Employment program for unemployed people aged 55+
Employment subsidy programme aimed at hiring 26.500 unemployed persons aged 55+ in public institutions
To create 26.500 new full-time jobs for unemployed persons aged 55+.
Unemployed persons registered with DYPA Digital Register who have drafted a Digital Individual Action Plan and are aged 55+.
The programme is addressed to:
a) all kinds of Legal Entities of Public Law (NPDD), municipal and regional authorities (OTA), Decentralised Administrations, decentralised Services and/ or regional Directorates of the Central Administration bodies,
b) enterprises, bodies and organisations of the public sector, regularly engaging in economic activity,
c) municipal/regional authority enterprises, regularly engaging in economic activity pursuant to L. 3852/2010 (A' 87).
The programme lasts for 12 months with the option of a 12 months extension and the amount of the monthly subsidy rises to 75% of the wage and non-wage cost up to a maximum of 750 Euros.
13-11-2023 Click here for the Programme's Information Factsheet
08-11-2023 Click here for the relevant Press Release
16-02-2023 Programme's Information Factsheet
30-08-2017 Press Release (Programme launch)
08-11-2023 Click here for the Programme's Public Call (Programme Amendment)
08-11-2023 Programme Amendment OGG
09-01-2023 Amendment OGG (General Exemption Regulation, GAK)
09-01-2023 Programme Amendment, participation under the GAK 651/2014 regime
19-09-2022 OGG - JOINT MINISTERIAL DECISION AMENDMENT_ 6.500 additional positions
22-03-2022 Joint Ministerial Decision Amendment
25-11-2021 Non-eligible Business Activity Codes (KAD) (indicative table)
15-07-2020 Public Call
15-07-2020 OGG 2855/Β/13-07-2020
On Tuesday, September 5th 2017, and at 10.00 a.m. the applications for participating to the new OAED programme aimed at hiring 10.000 long term unemployed persons in enterprises, bodies and organisations of the public sector as well as municipal/regional authority enterprises begun.
The programme targets at unemployed persons aged 55-67, registered with OAED Unemployment Register for at least twelve months.
Beneficiaries of the programme: enterprises, bodies and organisations of the public sector as stipulated by article 51, Law 1892/1990 (Α’ 101) as well as municipal/ regional authority enterprises that under Law 3852/2010, regularly engage in economic activity.
30-08-2017 Public Call no. 11/2017
30-08-2017 OGG Β'2307/07-07-2017
13-07-2018 Circular on the Submission of Payroll Documents
05-02-2019 ΦΕΚ Τροποποίησης σχετικά με την αλλαγή της διαδικασίας καταβολής της επιχορήγησης
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