Register as unemployed - Unemployment cards
- Conditions and procedure for registering as unemployed
Any individual can register as unemployed, aged 15-74 years, who: a) is not engaged in any business or profession, b) is capable of working and also available to the labour market, and c) is actively seeking employment.
The registration of unemployed is carried out online through the OAED e-Services, access to which is made by using TAXISnet codes. In-person attendance is not required at the local PES.
If there is a recent entry in the register, individuals shall be identified through the use of TAXISnet codes and completion of Social Security Number (AMKA). Otherwise, it is necessary to first register in the system and fill in some basic information.
When submitting the online application for registration in the unemployment register, the individuals fill in the necessary fields for registration of the unemployed. There is a choice of selection of the Service (EPC2), to which they may submit their application. According to the current legal framework, this Service can either be of their place of residence or of their last employment (in case of termination of employment). For this reason, there is the option of entering the address of residence and last job.
In this case, the type of certificate of this capacity is attached (CPC certificate or decision issued before 01/09/2011 by the Primary Health Committees of former IKA, given it is valid for life and the percentage of disability is stated). For more information click HERE
- Submission of e-Application for registering as unemployed
• instructions for registration in the unemployment register (Unemployment Card)
• instructions for entering the online services
• submission of an online registration application
With the SUBMISSION of the online application, an unemployment card is issued, with an option of printing both the card as well as the registration e-application. The unemployment card receipt that results after submitting the e-application is a valid unemployment card and can be used as proof of unemployment.
The unemployment card is valid for a quarter from the initial registration.
Those registered in the unemployment registries, who do not receive a subsidy and belong to the PWDs category, are not obliged to renew their card up to three (3) months after the expiration of the disability supporting document they provide. If the invalidity supporting document expires and they do not present its renewal, they are automatically deleted from the unemployment register. Therefore, if they do not renew the disability supporting document, they are obliged to re-register with the obligations of the common unemployed or re-register as PWDs, once they present a renewal of the disability certificate, from the date they request their registration in the unemployment register.
• all the required registration details are verified through any ex-officio search by the competent institutions
• the unemployed are informed in writing and signed that they have been informed about the purpose of processing their personal data, about the legal framework of registration, remaining and deletion from the register, as well as about their obligation to inform the Service in case there is any reason for deletion of the card within eight (8) working days from the occurence of that ground, and certainly before the renewal of the unemployment card or its use or the issuance of unemployment certificates• the unemployed are responsible for the full and correct completion of e-applications or for providing correct data for their completion by the Services
• the Services reserve the right, during the registered unemployment, to check at any time and in any appropriate way the fulfillment the conditions for remaining in the unemployed register as well as to ask for any supporting documents deemed necessary for the control of unemployment and the verification of the fulfillment of the conditions for granting benefits
• the unemployment card is revoked, if during the (administrative or via electronic means) check by the competent Service it is found that the registration conditions are not met. With the revocation of the card, all the issued administrative acts are revoked (unemployment certificates, inclusion in active employment policies, etc.)
- Unemployment card renewal
The unemployment card is valid for three months from the initial registration or last renewal, in which case it must be renewed. In the case of PWDs, the unemployment card is valid for up to three (3) months after the expiration of the disability supporting document submitted.
ATTENTION: From 1/7/2021, the period of renewal of the Unemployment Card is modified. The possibility of renewal will start 20 days before the expiration date of the Unemployment Card and will last until its expiration date. After the expiration of this period, the unemployment card is automatically deleted. In this case, citizens may proceed with the issue a new unemployment card.
For the smooth transition into the new renewal period, an additional renewal period of 5 working days after the expiration of the unemployment card will apply for the months of July and August 2021.
The renewal of the unemployment card shall be carried out exclusively in the following ways:
Online (see instructions), using the TAXISnet codes, through:
Through the Citizens' Service Centers (KEP): may apply to KEP, presenting the TIN number, Social Security Number (AMKA) and identity card (police ID, passport, driver's license or insurance book).
As for the beneficiaries of regular unemployment subsidy, the unemployment card remains valid for three (3) months after the subsidy ends, at which time it must be renewed (provided that the required declarations of presence are made in a timely manner during the subsidy). Exceptional extensions of the subsidy do not change the expiration date of the unemployment card.
- Rights from holding the digital card of the Greek Public Employment Service
See in detail the table with the rights of job seekers from the possession of the DYPA digital card here.
- Obligations of the registered unemployed
When registering in the digital registry, trading parties are obliged to:
- Active Job Search *
- informing the competent Service in case there is a reason to delete an unemployment card
- informing the competent Service in case of going abroad more than twenty (20) days per calendar year or more than twenty (20) consecutive days in different calendar years
- informing the competent Service in case of a change in their identification data and in case of a change in their personal data
- mandatory completion of an Electronic Questionnaire (Profiling) before the preparation of an Individual Action Plan
- cooperation with a Work Advisor for the preparation of an Individual Action Plan
- declaration of participation or intention to participate in a vocational training or education program. Those registered in the digital register must update within ten (10) days after the first renewal of the unemployment card from the start of the program or during the first presence in person at the competent Service after the start of the program.
*Active Search includes a) contact with a public and private employment office, b) sending a recruitment application directly to employers, c) exploring job prospects through trade unions, etc., d) participation in competitions for the purpose of recruitment, e) participation in counseling, vocational training, business actions and skills development programs, f) securing licenses or resources for undertaking business actions.
When registering in the unemployment register, the unemployed are obliged to:
Active Job Search *
inform the competent PES in case there is a reason for the deletion of the unemployment card
informing the competent PES in case of going abroad for more than twenty (20) days per calendar year or more than twenty (20) consecutive days in different calendar years
informing the competent PES in case of a change in their identification data and in case of a change of their personal data,
mandatory completion of an Online Questionnaire (Profiling) prior to the preparation of an Individual Action Plan (IAP) (Here a relevant link will be provided for Profiling)
collaboration with an Employment Consultant for the drafting of an Individual Action Plan (IAP) (Respectively, here a relevant link that will refer to the Counselling will be provided)
declaration of participation or intention to participate in a vocational training or education program. Those registered in the unemployment registries must inform within ten (10) days after the first renewal of the unemployment card from the beginning of the program or during the first in-person presence at the competent Service after the start of the program.
* Active Search includes a) contact with public and private employment offices, b) sending a job application directly to employers, c) exploring job prospects through unions, etc., d) participating in recruitment competitions, e) participating in counseling, vocational training, business activities and skill development programs; (f) obtaining licenses and/or resources for undertaking business activities.
- Issuance of an unemployment card
The attestations shall reflect the period of unemployment from the date of registration to the date of issue of the attestation when the unemployment card is valid. For deleted unemployment cards it is possible to capture the time period between their issuance and their deletion. In this case, the traders themselves register the period of unemployment for which they wish to issue an unemployment certificate.
In addition to the general certificates of unemployment time, the following types of certificates are provided:
- certificate of financial transactions for use in the Tax Office
- certificate of subsidized unemployment
- certificate of personalized approach
- certificate of participation in advisory actions
In addition, the possibility of issuing certificates relating to health care is provided:
- unemployment certificate for the provision of health care to registered persons aged up to 29 years (Law 2639/1998)
- unemployment certificate for the provision of health care to registered persons aged 29-55 years (Law 2768/1999)
- unemployment certificate for the provision of health care to registered persons aged over 55 years (Law 2434/1996)
Finally, the possibility of issuing an unemployment certificate for the establishment of pension entitlement due to old age (optional long-term unemployed insurance, according to article 10 of Law 2874/2000) is provided through the above-mentioned online confirmation.
All the above-mentioned certificates are provided online or through the KEP.
To obtain a certificate, click here
- Deletion of the unemployment card
Indicative reasons for deletion from the digital register of the Greek Public Employment Service:
- taking up employment or any form of employment, including starting a business or participating in a business activity that gives rise to an obligation to insure, either through the intermediary of the Greek Public Employment Service or through the actions of the traders themselves
- non-renewal of the digital card
- non-availability to the labor market for any reason (illness, going abroad more than twenty (20) days per calendar year or twenty (20) consecutive days in different calendar years, administrative detention, imprisonment, etc.
- conscription
- retirement in his own right with a monthly amount of more than 495.75 euros
- expiration of the residence or work permit (for third-country nationals)
- study, apprenticeship, internship (it should be declared by the interested parties in order to examine possible reasons for exemptions based on the applicable legislation)
- main insurance in OGA (Agricultural Insurance Organisation) or NAT (Mariners' Retirement Fund)
In case of taking up dependent employment, the recruitments registered in the ERGANI Information System automatically update the Integrated Information System of the Greek Public Employment Service resulting in the deletion of the digital card.
However, there is still an obligation to inform the competent Service within eight (8) days of taking up the job. If during the audit by the competent Service an employment is found, for which a recruitment form has not been submitted to the ERGANI information system, the digital card either expires retroactively at the beginning of the employment or is revoked.
- Recognition of continuous unemployment in case of casual employment
Occasional employees have the possibility of recognizing continuous unemployment time, from which the time they were employed is deducted, as well as any period during which they were not registered in the Digital Register.
According to the applicable legal framework (Article 92 of Law 4461/2017), as in force, the conditions are as follows:
- The number of days of employment they have completed within the twelve months preceding their application shall not exceed seventy (70).
- At the date of commencement of the twelve-month period prior to the application, they should have been registered in the Digital Register (for example, in order to submit an application on 11/1/2021, there should have been an active digital card on 11/1/2020).
- The digital card should not have been deleted for any reason other than recruitment within the 12 months preceding their application.
The application for recognition of continuous unemployment for those who meet the above conditions is made to the Greek Public Employment Service to which they belong.
As long as the emergency measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus last, the request is sent exclusively via email accompanied by a Declaration with its original signature.
- Conditions for maintaining the unemployment card in case of training
Pursuant to the applicable legislation (article 34 of Law 4554/2018), those registered in the unemployment register of the Greek Public Employment Service who participate or will participate in an education or vocational training program, remain registered and their time of education or vocational training is counted as unemployment time, if they submit to the KPA2 of competence, a Solemn Declaration in which they declare that they cumulatively meet the following conditions (see here the Solemn Declaration):
- they are registered in the unemployment register for at least four (4) months in the last twelve months before the start of the program. If the vocational education or training programs are of a duration of up to six (6) months, without receiving an educational allowance, the above condition is not required (Article 134 of Law 4808/2021).
- By declaring the details of this program to the Greek Public Employment Service no later than ten (10) days after the first renewal of the unemployment card from the start of the program or at the first time after the start of the program in person presence at the competent Service
- has been at least two (2) calendar years since the end of any previous participation in an education or vocational training program
During their education or vocational training, they have the same rights and obligations as other registered citizens.
Those who do not meet the mentioned conditions are deleted from the unemployment register for as long as the program lasts and have the right to re-register upon completion of the program.
During the training, only those who are entitled to an Ordinary unemployment subsidy and remain registered for as long as their subsidy lasts.Attention: We inform you that with Article 134 of Law 4808 (Government Gazette 101 Issue A’101/19.06.2021) entitled "Participation of the unemployed in short-term education programs -Amendment of Article 30 of Law 4144/2013", a third subparagraph is added at the end of par. 2 of article 30 of Law 4144/2013 (A’ 88) as follows: "For registered unemployed persons who participate in vocational education or training programs lasting up to six (6) months, without receiving an educational allowance, the condition of case a’ is not required to be met and remain registered in the Unemployment Registers of the Greek Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) provided that they meet the conditions of cases b’ and c’.".
- The legal part of registration and staying in the unemployment register
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000 of 7 September 2000
"… unemployed persons shall be persons aged 15-74 years", who:
- had no work during the reference week, i.e. had neither paid nor self-employed work (for at least one hour),
- were available for work,…
- They were actively looking for employment".
Article 5 of Law 2656/1953,
"Every person who comes to the Employment Office to seek work, is able to work and offers to take up employment according to his qualifications and abilities, is registered as unemployed...."
Article 3 of Law 1545/1985
- An unemployed person is considered to be one who, after the termination or expiration of the employment relationship, seeks employment, accepts to be employed by the competent services of the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) in his/her wider profession or accepts to attend vocational training or retraining programs and generally subsidies from any employment opportunity
- They are not considered unemployed:
- Those who are employed or exercise any liberal or other profession or are entrepreneurs or whose main employment is agricultural, forestry or livestock operations other than those subject to IKA (Institute of Social Security) insurance,
- Spouses or children employed in a business or exploitation of the spouse, father or mother,
- Those who are retired by the state or any insurance organization main or supplementary insurance, with an amount equal to or greater than the minimum pension imposed by IKA each time to its insured,
- Those who serve in the armed forces,
- Those who serve a custodial sentence or are subject to security measures or criminal penitentiary reformative or therapeutic measures, in correctional or reformative or therapeutic establishments.
Article 92 of Law 4461/2017
"Unemployed persons registered with the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), who have completed up to seventy (70) salaries per twelve months, may by applying to OAED certify continuous unemployment time, minus the above working time and any period during which they were not registered unemployed".
Article 34 of Law 4554/2018
Article 134 of Law 4808/2021
Article 34 of Law 4554/2018
Unemployed persons registered with the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) who participate or will participate in an education or vocational training program, shall remain registered with the OAED and their time of education or vocational training shall be counted as unemployment time if:
a) they are registered with the unemployed for at least four (4) months in the last twelve months before the beginning of the program
b) they declare the details of this program to the OAED no later than ten (10) days after the first renewal of the unemployment card from the beginning of the program or at the first after the beginning of the program, their presence in person at the competent Service of the KPA2 and
c) at least two (2) calendar years have elapsed since the end of any previous participation in an education or vocational training program.
Article 134 of Law 4808/2021
"...For registered unemployed persons who participate in vocational education or training programs lasting up to six (6) months, without receiving an educational allowance, the condition of case a’ is not required and they remain registered in the Unemployment Registers of OAED if they meet the conditions of cases b’ and c’."
Decision no. 1850/30/15.03.2020 COMMUNICATION AND REGISTRATION OF THE UNEMPLOYED (NO. SHEET 911/Β’/17.03.2020) regarding the amendment and completion of the 3701/55/22.11.2011 decision of the Board of Directors of OAED (Β’/3018)
The renewal is made:
a) either through the OAED e-services using TAXISnet passwords or with the passwords of certified users of OAED.
b) either through KEP, through a corresponding electronic application.
The renewal of the Unemployment Bulletin by electronic means is at the same time a Solemn Declaration that he remains unemployed, by selecting the field of submission of a pre-printed Solemn Declaration text that appears on the screen, which confirms that during the months that have elapsed since the previous renewal of the Bulletin, no reason for deletion from the Register has occurred.
Article 11 of Decision No. - 1850/30/15.03.2020 (Government Gazette 911 17.3.2020)
In emergencies or cases of force majeure, it is possible that:
a) The procedures for registration in the unemployment register and announcements for Ordinary unemployment subsidy are made exclusively electronically
b) The procedures for in-person appearance are made electronically.
no. 2895/53/18.05.2021 of the Board of Directors (Government Gazette B’2268/31.05.2021), by which par.3 of Art.2, of Cap. A’ of Decision No. 1850/30/15.03.2020 of the Board of Directors (Government Gazette 911/Β’/17.03.2020)
"The renewal takes place within a period of twenty (20) calendar days preceding the expected expiry date of the Bulletin, including the expiry date".