DYPA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs join their forces against the brain gain effect

Dypa and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs join their forces against the brain gain effect


The Governor of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA), Spiros Protopsaltis, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Kotsiras signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, Wednesday, September 4th.

Aim of the MoU is to approach and inform the expatriate Greeks about the job opportunities in Greece. At the same time a framework of actions and motives (employment entrepreneurship and training opportunities, etc.) is designed and formed to provide the necessary information and re-attract the expatriate Greeks into the national labour market.

More specifically, the cooperation includes:

  • The constant update and exchange of information on initiatives, actions and national and European programmes (such as employment promotion programmes, business subsidies, etc.) concerning the employment of the expatriate Greeks, who wish to return and integrate into the national labour market.
  • The mutual utilisation of the above-mentioned information and the relevant digital material created for the websites and social media of both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (especially for those of the Greek Authorities abroad) and of DYPA to accordingly inform the expatriate Greeks.
  • The joint organisation of Information Days and other similar events (Career Days, etc.), with emphasis on countries that faced high levels of migration during the economic crisis. The above actions aim to promote the objectives of the MoU, and in particular to inform expatriate Greeks about the benefits and incentives established for their repatriation, as well as to record any proposals that may lead to the creation of new incentives.
  • The cooperation with other institutions for the implementation of the above actions.

DYPA Governor, Spiros Protopsaltis, stated: "Today we celebrate the cooperation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a cooperation that signals our commitment to initiatives aimed at the systematic information of all Greeks – especially those who emigrated during the previous years due to the economic crisis – for the significant employment and entrepreneurship opportunities emerging currently in Greece. We join our forces to form a common framework of actions, events and motives that will make the Greek labour market once again attractive for the thousands of Greeks who live and work abroad and wish to return. At the same time, our target is to move the particularly successful DYPA "Career Days" abroad, so that we can reach out to both the expatriate Greeks but also to talented persons from all over the world, thus promoting innovative actions, contributing to the repatriation of the country's human capital and contributing to the economic and social development".

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Kotsiras said: "We actively and effectively support every action that aims to strengthen our communication channels with the expatriate Greeks. Our collaboration with the Greek Public Employment Service enables us to take another step towards halting the brain drain effect, offering the Greeks who live and work abroad, constant and targeted information on the opportunities and incentives enabling them to return. The Greek authorities abroad (embassies, consulates, etc.) will contribute in the best possible way to the provision of information on initiatives, actions and programmes concerning their employment prospects in Greece and will ensure the organisation of information workshops on their return to the country. It is yet another action designed and implemented within the framework of the Foreign Ministry's Strategic Plan for Hellenism Abroad 2024 - 2027, which aims to bring Greeks abroad closer to Greece and create conditions for their return".

Click here for the Press Release



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