Cooperation of DYPA and SBBE (Evros) with a view to strengthening employment and developing labour force skills

Cooperation of DYPA and SBBE (Evros)  with a view to strengthening employment and developing labour force skills 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was recently signed in Alexandroupoli by Spiros Protopsaltis, DYPA Governor, and Christos Giordamlis, President of the Federation of Industries and Export Businesses of Evros.

The cooperation between DYPA and SBBE is aimed at upskilling and enhancing the employability of workers in Evros and, moreover, at implementing measures that will strengthen local workers and businesses through targeted interventions adapted to the needs of the local economy and labour market.

More specifically, the MoU provides for the following:

  • Implementation of job matching services, as well as targeted vocational education and training measures through the DYPA Apprenticeship scheme or other relevant programmes in high-demand occupational specialties, in order to meet the needs of businesses facing labour shortages.
  • Internships/on-the-job training opportunities for DYPA students and apprentices in SBBE businesses.
  • Organization of workshops and communication/information events for workers and businesses, primarily focused on effective job matching, as well as promoting and utilising DYPA’s employment and training programmes.

DYPA Governor, Spiros Protopsaltis, stated: "Signing this MoU is fully in line with the Strategic Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of Evros, announced last week by the Greek Prime Minister, which aims at stimulating both employment and entrepreneurship. DYPA consistently invests in actions aimed at strengthening the Evros labour market. Indeed, this cooperation will enable us to upskill the region's labour force, so that local businesses can find suitably trained workers possessing the necessary knowledge and skills, in cutting-edge, high-demand sectors. Our objective is to support the economic development and social cohesion of Evros".

The President of the Federation of Industries and Export Businesses of the Prefecture of Evros, Christos Giordamlis, said: "We welcome and support the government and DYPA’s initiative to alleviate the employment and labour market problems in this border region. Skilled (and unskilled) labour shortages make it difficult for the Evros manufacturing community to operate and further develop. We do hope that this MoU will contribute to the improved performance and overall progress of local businesses, also establishing a strategic alliance with DYPA, which the vast majority of our members already regard as an ally that effectively supports their operation on a daily basis."

Click here for the Press Release


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