
Career Day - Larissa 2022

  • "Career Day" on May 14 in Larissa

    The Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) organizes the 5th "Career Day" in Larissa, on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at the Grecotel Larissa Imperial hotel (182 Farsalon Avenue), from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:, with the purpose of giving job seekers the opportunity to talk directly with representatives of companies looking for the right staff.

    45 companies with over 1,500 jobs of various specialties and levels of expertise have registered for the event. Those interested will be able throughout the event to talk with executives of the companies, without a pre-arranged appointment.

    Also, executives of the Service Unit for Medium and Large Enterprises of the Greek Public Employment Service will provide the unemployed and jobseekers with information about the actions and the programs of the Organization.

    Entry to the event is free.

    Those who did not come to the 5th Career Day of the Greek Public Employment Service in Larissa, they can send their CV to by 31.05.2022 with reference to the specialty and place of residence in the subject of the message.

    Career Days are part of the actions and events of the Greek Public Employment Service , with the purpose of immediate and effective matching of labor market supply and demand.