SWEDISH WEEK 2019 - Swedish employers want to recruit: Software developers and Mechanical Engineers


Swedish employers want to recruit:


Software developers


Skilled in Java or other object oriented programming languages Minimum three years’ work experience within software development Fluent in English, both written and spoken


Mechanical engineers



Skilled in mechanical design within the automotive industry Skilled in CATIA or NX Minimum three years’ work experience within mechanical design Fluent in English, both written and spoken


Please send your CV to: jerker.claesson@arbetsformedlingen.se


We will be available in Greece the 2nd of April 2019 (Athens) and 4th of April 2019 (Patras) in order to provide more information and carry out interviews with the selected candidates.


Information about the event at: http://www.oaed.gr/nea-ekdeloseis-eures-

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