New Website for DYPA Schools now operational –

New Website for DYPA Schools now operational –

The new website for the Vocational Education and Training schools of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) was launched on Monday, July 22, 2024, at:  

The new website is exclusively dedicated to the study programmes and activities implemented at the 87 schools run by DYPA in more than 20 cities across the country.

For the creation of modern design standards were adopted to make the website mobile-friendly, with a focus on providing the best user experience (specialized UI and UX) and facilitating school search through an interactive map.

Users of the new website can be informed on all matters related to the free studies and professional development opportunities provided by DYPA schools, in a direct and user-friendly manner.

Visitors can easily and quickly find all the information they need about the fields of study / “specialties” offered at DYPA’s 50 Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS), 7 Experimental EPAS (PEPAS), and 30 Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK).

With just a few clicks, they can have access to information about remunerated apprenticeships with full social insurance, board and lodging allowances, as well as detailed descriptions of each field of study, lists of respective courses, and detailed study guides.

Additionally, the website includes separate sections with stories about awards, activities, and trips of the apprentices and students, as well as all the news related to the events and initiatives of DYPA schools in Greece and Europe.

According to DYPA Governor Spiros Protopsaltis: "The creation of the new website complements a series of initiatives recently undertaken to strengthen and highlight the VET opportunities offered by DYPA Schools. The website was designed to provide the best source of information for young people, their parents, and everyone seeking reliable and free studies, especially in modern fields of study that are currently in demand in the labour market and promptly lead to stable and well-paid jobs.

Our goal is both to ensure that all citizens can have access to quality vocational education and training through DYPA, and also have immediate, comprehensive, and user-friendly information about the up-to-date options provided by our Schools. Keeping up with the needs for continuous reskilling, we offer all available resources to citizens, especially young people, and effectively support their vision for a successful career."


Click here for the Press Release

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