of employment contract" form, can I submit it to the DYPA without it? If not, what should I do?
In the event that the employee does not sign the "termination of employee contract" form, can I submit it to DYPA without it? If not what should I do?
- How many days do I have to submit the termination of an employee contract (fixed-term or indefinite-term)? If I delay, will I be penalized? Under which law?
- Online Late Submission
- General Questions for Businesses-Employers (Beneficiaries)
- My company wishes to participate in a DYPA employment program, how can I find out which programs are being implemented and which it can now join?
In order to be informed about the current programs of the Organization, you must contact the Service (KPA2) of the OAED to which the company belongs or see the relevant list on our website (link).
- How can I find out which service (KPA2) of DYPA my business falls under so that I can submit an application for inclusion in a DYPA program?
You can find out about the Service (KPA2) you belong to via our website (link).
- Which businesses are eligible to participate in programmes implemented by the DYPA?
OAED programmes are aimed at businesses and general employers in the private sector. For any exemptions of categories of businesses from the Agency's programmes, check the relevant paragraph of the Ministerial Decision or the Information Form for the programme you are interested in.
- What does the DYPA subsidise in a business?
OAED subsidizes either part of the employees' salaries or part of the insurance contributions. Consult the Ministerial Decision or the Information Form of the scheme you are interested in, as posted on our website.
- What are the consequences if the person I have hired leaves?
In case of the departure of the subsidised staff, they must be replaced (usually within one month). If the company fails to replace the staff, the programme will be terminated and if the company has received a grant, it will have to repay part of this amount.
- What are the consequences if a member of the existing staff leaves?
In case of the departure of a member of the existing staff, the same applies as for the departure of a member of the subsidised staff.
- Can the company hire an unemployed person whose unemployment card was issued by a different department (KPA2) of the DYPA than the one where the company applied for inclusion in the programme?
In order to be hired under an OAED grant programme, an unemployed person must have a valid unemployment card, regardless of the Service (KPA2) where it was issued.
- If a business with branches wishes to join an DYPA programme, which DYPA department (KPA2) should it contact?
It will be addressed to the Service (KPA2) which is responsible for the company's registered office.
- Is the business subsidised by the DYPA to employ people on a full-time or part-time basis?
OAED mainly grants full-time positions. In some programs (such as the Special Two-Year Employment Promotion Program) there is the possibility of subsidizing part-time positions.
- Can a company that is already part of an DYPA program join another DYPA program?
Yes it can be included, but not for staff who are already in a DYPA program.
- My company wishes to participate in a DYPA employment program, how can I find out which programs are being implemented and which it can now join?
- In particular Questions for Business-Employer (Beneficiary)
- If a business enrolled in a program suspends its operations, what are the consequences;
After the business goes out of business, the program is discontinued.
- Can a business participating in a DYPA program and undergoing transfer or merger continue to be subsidized in its new legal form?
The business can continue to receive subsidies in its new legal form, provided that the personnel are transferred to the new company without a break in the employment relationship, and the new business submits to the authority (KPA2) a responsible declaration stating that it assumes all the obligations of the previous business.
- Can the heirs of a business participating in an DYPA programme continue to receive a grant?
Yes, they can, as long as the staff continue to work without interrupting their employment relationship and as long as they provide the Service (KPA2) with an affidavit stating that they assume all the obligations of the company.
- Is there a specific time limit within which the company must replace the person who has left or been made redundant (subsidised or committed staff)?
The Ministerial Decision and the Information Form of each program also specify the time limit for the replacement of staff.
- Is there a specific procedure that the company must follow to replace a person for whom it is subsidised or can it choose any person as long as they have a valid unemployment card?
There is a specific procedure for the replacement of a person, which provides for the assignment of a vacant position to the competent KPA2. This is followed by the recommendation of the unemployed person with a reference from the employment adviser.
- What applies to replacing a person from the retained staff?
To replace a person from the committed staff, all that is required is to meet the replacement deadline as specified in each program.
- An employee for whom the company is subsidising is in a state of pregnancy/childbirth or is taking advantage of the six-month maternity leave. Are there any implications for the business's participation in the participating DYPA program? Does the same apply when the employee is part of the committed non-granted staff?
In this case, the employment relationship with the company is not terminated and therefore there are no consequences regardless of whether they are part of the subsidised or tied staff.
- Is a business that is part of an insurance contribution subsidy program subsidized for all of its employees?
The Ministerial Decision/Information Form of each scheme specifies the number of persons for whom the company can be subsidised, based on the aid scheme in which each scheme is included.
- Are traineeships and work experience considered employment?
No, it is not considered as employment.
- Is the resignation of people whose internship or work experience contracts have expired considered a downsizing for the company?
No, it is not considered a reduction in staff.
- A company participating in an employment programm of the DYPA due to the economic crisis plans to change the employment status of its staff. Will these changes have an impact on the firm's participation in the programm?
Yes, there will be an impact, as no change in the employment status of staff (subsidised or committed) is possible throughout the duration of the programm.
- If a business enrolled in a program suspends its operations, what are the consequences;
- Questions about Unemployed (Beneficiary)
- I want to find a job through an employment programm run by the DYPA. What do I have to do?
You should contact the competent employee of the Service (KΠΑ2) where your place of residence falls.
- Do I have to have an unemployment card to join a DYPA program?
Yes, a valid unemployment card is necessary to join a DYPA program.
- Do all unemployed people who have an unemployment card have access to the employment programmes of the DYPA?
All holders of a valid unemployment card have access to DYPA programs.
- Can a company that has applied to a different department of the DYPA (KPA2) than the one that has issued my unemployment card hire me through the DYPA program?
What generally applies to the unemployed is that they must have a valid unemployment card, irrespective of the service (KPA2) that issued the unemployment card, as part of the personalised approach.
- I want to find a job through an employment programm run by the DYPA. What do I have to do?
- What are nurseries?
Early Childhood Centres (Nurseries) are educational and safe places for pre-school children and operate in the framework of social policy, to reconcile family and professional life and to facilitate the needs of economically disadvantaged families.
Their operation is now the responsibility of the OAED, following the Act of the Council of Ministers (Government Gazette 39 t.A'/29.2.2012) on the abolition of the Labour Centre Organisation (O.E.E.).
The accommodation of infants - children is free of charge (contributory programme for the beneficiaries of the O.E.E. benefits).
- Who is entitled to subscribe to the stations of the DYPA?
Those who had the right to register their children in the Stations of the abolished organization of the Labour Home retain this right for the B.N.S. of the O.A.E.D., provided that the mother is working.
- What age groups are accommodated in the Stations?
Infants from eight (8) months to 2.5 years old are accommodated, provided that infant classes are in operation, as well as toddlers from 2.5 years old until their enrolment in Kindergarten.
Infants or toddlers who have serious physical or mental health problems and whose education requires specialised staff and specialised structures are not accepted.
- What is the operating time of the Stations?
The nursery - kindergartens are open from 6.45 a.m. to 16.00 p.m. They do not operate on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
They also do not operate:
- from 1 to 31 August
- from 24 December to 6 January
- from Good Friday to Sunday of Thomas
- Is there provision for meals for children at DYPA's Centers
For infants and toddlers at each center, the necessary high-quality and quantity of food (breakfast and lunch every day) are provided, which is prepared on-site. The weekly diet plan is signed by the Head of the center and is posted in a visible location within the center to inform the parents.
- When and how can we learn about the required documents for enrolling in the Centers?
The date of submission of applications for registration in the Nursery Schools for the School Year 2013-2014 will be announced soon.
- In which areas are there stations of the DYPA?
Nine (9) stations operate within the boundaries of Attica and sixteen (16) in large provincial cities and in municipalities with a large workforce. The stations are listed in detail in a table published in the link.
- What is the EURES network and who is involved?
EURES is a network created in 1993 for cooperation between the European Commission, the public employment services of the EU Member States (the EU countries and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and other partner organisations. Switzerland also plays an important role in this cooperation. The joint use of the resources of EURES members and partner organisations provides a solid basis for the cooperation network to provide a high quality service to workers and employers. It consists of:
- The Network of Public Employment Agencies
- The Network of EURES Advisers in the EU and EEA countries.
- The Network of jobseekers and employers looking for staff.
- What are the objectives of the EURES network?
The main objectives of the EURES network are to inform, guide, and provide advice to workers who may move to another country regarding employment and living opportunities. Additionally, it assists employers who wish to hire workers from other EU countries.
Vacant job positions in 31 European countries, CVs of interested candidates, and everything you need to know about life and work abroad, among many other pieces of information, are provided to you through the EURES network.
Moreover, in European border regions, EURES plays a crucial role by providing information and assistance in resolving issues that workers and employers may encounter in relation to their cross-border movements.
- What are the tasks of a EURES Adviser and how many people are employed in the Greek network?
Its purpose is to maintain regular contact with jobseekers in the EU member states and with employers wishing to recruit staff from the above countries.
The Greek Branch of EURES has a staff of 28 EURES Advisers, who are located in 28 EURES Employment Offices (K.P.A.2) throughout Greece.
- How does the EURES network express itself?
The main tool of the Network is the portal http://eures.europa.eu
Its main features are:
- The content is offered in 24 European languages.
- There are separate sections for jobseekers and employers.
- There are two separate sections for jobseekers and jobseekers.
- CVs compatible with Europass CV - Cedefop.
- Separate link for information on living and working conditions by country.
- Separate link - PLOTEUS subsystem - for learning opportunities by country.
- What is my EURES service?
The My EURES service provides various possibilities to personalise the services of the EURES Job Mobility Portal based on your personal needs, whether you are a jobseeker or an employer.
Jobseekers can create and save search profiles and be notified by email when jobs matching a profile appear. EURES CV Online, available in all EU languages, allows you to publish your CV and bring it to the attention of EURES advisers and registered employers.
By opening a "My EURES" search account for candidate CVs, employers can create and save search profiles and be notified by e-mail.
Many other features will be added to My EURES, such as the possibility to subscribe to newsletters.
My EURES is free of charge for both jobseekers and employers.
- Is there any printed material about the EURES network?
Of course, you can seek it from an Eures Adviser or by attending an event organised by the Greek Eures Network.
- How do I find out about the events of the Greek EURES network?
Through the DYPA website (https://www.dypa.gov.gr/en), in the local K.P.A.2 of DYPA, but also through the portal of the Network http://eures.europa.eu in the events programme link select Greece and click on search.
- Who undertakes the credit relationship with the interested party?
The conclusion of loans, the disbursement of loans and their monitoring, will be implemented by the Credit Institution and in accordance with its internal procedures, observing the conditions of the program as they apply and are described by Chapter A' of Part B' of Law 5006/ 2022 (A' 239) and the no. 189/2023 (B'1180) Joint Ministerial Decision and all contractual documents of the program.
The Credit Institution will have the only direct credit relationship with the beneficiary.
- What are the costs borne by the beneficiary?
The costs are detailed:
- The cost of managing the loan file is paid by the Program at the time of disbursement of the loan. The Final Recipient is not charged extra for envelope costs.
- The costs of carrying out a legal and technical audit by the Bank shall be borne by the beneficiary. The table below shows the costs of legal and technical control per bank:
CREDIT INSTITUTION Cost of Legal and Technical Audit (Euro) ALPHA BANK 420,00 € EUROBANK • From €500 Technical & Legal Audit Cost, which varies subject to conditions (e.g. surcharges for areas outside the engineer's headquarters, islands, etc.).
• Up to €650 in case of an inspection of more than 1 property. For each additional property, for which a Technical-Legal check will be carried out, the cost amounts to €350 per property. As part of the Program, the total fee will not exceed €650.NATIONAL BANK Cost of Legal and Technical Audit Minimum €246. In special cases where a change of property takes place and new property inspections need to be carried out, there will be an additional charge for the completion of the Legal and Technical Inspection.
We note that the above expenses do not include other expenses related to the registration of the encumbrance on the property, such as expenses for the issuance of the court decision for the registration of a pre-mortgage note on the property, the fee for the registration of the pre-mortgage note, expenses for submitting an application for the issuance of certificates , the summary of the court decision and the issuance of the certificates, costs for the declaration of pre-notification rights, if a Land Office is operating, costs of removing pre-notation. These will be paid by the creditor.PANCRETA Cost of Legal and Technical Audit (Euro)
1. Cost of Legal Audit: € 86.80*
*- Refers to the costs of checking property titles in order to grant the approval of the loan and does not include the costs of registering a pre-notification and any other costs related to collateral which are borne entirely by the borrower.
- VAT included, currently 24%.
- In the case of a lawyer moving to a mortgage registry outside of his headquarters, the borrower is charged with the travel costs (€ 0.25/km) as well as any other actual travel and accommodation costs.
- The costs in question pertain to each inspected property, are collected before the respective inspections are carried out and are not refunded once the inspections are carried out.
2. Cost of Technical Inspection: € 148.80**
**- Refers to property appraisal costs in order to grant loan approval.
- VAT included, currently 24%.
- In the event of the appraiser moving to a distance of more than 30 km from his headquarters, the borrower is charged with travel costs (€ 0.25/km) as well as any other actual travel and accommodation costs.
- The costs in question pertain to each inspected property, are collected before the respective inspections are carried out and are not refunded once the inspections are carried out.EPIRUS BANK 400,00 € BANK OF THESSALY 350,00 € BANK OF KARDITSA 300,00 € CHANIA BANK 350€ + VAT ATTICA BANK Cost of Legal and Technical Audit (Euro)
•Cost of land assessment - Horizontal or Independent Residence: Fixed € 175
plus VAT.
The assessment fee includes a planning legality check
for properties with an estimated value of up to € 600,000.
For estimated properties with a road distance > 40km from the principal's headquarters
travel expenses are paid at a charge of € 0.25/km.
Also, ticket, ferry, and toll fees are paid in accordance with
documents to be provided by the appraiser with a maximum fee
the amount of €80 plus VAT. In cases of the appraiser staying overnight
an invoice will be issued up to the amount of € 70 (overnight stay and breakfast)
with a maximum fee of € 120 / day plus
VAT and one night stay.
•Cost of Legal Audit:
80 including VAT
In no case the total amount of legal and technical audit costs
per final recipient will not exceed the amount of €650.
The above costs are collected per property.PIREAUS BANK €500, including VAT. The fee refers to a maximum amount for a property and does not include any travel expenses that may be incurred due to a property in remote areas where there is no branch of the bank - The unilateral change of the other expenses upwards is not permissible.
- Other costs related to the registration of the encumbrance on the property such as the cost of issuing the court order for the registration of a pre-mortgage note on the property, the fee for the registration of the pre-mortgage note, costs for submitting an application for issuance of certificates, the summary of the court decision and the issuance of the certificates, costs for the declaration of pre-notification rights, if a Land Office is operating, costs of removing pre-notation, will be paid by the creditor.
- For how long is the financial pre-approval received by the interested party valid and what must he do next to complete the request?
The pre-approval is valid for sixty (60) days from its notification to the applicant. Within the relevant deadline, the applicant must notify the Credit Institution of the requested loan amount, the property he intends to buy and the price at which he intends to buy it, and provide the documents required, so that the Credit Institution can carry out the necessary control . If the deadline in question is missed, the financial pre-approval ceases to be valid.
- Can I apply to more than one participating bank?
YES. In this case, of course, the applicant bears the cost of each legal and technical inspection of the property. However, the approval and the corresponding commitment of an amount will be made upon an application.
- Where can I contact for questions or clarifications?
For any question, you can call the Public Service Telephone 1555, from Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00.
- Is a residual property percentage eligible if I own part of the property? Or is it possible to buy a percentage of the property?
The property eligible for purchase must be a completed property, the loan is granted for the purchase of a first main residence, not for the purchase of a percentage of a residence.
- Is property encumbered by a previous loan eligible?
In the case of a property with an encumbrance (previous loan) this will be accepted for financing by the Program, following the usual procedure of the banks, i.e. by issuing a two-line check to pay off the previous loan and a certificate from the Bank that granted the loan that it consents to the cancellation of weight and has no other requirement.
- Is incomplete property eligible?
Incomplete properties are not eligible for the Program.
- If I have, either in whole or in partial co-ownership, more than one property with residential use, but which is incomplete, am I considered eligible in terms of the existing property criterion?
Since the applicants "have more than one (1) property with residential use, it is presumed that there is a property suitable for their residence regardless of whether or not the criteria of sub-cases (da), (db) and (dc)" as stated in the article 3, par. 1, para. d of the JMD. Therefore, even if the -more than one- residential property is incomplete the applicants are not eligible under the existing property criterion.
- Can a person in need of legal assistance apply for and receive a loan through the legal assistant?
Yes, but the court order appointing the legal assistant and special permission of the supervisory board is required.
- To clarify whether the property to be purchased must be located at the place of work. In the case of police officers, military personnel and uniformed personnel in general, their place of work is not definitive. There is a high probability of transfer. Can uniformed persons take part in the program?
The eligibility criteria of the property that the beneficiary will purchase through the program are described in detail in Article 4 of Law 5006/2022 and are as follows:
- a) to be used as a main (first) residence,
- b) have a value of up to two hundred thousand (200,000) euros, as specified in the purchase contract
- c) to have a size of up to 150 sq.m.
- d) to be on a building that is at least fifteen (15) years old at the time of purchase
- e) to be located within a residential area and
- f) the purchase is not made by a first or second degree relative of the buyer or by a spouse or a person linked by a cohabitation agreement with the buyer.
Apart from the above, no other criteria are set for the property to be purchased, i.e. a property with the above characteristics can be acquired anywhere in the territory the borrower wishes, as long as he meets the other eligibility criteria. According to Law 5006/2022, the loan granted under the "My Home" program is aimed at the purchase of the beneficiaries' first main residence.
It is noted that the criterion of connecting the property with the applicant's place of work does not concern the property to be purchased, but is one of the criteria for the suitability of any existing property of the applicant, as specified in paragraph d of paragraph 1 of article 3 of Decree No. 189/2023 JMD (B' 1180) and aim to establish whether or not the existing property meets its housing needs.
- What are the income limits for the inclusion of a prospective borrower in the "My Home" Loan Program?
According to para. a' of par. 2 of a. 3 of Law 5006/2022, applicants are considered eligible if they have a total annual income of €10,000 up to the amount that corresponds, depending on their family situation, to the income criterion defined for receiving the heating allowance. Regarding the minimum income limit of €10,000, all incomes are taken into account, regardless of the source of origin, and their registration code in the submitted tax return. Regarding the maximum applicable income limits per case, the instructions of the AADE apply regarding the incomes that are excluded, as they also apply to receiving the heating allowance.
- Is a child of a large family entitled in this capacity to receive the interest rate subsidy provided for parents with many children in the My House program?
Answer: No, as this does not arise from the purpose, legislative and regulatory framework of the My House Program. Specifically, the "My Home" Loan Program is one of the actions of the new Housing Policy, which aims to address the housing problem and the demographic problem of Greece. Furthermore, and from the references in joint ministerial decision No. 189/2023 (B' 1180), as it applies, it is clear that the Program concerns parents with three and many children, as both at the end of paragraph b of par. 1 of article 3 refers to a change in family status due to the acquisition of a new child, as well as in par. 4 of article 7 it is expressly stated that the interest subsidy is granted to people with the status of a parent of a family of three or many.
- Are divorced persons with a child/children, who exert jointly parental responsibility, or who have jointly custody/custodianship of him/her(s), considered single parents?
Answer: No. Sole parenthood is presumed in the event that parental care is exerted de facto and exclusively by one of the parents. Therefore, in order to be considered a single parent, a divorced person would have to have sole parental custody of his children and provide the supporting documents listed below. bb' of para. b' of par. 1 of article 3 of Decree No. 189/2023 JMD (Β΄1180). It is noted that only with regard to the upper income limits, the category of divorced persons with children is included in the same income category as single parents, as it follows from No. A.1156/2022 JMD for obtaining a heating system.
- How is it assumed that the property to be purchased is located on a building that is at least 15 years old?
According to case b of par. 2 of article 4 of Law 5006/2022, in order to be considered eligible the property acquired must be located on a building with an age of at least 15 years from the time of purchase. The presence of the condition of antiquity is examined on the basis of the issued building permit. In this case, the reference year for loans granted until the end of the year 2023 is 2008, provided that no subsequent action has been taken to amend/revise the first license or issue a new license. In the latter case, the bank's technical control must examine in detail the degree of completion of the property based on the first permit. It is considered that to meet the provision, the degree of completion must not be less than the completion of the load-bearing body and external masonry of the property.