More than 4.500 applications for the 50 free DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS) - Apprenticeship with remuneration and insurance in 37 leading fields of study/ specialties

More than 4.500 applications for the 50 free DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS) - Apprenticeship with remuneration and insurance in 37 leading fields of study/ specialties

More than 4.500 applications were submitted for the 50 Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS) operated by DYPA for the school year 2024-25, in 37 fields of study/ specialties with a high demand in the labour market. Specifically, to date 4,673 applications have been submitted nationwide.

Enrolment is open to persons aged 15-29 (born in the years 1995-2009) who are also Junior High School graduates. Student remuneration amounts to 118,64 Euros or 148,30 Euros per week (for 4 or 5 apprenticeship days respectively) for 2 years.

You can apply using the TAXISnet login details in the following website:

More specifically the route you should follow is: → Education → School Enrolment → Enrolment in a DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS)

Since 1952 DYPA implements the Apprenticeship scheme, a dual educational system in Greece which combines the theoretical and laboratory learning in the School through the training in actual work places in the morning and theoretical courses in the afternoon (on-the-job-training). Aim of the programme is to enable the students to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge as well as the professional experience in the labour market.

EPAS students carry out their apprenticeship in the morning in private or public sector businesses in their chosen field of study/ specialty while in the afternoon they attend theoretical and laboratory courses.

Students in the DYPA EPAS Schools:

  • participate in an education course in the workplace with remuneration and insurance
  • study in modern and fully equipped laboratories and receive the necessary books and teaching aids
  • are trained by experienced and highly qualified teaching staff
  • receive a housing allowance amounting to 240 Euros/ month, as well as a food allowance amounting to 9 Euros/ day, (expanded income criteria apply)
  • are entitled to paid student's leave of absence of up to 30 days.
  • can postpone their military service.

This year the following fields of study/ specialties will be available:

  • Beauty Art
  • Silver and Goldsmith
  • Bakery – Pastry
  • Pre-school childcare assistant
  • Nursing Assistant
  • Pharmacy Assistant
  • Dairy farming - Cheese making
  • Digital Printing Graphic Arts Designer
  • Fur Processor
  • Marble Processor
  • Childcare worker
  • Hairdresser
  • Building Projects Technician
  • Culinary Art
  • Hotel Business
  • Carpenter - Furniture maker
  • Gas Fuel (Natural Gas) Technician
  • Bodywork Technician
  • Smart electronic devices and installations Technician
  • CNC Machine Tool Technician
  • Electrical Works and Lift Technician
  • Electrical System Technician for Conventional and Electric Cars
  • Thermal and Hydraulic Facilities Technician
  • Metal Craftsman
  • Aircraft Mechanic Technician
  • Engine and System Technician for Conventional and Electric Cars
  • Shipbuilding Industry Technician
  • Energy Storage Systems Technician
  • Computer System Support Technician
  • Digital Photographer and Social Media Technician
  • Refrigeration and Air-conditioning System Technician
  • Cybersecurity Systems Support Officer
  • Logistics Management Officer
  • Administrative & Financial Services Officer
  • Fabric, Costume and Fashion Designer
  • Phytotechnology Businesses - and Landscaping
  • Watch and Clock making

For more information visit the following site:

Click here for the Press Release

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