Business subsidy programme for the employment of: A 3.000 unemployed people from vulnerable social groups and B 7.000 unemployed people facing labour market (re-)integration barriers

Open program

Business subsidy programme for the employment of: A 3.000 unemployed people from vulnerable social groups and B 7.000 unemployed people facing labour market (re-)integration barriers

Α: For 3.000 unemployed persons from vulnerable social groups


To create 3.000 new full-time job for unemployed persons from vulnerable social groups.


Unemployed Persons registered with DYPA who at the date of their referral belong to one of the following categories: • persons with disabilities: • Women victims of domestic or gender violence • Former drug addicts • Former convicts • Juvenile offenders in social danger • Transgender people • Human trafficking victims • Adults who after the age of 18 continue to reside in Child Protection and Care Units and are registered in the National Register of Minors of the E.K.K.A.


Private businesses and, generally, private-sector employers regularly engaging in economic activity

• Development Companies of local government (OTA), regularly engaging in economic activity as well as municipal/ regional authority enterprises, employing Persons with Disabilities.

Β: For 7.000 unemployed people facing labour market (re-)integration barriers


To create 7.000 new full-time jobs for unemployed persons facing labour market (re)integration barriers


• Mothers returning to the labour market after raising their children and have at least one child up to the age of 8 and have been registered as unemployed for a period of 6 months • Unemployed persons over 55 registered with DYPA for a period of 12 months • Unemployed persons registered with DYPA for a period of 24 months • Unemployed  persons who have not completed compulsory education or who have completed compulsory education without subsequently progressing to a higher level of education • Unemployed members of single parent families • Roma Unemployed persons (registered with DYPA for a period of 6 months in case the business opts for the state aid regime of the General Exemption Regulation)


Private businesses and, generally, private-sector employers regularly engaging in economic activity

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