
Children's camps

    • is a grant-beneficiary program for the accommodation of their children aged 6 to 16 in children's camps that have been included in the "Register of Providers" of the DYPA. Children must have an Accommodation Voucher at Children's Camps
    • the program is prepared by a relevant JMD issued every year, on the basis of which a Public Invitation of the Organization is then published with its detailed terms and conditions. The Public Call is posted on the website of the Greek Public Employent Service
    • the program is implemented during the summer period, from mid-June to early September of each year
    • children can reside in a children's camp they choose freely from the "Register of Providers" of DYPA, after consultation with the provider of the camp

    The beneficiary parents and the providers of children's camps submit an online application for participation on specific dates set out in the Public Call

  • Beneficiaries
      • Beneficiaries are the parents or guardians (guardians, guardians, etc.) of beneficiary children, who have:

        • have a dependent employment relationship under private law with contributions in favor of the unemployment branch of DYPA
        • unemployed registered in the DYPA Digital Register, for a specific period of time.

        The special conditions for the participation of beneficiaries are specified in each program with the issuance of the relevant GPA.

  • Subsidying children
      • The children of the beneficiaries aged 6 – 16 years old, who are stated by them in their application, have the status of beneficiaries of the program.

  • Beneficiaries' selection mode - Beneficiaries' Register
      • For the selection of beneficiaries in the program, the following procedure is followed:

        • an electronic application for participation is submitted by the interested parents on the dates specified in the Public Call,
        • it is checked whether the interested parties meet the conditions for participation, that is,
        • whether they are beneficiaries of the subsidy, and the conditions for participation of the beneficiary children who declared in their application are awarded specific criteria for the selection of beneficiaries,
        • the Register of Beneficiaries is drawn up in which their ranking order is reflected based on the number of credit points collected by the beneficiaries of the Register are selected those who collect the highest credit points,
        • until the number of beneficiaries provided for in the Public Call is completed for the children of the selected beneficiaries who meet the participation requirements,
        • an electronic Residence Voucher for Children's Camps is issued, the number of which is reflected in the Register for the interested parties who apply without meeting the participation requirements,
        • a separate table is drawn up, the List of Excluded
        • Beneficiary Children with Proven Disability at a rate of 50% or more are included in the program regardless of the number of points of the beneficiary parents provided that the places offered by the providers for children with disabilities are sufficient for the accommodation of all the beneficiary children of this category for whom acceptable applications have been submitted
  • Program's Implementation Mode - Private Agreement for beneficiaries and providers
      • Beneficiaries whose children have received an electronic voucher directly contact the providers for reservations.

        Beneficiaries must have on arrival at the camp identification documents for their children and themselves. They then sign a private agreement with the provider, who activates the Children's Camp Accommodation Vouchers from the online services of the Greek Public Employment Service. Checks are activated by entering the arrival and departure dates and attaching the private agreement electronically.

  • Subsidy amount
        • The subsidy paid by the Greek Public Employment Service is incorporated in the Children's Camp Accommodation Voucher
        • the subsidy covers the daily food of the child for the entire duration of his stay in the camp

        the daily food is determined by the relevant JMD

  • The program is addressed to :

    • natural or legal persons, public or private, who are engaged in business activity and legally maintain in Greece a children's camping business, who have direct access to a computer and an electronic scanner as well as to the Internet
  • How to participate in the program
        • an electronic application for participation is submitted every year on the dates specified in the Public Invitation
        • the providers that meet the requirements and have provided the necessary supporting documents specified in the Public Call are recorded in a table, the "Providers' Register"
        • after the inclusion of the providers in the Register is followed by on-the-spot checks by the competent Services of the Greek Public Employment Service on the basis of which the process of their inclusion in the program is completed
  • Program's participation mode - Private Agreement
      • Beneficiaries whose children received Residence Vouchers in Children's Camps are in direct contact with the providers for seat reservations.

        Upon arrival of the beneficiaries at the camp, their identification details are checked by the provider and then a private agreement is signed with the beneficiary.

        Finally, the provider activates the Residence Voucher in Children's Camps by the online services of DYPA. Checks are activated by entering the arrival and departure dates and attaching the private agreement electronically.

  • Program's participation mode - Program's Repayment
        • the subsidy paid by the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) is incorporated in the Children's Camps Accommodation Voucher
        • the subsidy covers the child's day nursery for the entire duration of his/her stay at the camp
        • the day nursery is determined by a relevant ΚΥΑ
        • the providers must issue Invoices or Receipts of Services in the name of the beneficiaries for the amount of the subsidy. For the repayment of the program, the providers submit online applications and supporting documents at a time specified  in the Public Invitation.
        • Online repayment applications are submitted to the competent service of the headquarters of the enterprises.
  • The Children's Camp Accommodation Voucher:

    • is a unique electronic number for each beneficiary child of a selected beneficiary, which is automatically created by DYPA's
    • Integrated Information System incorporates a specific economic value that is the parent-beneficiary's subsidy for their child's stay in the children's camp.
    • The amount of the financial value of the Voucher covers the daily food of the beneficiary's child food for the duration of their stay at the camp,
    • the daily food is determined in a relevant JMD and is not given in paper form by DYPA to the beneficiaries. It is controlled by the providers upon their entry into the online services of DYPA and the introduction of the TIN or SSN of the beneficiaries
    • is valid exclusively until the expiration date of the program.


    • the activation of the Children's Camp Accommodation voucher begins with the conclusion of a private agreement between the beneficiary parent and the provider. The private agreement stipulates the exact number of days of stay of the beneficiaries in the camp
    • the provider enters the online services of DYPA and enters the TIN or SSN of the beneficiary. After checking the existence of the checks, they enters the dates of arrival and departure, attaching the private agreement
    • with the electronic announcement of the arrival of the beneficiary children, the activation of the Residence voucher in Children's Camps is completed, which is a prerequisite for the repayment of the program.

    In the event that after the signing of the contract the beneficiary wishes for any reason to leave the camp before the date provided for in the contract:

     • the beneficiary submits on the day of departure and within 24 hours to both the provider and the Service (KPA2) of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) where it belongs an online Solemn Declaration certified for the authenticity of the signature or issued by the digital portal of the State with the date of early departure of the beneficiary.

    the provider records in the electronic services of the DYPA website the date of early departure of the beneficiary, attaching electronically and a scanned copy of the Solemn Declaration submitted by the beneficiary.  The system is updated within 24 hours of departure.

    The child's stay at the camp, as defined in the contract between the provider and the beneficiary, may be interrupted for any reason up to a maximum of six (6) consecutive days, for which no subsidy will be paid by DYPA.

  • General Information
      • From Monday the applications for the camping program of DYPA 2023

        On Monday, May 22, at 10:00 a.m.,will begin the submission of online applications for beneficiaries and providers to participate in the Public Employment Service's (DYPA) "2023 Children's Camp Program" .

        The programme involves 70,000 cheques for children aged 6-16 years and will be implemented from 15 June to 10 September for children with typical development and until 20 September for children with a disability of 50% or more. The total budget amounts to €35.000.000.

        The maximum duration of stay is 15 consecutive days (including arrival and departure days), while in the camps operating in the fire-affected municipalities of Istiia - Edipsos and Mantoudiou - Limni - Ag. Anna the stay can last up to 30 consecutive days.

        For the first time, this year's programme expands the categories of beneficiaries, while vulnerable groups are strengthened, as a bonus is provided for persons with disabilities and single parents.

        Beneficiaries are the parents or custodians (foster parents, guardians, etc.) of beneficiary children, who are:

        • workers with a dependent private-law employment relationship on the closing date for applications or
        • insured in the eEFKA in their professional category with contributions to the unemployment branch of the DYPA at any time between 01.01.2022 and the day before the deadline for submission of applications or
        • unemployed persons with a continuous period of unemployment of at least three months on the closing date for applications.

        The income of beneficiaries in all categories must not exceed €30,000, except for long-term unemployed persons, who, if married, must have an income of up to €24,000, plus €3,000 per child or, if single, up to €27,000, plus €3,000 per child.

        Applications will be submitted exclusively online through the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration ( using the TAXISnet codes, at the following address:

        Specifically the route is: Home - Employment and Insurance - Camps - Public Employment Service Public Employment Service (DYPA) Camp Programs

        The platform will be gradually opened according to the last digit of the VAT number of the beneficiaries concerned until 27.05.2023 at 23:59, when it will remain open for all VAT numbers, as follows:













        ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΨΗΦΙΑ


        The selection of beneficiaries is based on the prioritisation of specific criteria (disabled, single parent, number of children, income) in an objective and transparent manner through the Integrated Information System (IIS) of the DYPA.

        Please note that employees and unemployed persons who are subsidized for the participation of their children in a camping program of any other institution for the year 2023 are not eligible to participate in the program.

        Beneficiaries are subsidized for their beneficiary children's stay at a children's camp on the DYPA provider registry by receiving a Children's Camp Accommodation Voucher, which is in the form of a unique electronic code number.

        Supporting documents relating to the eligibility requirements or beneficiary rating are sought on an ex-officio basis. In cases where supporting documents are required because they cannot be searched spontaneously, they shall be attached to the applications.

        Beneficiaries shall declare in their applications all their minor children, and not only those for whom they are requesting a cheque for participation in the programme, for the purposes of weighting. Because the children declared on the applications will be identified through a spontaneous search based on their Social Security number, beneficiaries should take special care to fill in the correct Social Security number on the application.

        They should also take care in filling in the field to declare their wish to receive a cheque, because if they fill in "NO" while wishing to stay in a camp, the child will be excluded from the programme, while if they fill in "YES" while unsure of their stay, they will be excluded from participation in next year's programme.

        Providers of the programme are natural or legal persons under public or private law who carry out business activity and maintain a children's camp business in Greece in accordance with the legislation in force.

        The applications of the interested providers will be submitted exclusively online through the Single Digital Portal of the Public Administration ( using the TAXISnet codes, at the following address:

        Specifically the route is: Home - Employment and Insurance - Camps - Public Employment Service Public Employment Service (DYPA) camp providers

        The submission of applications by providers will be possible from 22.05.2023 to 27.05.2023, regardless of their VAT number.

        See here the Press Release

        See here the Public Invitation

        Extension of Applications

  • Information for Beneficiary Applications
      • On Monday, May 22, at 10:00, starts the submission of online applications by beneficiaries and providers for participation in the "Children's Accommodation Programme in Children's Camps for the year 2023"

        The platform will be gradually opened according to the last digit of the VAT number of the beneficiaries concerned until 27.05.2023 at 23:59, when it will remain open for all VAT numbers, as follows:













        ALL DIGITS


        See here Instructions for Beneficiary Applications

  • Information for Provider Applications
      • On Monday, May 22, at 10:00, the submission of online applications by beneficiaries and providers for participation in the "Children's Accommodation Programme in Children's Camps for the year 2023" starts

        The submission of applications by providers will be possible from 22.05.2023 to 27.05.2023, regardless of their VAT number.

        See here Instructions for Provider Applications

  • Final results
  • Temporary results
  • Register of Providers