
Open Day Γνώρισε τις Σχολές της ΔΥΠΑ – Αθήνα Πλατεία Συντάγματος

On Saturday, April 20th, the central event "Open Day – Get to know the DYPA Schools" in Athens.

The event was different in comparison to the previous ones held in the cities of Thessaly since it was held at Syntagma Square.

This way, DYPA chose to bring the Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS), the Experimental EPAS' and the Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK) into the most central spot of Greece's capital.

Aim of this different event was to inform the public, especially young persons and their parents, about the quality study programmes, the education without fees and most of all the increased demand of technical occupations in the labour market which in turn results in increased absorption rates of the DYPA Schools graduates from businesses.

In the specially designed event space apprentices and teaching staff from the Attica EPAS and SAEK Schools welcomed visitors and presented several of the available fields of study/ specialities in an interactive way.

The event had a particularly extrovert and celebratory character which was heightened by the fact that many young people came and there was music from a radio station. At the same time, the event enhanced the message of the European Year of Skills regarding upskilling and the acquisition of new skills and their significance for the whole Europe.