Memorandum of Understanding between DYPA and the Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority

Memorandum of Understanding between DYPA and the Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed today, Monday, July 29, by the Governor of the Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA), Spiros Protopsaltis, and the General Director of the Human Resource Development Authority (HRDA) of Cyprus, Yannis Mourouzides.

DYPA’s cooperation with the HRDA comprises workforce skills development with the aim of ensuring quality jobs, continuing vocational training and retraining for labour market integration, and the continuation of initiatives related to the European Year of Skills after its conclusion.

The MoU aims to facilitate cooperation in the areas of training and human resource development, research on topics of mutual interest, and utilization of research results. Specifically, the cooperation includes:

  • Utilizing results from research and studies in the area of training to jointly implement training activities that meet needs in both Greece and Cyprus.
  • Exchanging know-how on supporting businesses in addressing skills shortages and leveraging skills and labour need forecasts.
  • DYPA and HRDA staff training and upskilling.
  • Exchanging best practices to promote Vocational Education and Training (VET) as a potential driver for innovation and development, providing flexibility in adapting to labour market changes.
  • Mutual information on relevant initiatives, actions, and national ALMP programmes, including training, reskilling, certification, and wage subsidies for the unemployed, as well as raising workforce awareness about the need to develop new skills.
  • Exchanging best practices in training system quality assurance, functionality, and efficiency, as well as labour market integration of the unemployed through upskilling programmes.
  • Jointly organizing informational events to promote a reskilling and upskilling culture among the workforce so that they can retain their current jobs or find new ones, better meeting their career goals.

DYPA Governor, Spiros Protopsaltis, said, "As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our measures and services, DYPA consistently strengthens partnerships aimed at exchanging know-how and best practices, and invests in staff training. Especially in the crucial area of workforce upskilling, it is indeed vital to be continuously aware of and effectively utilize research findings and best practices in order to ensure the quality of vocational training and its alignment with actual labour market needs. I am confident that our cooperation with the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus will be mutually beneficial and will significantly contribute to our common effort for quality and effective training that leads to employment and career advancement."

General Director Yiannis Mourouzides remarked, "I regard the signing of the MoU with DYPA as a very significant further step towards promoting HRDA's vision for the continuous enrichment of the knowledge and skills of Cyprus's workforce. I am grateful to the Governor and the staff of DYPA, and I am confident that our cooperation, especially in terms of labour market research, lifelong learning activities for employees, and integrating the unemployed into the labour market, will significantly contribute to our joint effort to optimize our human resources."

Click here for the Press Release








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