
Social tourism

  • Social Tourism for Unemployed and Employees
        • It is a subsidy program for the accommodation of beneficiaries and their beneficiary members in tourist accommodation in Greece participating in the program and have been included in the "Register of Providers" of the Greek Public Employment Service and for their ferry transportation to them. Beneficiaries and their beneficiary members must hold a Social Tourism Voucher.
        • The program is prepared by a relevant JMD issued every year, on the basis of which a Public Invitation of the Public Employment Service is published with its detailed terms and conditions. The Public Invitation is posted on the Greek Public Employment Service website.
        • The program lasts twelve (12) months. The specific start and end dates of this are set out in the Public Invitation.
        •  Beneficiaries can spend from one (1) to six (6) nights. On the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Leros, Kos, as well as in the prefecture of Evros, they can spend up to ten (10) nights, on the island of Samos and in the municipalities of Istiaia – Aidipsos and Mantoudi – Limni – Ag. Anna of the prefecture of Evia can make up to twelve (12) nights.
        • Beneficiaries and providers of tourist accommodation shall submit an online application for participation on specific dates specified in the public call. Beneficiaries in their applications shall also declare their beneficiary members.



  • Social Tourism for e EFKA Pensioners(formerly OAEE)
      • Applications for the new social tourism program for retired freelancers (former OAEE)


        Tomorrow, Wednesday 13.07.2022 at 08:00, the electronic submission of applications for beneficiaries and providers for the new social tourism program of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) is addressed exclusively to retired freelancers (former OAEE).

        The program consists of 25,000 vouchers and the total budget amounts to 3 million euros. The new program further strengthens domestic tourism and adds another category of beneficiaries to the Greek Public Employment Service's social policy programs. Beneficiaries of the program are pensioners of e-EFKA – former OAEE who have paid the corresponding contribution of 1 euro for this subsidy in the month of June 2022 (par. 5 of art. 69 of Law 3863/2010).

        The applications of the interested beneficiaries will be submitted exclusively electronically through the Single Digital Gateway of the Greek State, at:

        Specifically, the route is: Home / Work and insurance / Compensations and subsidies /Social tourism programs for pensioners e-EFKA (former OAEE) 

        Beneficiaries will be able to submit their applications exclusively on the dates of the following table depending on the last digit of their TIN number and until 18.07.2022 at 23:59, when the platform will remain open for all digits of TINs. Specifically:  













        ALL DIGITS 


        The system of selection of beneficiaries is based on the scoring of specific economic and family criteria in an objective and transparent way using computerized software.

        Providers of the program are tourist accommodation and coastal shipping companies, as defined by the Public Invitation, while providers that have submitted an application for the social tourism program 2022-2023 to which they have already attached the required supporting documents, as long as they submit a simple application and a relevant Solemn Declaration. 

        The applications of the interested providers will be submitted exclusively electronically through the Single Digital Gateway of the Greek State, at the following address:

        Specifically, the route is: Home / Work and insurance / Compensation and subsidies / Social tourism providers for pensioners e EFKA (formerly OAEE)

        Beneficiaries can make up to 6 nights in a tourist accommodation they choose from the "Register of Providers" of the Greek Public Employment Service after direct consultation with the provider, paying a small private contribution. 

        Especially for accommodation in the islands of Leros, Lesvos, Chios, Kos and the prefecture of Evros up to 10 nights can be made in the accommodation of the Municipalities of Istiaiaia-Aidipsos and Mantoudi-Limni-Ag. Anna of N. Evia and the island of Samos up to 12 nights free of charge. 

        Apart from accommodation in tourist accommodation, ferry tickets are also subsidized. The participation of the general category of beneficiaries shall be 25%.

        The new program also applies increased subsidy prices, which concern all categories of accommodation, in order to cover the increased costs and ensure a large participation. In addition, for the peak month of August, an increase of the subsidy by 20% is foreseen, in order to increase the participation of tourism enterprises during this period. The increase will be valid all year round for the accommodation of Northern Evia and Samos.

        The charter of subsidies for the period 2022-2023











        (AUGUST 2022)








        5 STARS

        34,80 €

        11,00 €

        45,80 €


        4 STARS

        33,60 €

        8,00 €

        41,60 €


        3 STARS

        33,60 €

        4,00 €

        37,60 €


        2 STARS

        28,80 €

        3,00 €

        31,80 €


        1 STAR

        25,20 €

        1,00 €

        26,20 €



        (SEPTEMBER 2022 – JULY 2023)







        5 STARS

        29,00 €

        11,00 €

        40,00 €


        4 STARS

        28,00 €

        8,00 €

        36,00 €


        3 STARS

        28,00 €

        4,00 €

        32,00 €


        2 STARS

        24,00 €

        3,00 €

        27,00 €


        1 STAR

        21,00 €

        1,00 €

        22,00 €










        5 STARS

        48,00 €


        48,00 €


        4 STARS

        43,20 €


        43,20 €


        3 STARS

        38,40 €


        38,40 €


        2 STARS

        32,40 €


        32,40 €


        1 STAR

        26,40 €


        26,40 €


        See here for the Press Release

        See here for the Public Invitation

        Extension until Tuesday 19/7 in the deadline for applications to the new Social Tourism program of the Greek Public Employment Service for pensioners of e-EFKA/former OAEE

        Extension until Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 23.59 was given to the deadline for applications in the new Social Tourism program of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) for all eligible self-employed pensioners (former OAEE) of e-EFKA, regardless of the last digit of their TIN number, as well as for all providers.

         The new program concerns 25,000 vouchers and the total budget amounts to 3 million euros. The new program further strengthens domestic tourism and adds another category of beneficiaries to the Greek Public Employment Service's social policy programs. Beneficiaries of the program are also the pensioners of e-EFKA – former OAEE who have paid the corresponding contribution of 1 euro for this subsidy in the month of June 2022 (par. 5 of art. 69 of Law 3863/2010).

        The applications of the interested beneficiaries are submitted exclusively electronically through the Single Digital Gateway of the Greek State, at:

        Specifically, the route is: Home / Work and insurance / Compensation and subsidies /Social tourism programs for pensioners e-EFKA (former OAEE)

        The system for selecting beneficiaries shall be based on the allocation of specific economic and family criteria in an objective and transparent manner using computer software. 

        Providers of the program are tourist accommodation and ferry companies, as defined by the Public Invitation, while providers who have submitted an application for the social tourism program 2022-2023 to which they have already attached the required documents, as long as they submit a simple application and a relevant Solemn Declaration. The applications of the interested providers are submitted exclusively electronically through the Single Digital Gateway of the Greek State, at:

        Specifically, the route is: Home / Work and insurance / Compensation and subsidies /Social tourism programs for pensioners e-EFKA (former OAEE)

        Beneficiaries can make up to 6 nights in a tourist accommodation they choose from the "Register of Providers" of the Greek Public Employment Service after direct consultation with the provider, paying a small private contribution.

        Especially for accommodation in the islands of Leros, Lesvos, Chios, Kos, and the prefecture of Evros, up to 10 nights can be made in the accommodation of the Municipalities of Istiaiaia-Aidipsos and Mantoudi-Limni-Ag. Anna of N. Evia and the island of Samos up to 12 nights free of charge.

        Apart from accommodation in tourist accommodation, ferry tickets are also subsidized. The participation of the general category of beneficiaries shall be 25%.

        The new program also applies increased subsidy prices, which concern all categories of accommodation, in order to cover the increased costs and ensure a large participation. In addition, for the peak month of August, an increase of the subsidy by 20% is foreseen, in order to increase the participation of tourism enterprises during this period. The increase will be valid all year round for the accommodation of North Evia and Samos.

        See here the Press Release for the extension of applications  

  • Beneficiaries

        The program is addressed to those who

        • have a dependent employment relationship under private law with contributions in favor of the unemployment branch of DYPA
        • unemployed registered in the DYPA Digital Register, for a specific period of time.

        The special conditions for the participation of beneficiaries are specified in each program with the issuance of the relevant GPA

        In addition, for a citizen to be a beneficiary:

        • must not have received a Social Tourism Voucher during the immediately preceding program. Only beneficiaries with disabilities or beneficiaries who have declared a beneficiary member with disabilities in their application can receive a Social Tourism Voucher in continuous programs
        • must not receive related benefits from any other body for the same period of time



  • Entitled members
      • Persons entitled to the program are:

        • the children of beneficiaries aged 5 – 18
        • the children of beneficiaries aged 18 – 24, when insured by the beneficiaries or their other parent
        • the children of beneficiaries aged 24 years and older, if they are disabled at a rate of 67% or more for life, directly or indirectly insured, without insurance days,
        • the spouses of beneficiaries, when insured by them
        • the accompanying of persons with disabilities

        The beneficiary members are declared by the beneficiary citizens in their application

        In addition, in order to be a beneficiary member:

        • must not have received a Social Tourism Voucher in the immediately preceding program, unless it is stated in a beneficiary's application entitled to participate in consecutive programs 
        •  must not have received a relevant subsidy from any other institution for the same period of time
  • Method of selection of beneficiaries – Register of Beneficiaries and Entitled members - Excluded List
      • For the selection of the beneficiaries in the program, the following procedure is followed:

        • an online application for participation is submitted by the interested parties on the dates specified in the Public Invitation,
        • it is checked whether the interested parties meet the conditions for participation, that is, whether they are beneficiaries of the subsidy, and the conditions of participation of the beneficiary members who declared in their application
        • are scored, specific criteria for the selection of the beneficiaries
        • are set up, a Register is established, which includes the beneficiaries and the beneficiary members of those who meet the conditions for participation (Register of Beneficiaries – Beneficiaries). The Registry reflects the ranking of beneficiaries based on the number of points collected
        • by the beneficiaries of the Registry, the ones with the highest points are selected until the number of beneficiary members provided for in the Public Invitation is completed
        • for the selected beneficiaries and their beneficiary members who meet the participation requirements, an electronic Social Tourism Voucher is issued, the number of which is reflected in the Registry of Beneficiaries
        • for the interested parties who apply without fulfilling the participation requirements, a separate table is drawn up, the Table of Excluded People
  • Subsidy Amount -Beneficiaries' Private Participation
        • The subsidy paid by the Greek Public Employment Service is incorporated in the Social Tourism Voucher.
        • The Public Call defines the subsidy prices per beneficiary member and per night depending on the area, type and category of accommodation. 
        • The beneficiaries must pay the providers an amount of private participation which is agreed with the provider. The amount of private participation must not exceed certain ceilings set out in the Public Call. Beneficiaries who choose for their holidays accommodation in the islands of Lesvos, Leros, Samos, Chios and Kos or in the prefecture of Evros and the Municipalities of Istiaiaia – Aidipsos and Mantoudi - Limni – Ag. Anna of Evia are not obliged to pay a private participation fee.
  • Program's application terms
      • The terms of implementation of the program are described below regarding the obligations of the providers of tourist accommodation and ferry tickets. Specifically: 

        A. The providers of tourist accommodation are obliged:

        • to comply with the health protocols of the Greek National Public Health Organization (EODY)
        • to accept in their accommodation beneficiaries members, holders of a Social Tourism Vouchers from the beginning of the program and until its end
        • to accept beneficiaries of the Program in all parts of their unit throughout the period of operation, without excluding an intermediate period, and up to the capacity limit
        • to have at least 30% of the total capacity of their beds during the summer and holidays, if a reservation has been made by the beneficiaries
        • to have – depending on the technical specifications provided for the category of accommodation - free of charge both for the beneficiaries and for the Greek Public Employment Service rooms with individual or central heating/cooling systems (depending on their period of operation), with private bathroom, refrigerator and TV
        • not to have in any case problematic rooms (basement, interior, without adequate lighting or ventilation, etc.)
        • not to rent the apartment lounge area to beneficiaries – beneficiaries members, as well as to rent apartments hotels, furnished apartments and rented furnished apartments per room
        • to offer without compensation or remuneration to the beneficiaries all the services they are obliged under the relevant provisions to provide to third parties
        • to clean the rooms and change their clothing (towels, sheets, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of the Tourism Law
        • to provide to the beneficiaries – beneficiary members, if they are licensed to do so, the same breakfast they offer to the other customers of the accommodation, in a composition in accordance with the applicable market regulations. The provision or not of breakfast is agreed between the beneficiary and the provider in the contract at the wish of the beneficiary

        B. Terms regarding ferry tickets

        • providers must observe during the transportation of passengers the health protocols of EODY
        • Social Tourism tickets may be issued for dates of use from the beginning of the program and until the end
        • Greek Public Employment Service is not involved in reservations or compensation of beneficiaries or providers for any reason (e.g. compensation of a beneficiary for ticket cancellation due to cancellation of a route)
        • it is not possible to use the Coastal Travel Voucher for travel to a destination not related to accommodation in the Register of Providers and for the same period of arrival. Violation of this condition does not entail any financial consequences for the provider, but for the beneficiary, who must repay to the Greek Public Employment Service the amount of the subsidy. The fulfillment of this obligation of the beneficiaries is controlled exclusively by the competent Services of the Greek Public Employment Service and not by the providers,
        • the providers are obliged to issue Social Tourism tickets for all the inland routes they perform, if there are available seats, without discrimination against the beneficiary members of the program
  • The program is addressed to the following tourist accommodation:

    • hotels of all functional forms and classes (classic type hotels, type of furnished apartments, traditional accommodation) 
    • rooms/apartments five (5), four (4), three (3), two (2) keys and without classification
    • tourist furnished residences-mansions (self-catering accommodation)
    • organized tourist camps (camping) 


    • meet all the technical and functional specifications provided by the current legislation, depending on their category and 
    • have in the rooms a private bathroom, individual or central cooling – heating system depending on their periods of operation, refrigerator and TV (not required for organized camps) and
    • have direct access to a computer and electronic scanner as well as to the Internet
  • Program's Participation Methods
        • an electronic application for participation is submitted every year on the dates specified in the Public Invitation,
        • the providers that meet the requirements and have provided the necessary supporting documents specified in the Public Invitation are recorded in a table, the "Providers' Register" 
        • after the inclusion of the providers in the Register is followed by on-the-spot checks by the competent Services of the Greek Public Employment Service on the basis of which the process of their inclusion in the program is completed
  • Repayment of the program
      • A prerequisite for the payment of the subsidy is the conclusion of a private agreement in accordance with the terms of the Public Invitation and the activation of the vouchers of the recipients and their beneficiaries, which is done through electronic services with the registration of the dates of arrival and departure and the attachment of the private agreement.

        For the repayment of the program, the providers submit applications and supporting documents at specific intervals, as defined in the Public Invitation, to the competent service based on the headquarters of the enterprises.

  • Terms of the program
      • Providers are obliged:

        • to comply with the health protocols of EODY

        • to accept in their accommodation beneficiaries – beneficiaries members, holders of a Social Tourism Voucher from the beginning of the program until its end. Any allocation of a room before or after the end of the program will not create any obligation on the Greek Public Employment Service

        • to accept beneficiaries of the Program in all parts of their unit throughout the period of their operation, which will be stated in the application, without excluding an intermediate period, and up to the capacity limit, as defined in the Special Mark /Operation Notification,

        • to have at least 30% of the total capacity of their beds during the summer and holidays, if previously booked by the beneficiaries

        • to have – depending on the technical specifications provided for the category of accommodation - free of charge for both beneficiaries and Greek Public Employment Service rooms with individual or central heating/cooling systems (depending on their period of operation), with private bath, refrigerator and TV

        • not to have in any case problematic rooms (basement, interior, without adequate lighting or ventilation, etc.)

        • not to rent the apartment lounge area to beneficiaries – beneficiary members, as well as to rent apartments of hotels, furnished apartments and rented furnished apartments per room

        • to offer without compensation or remuneration to the beneficiaries all the services they are obliged under the relevant provisions to provide to third parties

        • to clean the rooms and change their clothing (towels, sheets, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of Tourism Legislation

        • to provide to the beneficiaries – beneficiary members, if they are licensed to do so, the same breakfast they offer to the other customers of the accommodation, in a composition in accordance with the applicable market regulations

  • They are natural or legal persons or legal entities, which perform in accordance with the applicable legislation maritime cabotage with routed passenger ships and use an electronic system for booking seats and issuing passenger tickets. A prerequisite for participation in the Program is the issuance of a special category of Social Tourism ticket. Providers participate in the program by offering all their running itineraries.

  • Program's Participation Methods
        • an online application for participation is submitted every year on the dates specified in the Public Invitation,
        • the qualifying providers who have provided the necessary supporting documents specified in the Public Invitation are recorded in a table, the "Register of Ferry Ticket Providers"
  • Repayment of the program
      • A prerequisite for the payment of the subsidy is the issuance of a Social Tourism ticket and the presentation of a member.

        For the repayment of the program, the providers submit applications and supporting documents at specific intervals, as defined in the Public Invitation, to the competent Service based on the headquarters of the companies.

  • Terms of the program
        • the providers are required to keep during the transport of passengers the health protocols of EODY,
        • Social Tourism tickets may be issued for dates of use from the beginning of the program until its expiry. Any issuance of tickets with dates of use before or after the expiration of the program will not give rise to any obligation against the Greek Public Employment Service.
        • The Greek Public Employment Service will not be involved in reservations or compensation of beneficiaries or providers for any reason (e.g. compensation of a beneficiary for ticket cancellation due to cancellation of the itinerary)
        • it is not possible to use the Ferry Transfer Voucher for travel to a destination not related to accommodation in the Register of Providers and for the same period of arrival. Violation of this condition does not entail any financial consequences for the provider, but for the beneficiary, who must repay to the Greek Public Employment Service the amount of the subsidy. The fulfillment of this obligation of the beneficiaries is controlled exclusively by the competent Services of the Greek Public Employment Service and not by the providers,
        • the providers are obliged to issue Social Tourism tickets for all the inland routes they perform, if there are available seats, without discrimination against the beneficiary members of the program
  • Beneficiaries who are holders of Social Tourism Vouchers come into direct contact with the providers for room reservations.

    Providers cannot accept under the program beneficiaries whose place of residence is in the same Regional Unit as their accommodation, except for specific exceptions.

    Providers can accept beneficiaries at the accommodation without being accompanied by the beneficiary citizen, provided that they:

    • are children aged 18 - 24 years,
    • are spouses of beneficiaries,
    • are children aged 5 - 18 years accompanied by the spouse of the beneficiary citizen (beneficiary member or not),
    • the contract is signed by the beneficiaries or by the beneficiary children aged 18-24 years or the spouses of beneficiaries (beneficiary members or not) with the legal authorization of the beneficiaries

    Separate holidays cannot be taken by:

    • persons accompanying a disabled person without the person with a disability they accompany,
    • children aged 5 to 18 years without their beneficiaries or their spouse(s) (beneficiaries or not)

    Upon arrival of the beneficiary members at the accommodation, their identity details are checked by the provider and then a private agreement is signed between them.

    Finally, the provider through the electronic services of the Greek Public Employment Service activates the vouchers of the beneficiary members, by entering the dates of arrival and departure and attaching the signed private agreement. 

    Early departure: In the event that after the signing of the contract, the beneficiary wishes for any reason to leave the accommodation before the date provided for in the contract, i.e. before making the number of nights agreed with the provider: 

    • the beneficiary completes two Solemn Declarations with the date of his early departure from the accommodation and deposits one with the provider and the other with any Service of the Greek Public Employment Service on the day of his departure or the first working day after his departure
    • the provider, through the electronic services and before the departure of the beneficiary (check out) or simultaneously with it, informs the date of early departure, transmitting electronically and a copy of the Solemn Declaration

     In the case of beneficiaries who are on holiday without the beneficiary, the Solemn Declaration is signed by the same persons who were authorized to sign the contract.

    • the Public Invitation defines the subsidy prices per recipient–beneficiary member and per night depending on the region, type and category of accommodation
    • in addition to the subsidy paid by the Greek Public Employment Service, the beneficiaries must also pay an amount of private participation, which is agreed with the provider when signing the private agreement. The amount of private participation must not exceed certain ceilings set out in the Public Call. For the islands of Lesvos, Leros, Samos, Chios, Kos, the Municipalities of Istiaia - Aidipsos and Mantoudi - Limni - Ag. Anna of N. Evia and the Prefecture of Evros the private participation is mandatory zero
    • the providers must issue at departure Invoices or Receipts of Services in the name of the beneficiaries both for the amount of the subsidy and the private participation, as defined in the Public Invitation
  • For the transportation of beneficiaries and beneficiary members of the program, special tickets are issued by the providers, the Social Tourism Tickets.

    Social Tourism Tickets are exclusively economy class and their price varies based on the wider category of tickets to which they belong and the route period during which they are used.

    The following categories of Social Tourism Tickets are distinguished:

    • adults
    • children
    • from large families
    • PwD

    The price of Social Tourism Tickets participates financially:

    • the providers, offering a specific discount rate
    • the Greek Public Employment Service, with a specific subsidy rate
    • the beneficiaries/beneficiaries members, with a specific private participation rate, except for beneficiaries/beneficiaries members of persons with disabilities whose participation rate is zero

    The discount, subsidy and private participation rates, as determined each time by the relevant public call, are valid for the entire duration of the program of the same period, without being affected by any changes in economic and other conditions.

    Social Tourism Tickets are issued by the same provider. Return tickets may be issued by another provider for reasons attributable to the provider (e.g. cancellation of a service)

    Social tourism tickets are not cancelled but can be converted into open-date tickets, which cannot be later than the expiration date of the program

  • Voucher
      • The "Social Tourism Voucher": 

        • is a unique electronic number for each beneficiary citizen and for each beneficiary member of it, which is automatically created by the Integrated Information System of the Greek Public Employment Service
        • incorporates a specific economic value that is the subsidy of the beneficiary and its beneficiary members for their stay in a tourist accommodation and their coastal passage to it (when required)
        • does not exist in printed form by the Greek Public Employment Service for tourist accommodation. Its existence is controlled by the providers upon their entry into the electronic services of the Greek Public Employment Service and the introduction of the TIN or the SSN of the beneficiaries
        • exists in printed form and is printed mandatory for the ferry tickets to be displayed for the issuance of the ticket. It cannot be used to go to a destination other than the one where the tourist accommodation is located,
        • it is valid exclusively from the start date until the end date of the specific program under which it was issued
  • Private Agreement - Voucher activation for the tourist accommodation
        • the activation of the Social Tourism Voucher begins with the conclusion of a private agreement between the beneficiary and the provider. The private agreement defines, inter alia: the beneficiary members who are on a joint holiday with the beneficiary, the exact number of nights, the amount of private participation, the provision or not of breakfast and the addition of a bed
        • in the cases of a beneficiary member who is on a holiday without the beneficiary, the contract is signed by the beneficiary member himself or the beneficiary's spouse (when accompanying beneficiary members 5-18 years old) upon the relevant authorization of the beneficiary, certified for the authenticity of the signature.
        • The provider enters the electronic services of the Greek Public Employment Service and enters the TIN or the SSN of the beneficiary. After checking the existence of the cheques and the Regional Unit of the beneficiary's place of residence, he completes the arrival-departure details, attaching the private agreement and any authorization of the beneficiary.
        • The electronic announcement of the arrival of the beneficiaries completes the activation of the Social Tourism Voucher, which is a prerequisite for the final payment of the program.

        After the activation of the Social Tourism Voucher, it cannot be used again, even if the private agreement does not exhaust the maximum number of nights.

        See here the Instructions for Creating the Model Contract

  • Voucher Activation for the ferry ticket
      • The activation of the Social Tourism - Ferry Ticket Voucher takes place with the issuance of a transfer and return ticket. Once activated, the Voucher cannot be used again.

  • General information
      • Αύριο ξεκινούν οι αιτήσεις για 300.000 επιταγές κοινωνικού τουρισμού της ΔΥΠΑ

        Αύριο, Τρίτη 30 Μαΐου 2023 και ώρα 10:00, ξεκινά η υποβολή ηλεκτρονικών αιτήσεων δικαιούχων και παρόχων για τη συμμετοχή τους στο Πρόγραμμα Κοινωνικού Τουρισμού Εργαζομένων – Ανέργων περιόδου 2023-2024 της Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας Απασχόλησης (ΔΥΠΑ).

        Για πρώτη φορά, το πρόγραμμα θα ξεκινήσει ένα μήνα νωρίτερα, την 1η Ιουλίου 2023 αντί για 1η Αυγούστου, και θα αφορά σε 300.000 επιταγές με συνολικό προϋπολογισμό 35.000.000 ευρώ.

        Η επιταγή, με την οποία γίνεται η διαδικασία συμμετοχής, είναι ένας μοναδικός αριθμός για κάθε δικαιούχο και κάθε ωφελούμενο ξεχωριστά. Οι δικαιούχοι-ωφελούμενοι μπορούν να πραγματοποιήσουν έως 6 διανυκτερεύσεις σε τουριστικό κατάλυμα που επιλέγουν από το «Μητρώο Παρόχων» της ΔΥΠΑ, κατόπιν απευθείας συνεννόησής τους με τον πάροχο, με μικρή ιδιωτική συμμετοχή. Ειδικά για καταλύματα σε Λέρο, Λέσβο, Χίο, Κω και στον νομό Έβρου μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν έως 10 διανυκτερεύσεις με μηδενική ιδιωτική συμμετοχή, ενώ στα καταλύματα των Δήμων Ιστιαίας- Αιδηψού και Μαντουδίου-Λίμνης-Αγ. Άννας της Β. Εύβοιας και της Σάμου μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν έως 12 διανυκτερεύσεις εντελώς δωρεάν.

        Οι τιμές επιδότησης παραμένουν αυξημένες κατά 20% για τον μήνα αιχμής Αύγουστο, όπως και πέρυσι. Επιπλέον, για πρώτη φορά προσαυξάνονται κατά 20% και κατά τις περιόδους των Χριστουγέννων (από 15.12.2023 έως 14.01.2024) και του Πάσχα (από 26.04.2024 έως 12.05.2024). Η αύξηση ισχύει για όλο τον χρόνο για τα καταλύματα της Βόρειας Εύβοιας και της Σάμου.

        Εκτός από τη διαμονή σε τουριστικά καταλύματα επιδοτούνται και ακτοπλοϊκά εισιτήρια. Η συμμετοχή της γενικής κατηγορίας των δικαιούχων ανέρχεται σε 25% και των πολυτέκνων σε 20%. Για τα άτομα με αναπηρία τα ακτοπλοϊκά εισιτήρια διατίθενται δωρεάν.

        Για πρώτη φορά, στο φετινό πρόγραμμα διευρύνονται οι κατηγορίες των δικαιούχων, ενώ ενισχύονται οι ευάλωτες ομάδες καθώς προβλέπεται μοριοδότηση για τα άτομα με αναπηρία και τους μονογονείς.

        Δικαιούχοι είναι:

        • εργαζόμενοι με εξαρτημένη σχέση εργασίας ιδιωτικού δικαίου κατά τη λήξη της προθεσμίας υποβολής αιτήσεων ή
        • ασφαλισμένοι στον eEΦΚΑ στην επαγγελματική τους κατηγορία με εισφορές υπέρ του κλάδου ανεργίας της ΔΥΠΑ οποτεδήποτε στο διάστημα από 01.01.2022 έως την προηγουμένη της λήξης της προθεσμίας υποβολής αιτήσεων ή
        • άνεργοι με συνεχόμενο χρονικό διάστημα ανεργίας τουλάχιστον τριών μηνών κατά την ημερομηνία λήξης της προθεσμίας υποβολής αιτήσεων.

        Το εισόδημα των δικαιούχων όλων των κατηγοριών δεν πρέπει να ξεπερνά τα 30.000 ευρώ, εκτός αν πρόκειται για μακροχρόνια ανέργους, οι οποίοι αν είναι άγαμοι πρέπει να έχουν εισόδημα έως 16.000 ευρώ, έως 24.000 ευρώ αν είναι έγγαμοι, προσαυξανόμενο κατά 3.000 ευρώ ανά τέκνο ή αν είναι μονογονείς έως 27.000 ευρώ, προσαυξανόμενο κατά 3.000 ευρώ ανά τέκνο μετά το πρώτο.

        Οι αιτήσεις θα υποβάλλονται αποκλειστικά ηλεκτρονικά μέσω της Ενιαίας Ψηφιακής Πύλης της Δημόσιας Διοίκησης ( με τους κωδικούς TAXISnet, στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση:

        Συγκεκριμένα η διαδρομή είναι: Αρχική – Εργασία και ασφάλιση – Αποζημιώσεις και Παροχές – Προγράμματα Κοινωνικού Τουρισμού (ΔΥΠΑ).

        Η πλατφόρμα θα ανοίγει σταδιακά ανάλογα με το τελευταίο ψηφίο του ΑΦΜ των ενδιαφερόμενων δικαιούχων έως τις 05.06.2023 και ώρα 23:59, οπότε θα παραμείνει ανοικτή για όλα τα ψηφία ΑΦΜ, ως εξής:













        ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΨΗΦΙΑ

        04 & 05.06.2023

        Η επιλογή των δικαιούχων βασίζεται στη μοριοδότηση συγκεκριμένων κριτηρίων (ΑμεΑ, μονογονέα, αριθμός παιδιών, εισόδημα) με αντικειμενικό και διαφανή τρόπο μέσω του Ολοκληρωμένου Πληροφοριακού Συστήματος (ΟΠΣ) της ΔΥΠΑ.

        Σημειώνεται ότι δεν μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν στο πρόγραμμα εργαζόμενοι και άνεργοι που επιδοτούνται για τη συμμετοχή τους σε πρόγραμμα κοινωνικού τουρισμού οποιουδήποτε άλλου φορέα για την ίδια περίοδο.

        Τα δικαιολογητικά που αφορούν στις προϋποθέσεις συμμετοχής ή στη μοριοδότηση των δικαιούχων αναζητούνται αυτεπάγγελτα. Σε όσες περιπτώσεις απαιτούνται δικαιολογητικά λόγω μη δυνατότητας αυτεπάγγελτης αναζήτησης, αυτά επισυνάπτονται στις αιτήσεις.

        Παράδειγμα 1

        Οικογένεια με 2 παιδιά που επιλέγει 6 βράδια σε ξενοδοχείο 3 αστέρων με πρωινό τον Αύγουστο:

        Για τη διαμονή το κόστος επιμερίζεται ως εξής:

        Επιδότηση ΔΥΠΑ: 806,40 € (2 δίκλινα Χ 67,20 € /ημέρα Χ 6 διανυκτερεύσεις)

        Ιδιωτική Συμμετοχή: 96 € (2 δίκλινα Χ 8€/ημέρα Χ 6 διανυκτερεύσεις)

        Παράδειγμα 2

        Ζευγάρι που επιλέγει 12 βράδια σε ξενοδοχείο 4 αστέρων με πρωινό στη Σάμο τον Σεπτέμβριο:

        Για τη διαμονή το κόστος επιμερίζεται ως εξής:

        Επιδότηση ΔΥΠΑ: 1.036,80 € (1 δίκλινο Χ 86,40 € /ημέρα Χ 12 διανυκτερεύσεις)

        Ιδιωτική Συμμετοχή: 0 €

        Για τα ακτοπλοϊκά το κόστος επιμερίζεται ως εξής:

        Επιδότηση ΔΥΠΑ ακτοπλοϊκών: 111 € (55,55 € Χ 2 άτομα)

        Ιδιωτική Συμμετοχή ακτοπλοϊκών: 55,5 € (27,75 € Χ 2 άτομα)

        Συνολικά το κόστος επιμερίζεται ως εξής:

        Σύνολο επιδότησης ΔΥΠΑ: 1.147,80 €

        Σύνολο ιδιωτικής συμμετοχής: 55,5 €

        Πάροχοι του προγράμματος είναι τουριστικά καταλύματα και ακτοπλοϊκές εταιρίες, όπως ορίζει η Δημόσια Πρόσκληση. Οι αιτήσεις των ενδιαφερόμενων παρόχων θα υποβάλλονται αποκλειστικά ηλεκτρονικά μέσω της Ενιαίας Ψηφιακής Πύλης της Δημόσιας Διοίκησης ( με τους κωδικούς TAXISnet, στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση:

        Συγκεκριμένα η διαδρομή είναι: Αρχική – Εργασία και ασφάλιση – Αποζημιώσεις και Παροχές – Πάροχοι Κοινωνικού Τουρισμού

        Η υποβολή των αιτήσεων από παρόχους θα είναι δυνατή από 30.05.2023 έως 05.06.2023, ανεξάρτητα από τον ΑΦΜ τους.

        Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τους όρους και τις προϋποθέσεις, οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να επισκεφτούν τον ιστότοπο της ΔΥΠΑ:

        Δείτε εδώ το Δελτίο Τύπου

        Δείτε εδώ τη Δημόσια Πρόσκληση

        Δείτε εδώ το Δελτίο Τύπου για την Παράταση των Αιτήσεων

        Απόφαση Τροποποίησης της υπ΄αριθμ. 14/2023 Δημόσιας Πρόσκλησης 

        Δείτε εδώ την Απόφαση

        Απόφαση Τροποποίησης της υπ' αριθμ. 14/2023 Δημόσιας Πρόσκλησης (2)

        Δείτε εδώ την Απόφαση

  • Information on Beneficiary Applications
      • Beneficiaries are:

        • employees with a dependent employment relationship under private law at the end of the deadline for submitting applications or
        • insured with the eEFKA in their occupational category with contributions for the unemployment branch of the DYPA at any time between 01.01.2022 and the day before the application deadline or
        • unemployed with a continuous unemployment period of at least three months on the application deadline.

        The income of beneficiaries of all categories must not exceed 30,000 euros, unless they are long-term unemployed, who if single must have an income of up to 16,000 euros, up to 24,000 euros if married, plus 3,000 euros per child or if are single parents up to 27,000 euros, increased by 3,000 euros per child after the first.

        The platform will be opened gradually according to the last digit of the TIN of the concerned beneficiaries until 05.06.2023 at 23:59, when it will remain open for all TIN digits, as follows:













        ALL DIGITS

        04 & 05.06.2023

        See the Application Guidelines here

  • Information on Provider Applications
  • Final Results
  • Temporary results
  • Registry of Providers
      • The Register of Providers of DYPA Social Tourism was posted – Applications for accommodation and ferries continue from Monday

        Today, Friday June 23, 2023, the Register of Tourist Accommodation and Ferry Ticket Providers of the Social Tourism Program 2023-2024 of DYPA was posted at

        The platform for inclusion in the Register of Providers opens again on Monday 26 June at 15:00. Providers can exclusively submit their applications electronically through with TAXISnet codes, at the address:

        Specifically, the route is: Home Page – Work and Insurance – Compensation and Benefits – Social Tourism Providers

        It is recalled that again this year subsidy prices are expected to increase by 20% for the peak month of August, but in addition, for the first time they are also increased by 20% during the periods of Christmas (from 15.12.2023 to 14.01.2024) and Easter (from 26.04. 2024 to 12.05.2024), while the increase is valid for the whole year for the accommodation in North Evia and Samos.

        For the first time, the program will start one month earlier (July 1 instead of August 1) and concerns 300,000 vouchers with a budget of 35 million euros.

        Beneficiaries and beneficiaries can stay up to 6 nights with a small private participation, up to 10 nights completely free in Leros, Lesvos, Chios, Kos and in the prefecture of Evros, and up to 12 nights completely free in the Municipalities of Istiaia-Edipsos and Mantoudiou - Limnis - Ag. Anna of North Evia and Samos.

        In addition to accommodation in tourist accommodation, ferry tickets are also subsidized. The participation of beneficiaries amounts to 25% and those with multiple children to 20%. For people with disabilities, ferry tickets are available free of charge.

        See here the Press Release

        See here the Final Register of Tourist Accommodation Providers

        Register of Ferry Ticket Providers

        Find accommodation here

  • Forms for Tourist Accommodation Providers